Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1237: Identification

"Grandfather, don't you have a higher ideal?" Huang Xuanqing's eyes turned and tugged at the grandfather again.

"Ideal? What does this thing have to do with me."

Huang Jianzhi can only hehe with ideals in his heart.

"Grandpa, you have got the inheritance of a top alchemist, and you have broken through to the foundation building stage. In the future, you should have a higher pursuit. The mere elders of the outer door, grandpa, you will be satisfied."

"What do you want to say?"

Huang Jianzhi asked.

"Grandpa, the water flows to low places, and people go to high places. Grandpa, you have the inheritance of a top alchemist and you think you have a talent for alchemy. Why not develop in this direction."

"Tianyi Sect does not have an alchemy branch. Grandpa, you can try it. The identity of an alchemy master will be respected there."

"You have a genuine identity. You don't have to be sneaky if you want to practice alchemy. As long as you don't be too good with your grandfather, no one knows that your grandfather has the inheritance of top alchemists and elixir."

Huang Xuanqing felt that Grandpa Grandpa shouldn't stop making progress now, and suggested Grandpa Grandpa develop in a favorable direction.

"I'm old, and I don't have the enthusiasm of your young people. I have been mediocre for hundreds of years, and suddenly become outstanding, it will be noticeable."

"Your life has just begun, and I belong to the old era. Sooner or later, this world belongs to your young people." Huang Jianzhi shook his head and said.

"But Grandpa doesn't even fight, isn't it..."

"I want you to teach me how to do things. Are my wings hard? I want to take care of my grandfather's affairs." Huang Jianzhi stared at Huang Xuanqing and said.

"It's not for your grandfather's sake..."

Huang Xuanqing didn't dare to talk back, so he could only lower his head and whispered in a low voice.

"Grandpa, Brother Xuanqing doesn't mean anything else, I just want you to have a better life." Huang Caiyan helped Huang Xuanqing speak.

"Okay, don't talk about it, just leave my business alone. Go back to your room and rest. Tomorrow is your turning point..."

After Huang Jianzhi finished speaking, he drove the two little guys out.

Only less than half a time for the fragrance, Huang Caiyan returned, and was hovering outside Huang Jianzhi's door, hesitating whether to knock on Huang Jianzhi's door or not.

"It's Xiao Yaner! Come in."

Huang Caiyan, who was hesitating, didn't think that grandfather would find her outside so soon. When she heard the cry of grandfather, she didn't hesitate and pushed the door and walked in.


Huang Caiyan bowed her head to respectfully greet Grandpa Tai.

"It's so late, why didn't you go to rest, why did you come back again?" Huang Jianzhi asked.

"Grandpa, the cornerstone you rented should be okay." Huang Caiyan asked the grandpa with complex pigments in her eyes.

"Well, no problem, it's just that the level of Dao's cornerstone is a little lower." Huang Jianzhi replied calmly.

"The grandfather knew that there was no problem with that cornerstone of Taoism, so why didn't he be curious about my spiritual root level and tried his best to cover it up for me, why?"

Huang Caiyan raised a trace of courage, and asked with a trace of tension in her tone.

"I saw it a long time ago, what else is curious." Huang Jianzhi said calmly.

"Grandpa, what do you see?"

When Huang Caiyan heard the words, there was a trace of panic in her eyes, and her whole heart was also lifted, and she asked nervously.

"Half-human and half-demon, the demon power has also awakened very early."

Huang Caiyan's eyes slowly enlarged, and she was really seen through by her grandfather.

"Too, grandpa, when did you find out?"

Huang Caiyan could see that Grandpa had already determined that she was half-human and half-demon, and it was only in vain to explain her. She wanted to know how Grandpa discovered her.

"As soon as I saw you, I found out that looking and practicing alchemy are my strengths. I never lie to others."

"I have seen a lot of information from your face, and it is not surprising to know that you are half-human and half-demon." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

I'm planted, I'm planted on the innocent means of seeing things, is Grandpa Tai so powerful, and operating the innocent means to the point of prying into fate.

"Grandpa, what are you going to do with me?"

Huang Caiyan said disheartenedly.

"What do you do with you?"

Huang Jianzhi asked with a smile.

"Don't deal with me, I'm half-human and half-demon..."

Huang Caiyan thought that after the showdown, the grandfather would not wait to see her, even clear the door or drive her away, but seeing the appearance of the grandfather, the grandfather didn't seem to care much about her being half-human and half-demon.

"When you call me grandfather, you are my little great-great-grandson. What am I doing with you is because you are half-human and half-demon." Huang Jianzhi said indifferently.

"Grandpa, you can tell from my looks that I am half-human and half-demon, then you should also be able to see that I came to Tianyi Sect with a secret."

"Once my half-human and half-demon identity is seen through by Tianyizong, grandpa, you are not afraid that I will be burdened to Huang's house."

Huang Caiyan didn't expect her grandfather to recognize her as a little great-great-great-grandson. This excites her and at the same time does not want her grandfather to recognize her. She is afraid that the whole Huang family will be affected.

"Then you just work hard not to be seen through"

Huang Jianzhi didn't care what Huang Caiyan did when she came to Tianyi Sect. It didn't matter if Tianyi Sect was destroyed. In his heart, his family was more important than the sect.

Huang Caiyan was speechless at once, grandpa made a lot of sense.

"Take it, this is yours, Xuanqing is a bit silly, you should look at him more in the future."

Huang Jianzhi lost a small medicine bottle to Huang Caiyan, which contained the Immortal Pill.

"Grandpa, you said that Brother Xuanqing has a catastrophe in the future, I don't know..."

Huang Caiyan didn't care much about her grandfather taking out one more celestial pill. She remembered that grandfather had said that her sweetheart had a catastrophe, and even thinking that grandfather looked so good, she had to worry about Huang Xuanqing's situation. "

"Causes are fate and cannot be changed. What he has experienced is still to be experienced. Also, there is more than one catastrophe for Xiao Xuanqing, and I have already talked to a few." Huang Jianzhi said calmly.

"Grandpa, is there any way to avoid fate?" Huang Caiyan asked.

"Yes, work hard to become stronger, strong enough to control your own destiny, fate..."


Another day in a blink of an eye

Huang Jianzhi also got the whereabouts of two little great-great-grandsons.

Huang Xuanqing went to the gate of Jianlingfeng-Yuyang Daozun, and Huang Caiyan went to the gate of Xiaoyufeng-Yanlan Daozun.

Both of them just worshipped their respective peak masters, but they were not qualified to worship their respective peak masters as their teachers.

They are only inner disciples, who have grown to true disciples, and may be eligible to be accepted by their respective peak masters.

When night came, Huang Caiyan made an appointment with someone in the depths of the darkness.

"Are you my answer in Tianyizong?"

Huang Caiyan looked at the young man with extraordinary temperament in front of her and asked.

"Kun Yangfeng, Ma Rongfei, half-human and half-demon like you, true disciple,," Ma Rongfei said with a smile.

"only you?"

Huang Caiyan didn't believe the Yaozu, so she sent two or three people into the Tianyi Sect. ..

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