Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1205: That man is gone

"Lao San, it seems that Cai'er is also a loli, watch it tight, but don't be abducted by the elder brother awakening some bad hobby."


A hand knife swept down, and Huang Tianyang was beaten directly on the ground.

"Now when you say bad things about me, I speak so openly. I really can't hear you!"

Huang Jianzhi kicked his second child away, saw dried fruits on the table, and ate alone on the sofa.

"Big Brother, I'm joking, can I start with a lighter shot? I have a bag on my head." Huang Tianyang got up crying and laughing.

I deserve it, dare to make fun of my baby girl, if my elder brother doesn't teach you a lesson, I will dig a hole for you to jump.

Huang Tianwu thought happily when he saw the second brother's fate.

"You can't be joking. Whoever has awakened the monster's attributes, who has controlled it, you are naked and ruining my image. It's light enough without letting you lie in the hospital for a few months." Huang Jianzhi said.

I don't seem to have said the word "lo*ic*n", brother, are you guilty of conscience? Huang Tianyang didn't dare to say it, so he could only think secretly with contempt in his heart.

"Yes, little brother shouldn't be joking, little brother is wrong, thank you elder brother for being merciful." Huang Tianyang said helplessly.

"Brother, the five empires have already assembled the strong, and they will probably launch a general attack on us tomorrow. Should we start to be strong?" Huang Tianwu asked.

"They are all assembled, so what are you waiting for? Just kill them directly." Huang Jianzhi stood up and said.

"Big brother, we..."

"You don't have to do anything, just go watch the show, or collect their bodies."

"Brother, awesome~"


In the Empire Alliance camp, the five strongest Heavenly Luo experts were meeting. Suddenly, they raised their heads in the void and looked towards the Star Alliance.

"Interesting, I didn't expect outsiders to be so anxious to die, and want to wait for tomorrow. It seems that they don't need it," said the Tianluo powerhouse on the side of the Yous Empire.

"Strange, they should know that we have five Tianluo strong people, according to common sense."

"They should run away and close the alien door to disconnect from the Tianyuan Continent. How could they take the initiative to launch an offensive against us."

"No, they think that we just entered the initial stage of the Tianluo realm, and the realm is still unstable, and they want to take a gamble." The Tianluo powerhouse on the side of the Shenguang Empire guessed.

"It's very likely, but what they don't know is that we are generally all strong in the late Tianluo period."

"They don't even know how effective the sacrifice of the small world is, otherwise, how could we only have a life span of ten years." The Tianluo powerhouse from the Ming Realm Empire laughed.

"When they come, then we will act according to our plan, first use their hands to kill all the other powerful forces we brought, and then we will kill them all, killing two birds with one stone."

The words of the Dark Night Emperor got the acquiescence of other Tianluo powerhouses, and then they led the powerhouses of other forces to prepare to meet the outsiders.

Half a pillar of incense was not there, and the Empire Alliance and the Star Alliance once again confronted each other in the sky.

"I want to know how you broke through to this level, is it related to your special world?" The ancestor of the Shenguang Empire asked first.

"It's this question again. You are endless. Apart from this question, you have no other questions."

Huang Jianzhi replied speechlessly, and let the people behind him step back, preparing to start alone with ten thousand enemies.

"What do you mean, want to deal with all of us alone, do you take yourself too seriously."

The emperor of the night naturally saw that Huang Jianzhi's posture was obviously that he wanted to deal with all of them alone, which made them very angry. When did they be looked down upon like this.

"Come on, solve you guys quickly, and I can go back to eat quickly." Huang Jianzhi waved defiantly.

"He is only one person, you go first, help us consume his physical strength, and then leave it to us."

Although the Dark Night Emperor was very angry, they did not forget to use the hands of outsiders to achieve their goals, but the strong from other forces were not stupid, and they dared not rush forward.

"What are so many of you afraid of? He is a strong person. As long as you cooperate well, it's not that you can't hurt him."

The five Tianluo powerhouses saw that the others were too slow to do anything, and they all exuded a dangerous aura and persecuted them.

"I wanted to give you the opportunity to shoot, but you don't cherish it, but if it is so, then you don't need to do it."

"Time forbidden"

As soon as Huang Jianzhi's words fell, the time in Tianyuan Continent stopped.

The whole world was gray and white, and it was terribly quiet. The Emperor of the Night and the others stood motionless like statues, and even their consciousness was stopped.

"Go, chop off their heads and put them together."

Huang Jianzhi said to Huang Tianyang who was shocked behind him, it was obvious that Huang Jianzhi had given him the ability to act in time.

"Well, oh, what are you doing in a daze, chop!"

The two brothers Huang Tianyang woke up first, and hurriedly called others to chop off the enemy's heads one by one and put them together. There were tens of thousands of them.


Huang Jianzhi slapped the palm of his hand to lift the time prohibition, and the world returned to normal again.

During the time when time stopped, they did not have any awareness of the Dark Night Emperor. When time returned to normal, their consciousness also returned to the moment when time stopped.

For them, they all became short in an instant. Seeing when a group of tall enemies were surrounded by them, they panicked instantly, wanting to resist or want to get out of the way.

In the next second, they were completely uncomfortable, their bodies were gone, pain and powerlessness that were difficult to describe in words surged up, they knew what was going on, they were separated by the enemy's corpse.

They are all powerful, their individual vitality is extremely strong, and their heads were chopped off, their consciousness did not dissipate so quickly, and all their heads were in inexplicable fear.

"What happened, why am I here, where is my body?"

"Illusion, it must be an illusion, how could a group of us be chopped off their heads by the enemy without knowing it..."

"No, it's true, the vitality is flowing fast..."

The people whose consciousness was gradually dissipating finally realized that they were afraid, but it was too late, the vitality was quickly lost, and they only had a few breaths in the remaining time.

"What have you done, so many of us will become like this in an instant." The ancestor Heilong asked with horror in his eyes.

"I just stopped time!" Huang Jianzhi replied casually.

"Take,, time to stop, you, you monster,,,"

The Dark Night Emperor, they all understand, their enemies are not humans at all, and what can stop time besides the legendary gods and demons.

"Naturally breaking through to the Celestial Realm is generally possible to seize the house, but unfortunately you did not break through naturally, and you have no chance to seize the house."

"Goodbye, we will take care of the Tianyuan Continent for you."

Huang Jianzhi took a breath, blowing tens of thousands of heads into dust and ashes away.

"Go, take down the entire Tianyuan Continent."

The Tianyuan Continent, which had lost its high-end combat power, could not resist the Star Yuan Federation's strategy. Those who surrendered were forced to surrender.

In less than half a year, the Tianyuan Continent was fully controlled by the Star Alliance.

"You are leaving"

Another year later, Huang Chengde looked at Huang Jianzhi in the Huang Mansion of Norwegian University.


Huang Jianzhi nodded and said.

"Can you come back?"

"I don't know, it may come back, or it may not come back." Huang Jianzhi said.

"Don't say goodbye to others?"

"No, I don't bother to watch them cry. Old man, I will increase your lifespan a lot, enough for you to live a long time."

"In your shadow, there are two strong puppets hidden, very strong. I'm not here, they will protect you and the Huang family for me."

Huang Jianzhi disappeared after speaking, obviously leaving.

"Big brother is gone!"

Huang Tianwu said with red eyes while looking at the monitor at home in the office.

"It's really an arrogant elder brother, and he won't say goodbye to us even if he leaves." Huang Tianyang said, holding back his tears.

"I hope we still have a chance to see Big Brother in the future..."

End of this volume...

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