Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 807: decision making

"Li Si, if I want to beat them or beat them severely, what can we do?" Ying Zheng looked at Li Si and asked.

"Your Majesty, in terms of our national strength, it is too difficult to win this war. Unless the people all over the world come to heart and the major forces help us, otherwise we will have lost by military power alone." Li Si wrinkled. Brow thought and said.

"Now that the major forces have received millions of military power from the Anti-Qin Alliance, do you think they might help us." Ying Zheng himself did not believe that other forces would help the empire.

"Yes, as long as they are descendants of Yan and Huang, they will know the consequences of being invaded by people who are not ours, because they know that the foreign enemy invades successfully, that is when the family is destroyed and the family is destroyed."

"How our forces in the Central Plains are fighting, that is also an internal matter of my descendants of Yan and Huang. Now that foreign enemies invade, as long as we grasp it well, there are still many forces to help us." Li Si said affirmatively.

"There are some forces that help the empire, but we are still not sure of victory. After all, the number of foreign enemy's troops is still increasing. As long as the specific number is uncertain, I feel uneasy."

"I want to be sure of victory. I want to beat this group of wolves to the point that it hurts. Li Si, do you have a way?" Ying Zheng continued to ask.

"There is indeed a way to win."

"any solution?"

Ying Zheng suddenly looked at Li Si with a little expectation.

"That is to collect all seven dragon **** and wish us to win in this war, or ask the fairy to help us." Li Si thought for a moment and said.

"The empire has only collected two dragon **** for this purpose. You think that only seven dragon **** have been collected in the Year of the Monkey."

"If you ask an immortal to take action, it's even more impossible. The immortal is aloof. When have you ever seen an immortal face a mortal?" Ying Zheng said disappointedly.

"Your Majesty, this matter is related to the fate of the descendants of Yan and Huang, and now the immortals are in the human sect, maybe we can try it, maybe the immortals take care of us and help us teach these wolves to foreign enemies." Li Si suggested.

"Foreign enemies only know that the immortal left seven dragon **** in the Central Plains, but they don't know that the immortal has already appeared, and he is in the human sect at this moment."

"The fairy is our last hole card. We won't show the hole card if it's not a last resort."

"Li Si, give my order to stop the construction of the Great Wall, tombs, Afang Palace, etc., and let coolies, builders, slaves, and prisoners form a new combat force and send them to the border."

"Tell slaves and death row prisoners that by killing three enemies, they will be able to regain their freedom. The more they kill, not only tax exemptions but also rewards, and those who have contributed a lot can also choose to be officials in the empire."

"Counting these temporary formations, the imperial army is close to more than four million, but the temporary formations have little effect in the face of the real barbarian army."

"The army of close to more than four million, the actual combat power is probably only more than two million, and there is still a partial gap in the face of the anti-Qin alliance that is still growing." Said in thinking about winning politics.

"Your Majesty, do you really put all the empire's military power into the battlefield, if at this time, the remnants of the Six Kingdoms take the opportunity to rebel," Li Si said hesitantly.

"I will not be foolish to invest all of our military strength. The necessary strategic deployment still needs to be guarded by troops. Moreover, the remnants of the Six Kingdoms will not act foolishly in times of national crisis, unless they want to face a wolf that is more ferocious than Qin. ."

"However, you can also use this crisis to solve some of my heart troubles, and then pass the order on, as long as the descendants of Yan and Huang, no matter which force or the remnants of the six nations, just stand on the side of the empire and fight against foreign enemies."

"Contributors, even if you have had a hostile relationship with Qin before, I forgive you, and more than that, as long as the war is won, I am willing to share with you a masterpiece." Ying Zheng ordered.

"Your Majesty, this trick is really high. It gives the remnants of the Six Nations a chance to choose whether to continue to fight the empire or recognize the rule of the empire."

"Because of the national crisis, most of the remnants of the Six Nations will let go of their grievances with the empire and stand with the empire against foreign enemies."

"In addition to the temptation of the ancient fairy book, not to mention the remaining people of the Six Nations, the hundreds of families, the major forces, and the hidden families will choose to help the empire."

"With the help of the major forces, the descendants of Yan and Huang have almost twisted into a group to fight against foreign enemies, and our chances of winning are greatly increased."

"Recalculating now, we estimate that our total strength has reached five million. Excluding the necessary strength, we can send about four million to the border to fight, and the actual combat power has reached more than three million."

"Similar to the foreign enemy's army, now I only hope that the foreign enemy's army will not grow too much, otherwise the balance will change again." Li Si solemnly said.

"I can destroy the six nations, and I can also destroy them. Now go down and declare the decree I just made to the whole world. Within a few days, try to gather the army as much as possible." Ying Zheng ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty."


"Have you heard that Qin Shihuang has prepared millions of troops to fight foreign enemies. Although I am the remnant of the Six Nations, I don't want Qin Shihuang to lose. After all, Qin Shihuang loses. Then our descendants of Yan and Huang were arbitrarily bullied by foreigners."

"Well, I don't want Qin Shihuang to lose. Those who are not from our clan will be punishable. Foreign enemies only invade us because of our resources. How can we make them succeed."

"We must win. My son is in the army. I think my son can return safely."

"Let’s go, we are robbers. We have no other skills. We have strength. Now the opportunity comes. The more foreign enemies we kill, the greater our contribution. Maybe one of us can be an official. Go, go and kill the foreign enemy with the boss. ."

After the order to win the government was passed down, everyone in the world responded, and the national sentiment rose inexplicably. Similarly, the major forces were also excited by Qin Shihuang's words.

"It's great. Winning government even gave up on sharing the masterpiece of the fairy tales. With so many orders and promises, I think the probability of the empire will be greatly increased. We will send our privately raised dead men to help the empire, and we will also provide some food. Get out."

"Help, or not help. In the case of war, it will be deadly, but the opportunity to watch the ancient fairy book is only one time. No, the ancient fairy book must be read, maybe I have a fate with the ancient fairy book."

Many forces chose to help the empire because of the masterpiece of the immortal book, and of course some were due to other reasons.

"Young Master, have you really decided to help Qin Country?" Zengfan asked hesitantly.

"Master Fan, I'm not helping Qin, I'm helping the people of the world, foreign enemies are watching the Central Plains, I'm just doing what a descendant of Yan and Huang dynasty should do." ..

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