Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 813: Strangers

"General Meng, we trust you, give your order, what shall we do next."

The major forces in the hall have also become more confident because of the vows, and the national consciousness has been united in an unprecedented way.

"Young Master, have you seen that, regardless of whether Qin State wins or loses in this war, others will only remember Qin State but not the former Chu State." Fan Zeng saw Mengkuo twist everyone into one heart and let him Can not help but lament for the former Chu State.

"Master Fan, let alone this, they are all descendants of Yan and Huang, as long as they are not bullied by foreign enemies, the Qin State and Chu State are not important anymore." Xiang Yu has already seen a lot.

"Everyone, get the tip. The Alliance of Kings has already assembled its troops. It will launch an attack on us tomorrow, so we must preemptively." Meng Kuo thought for a moment and said.

"General Meng, how to preemptively?"

"For food and grass, the army must not be short of food. Once there is a shortage of food, the military will be in chaos. Once more than 20 dynasties are in chaos, we will win." Mengkuo said seriously.

"General Meng, what are you waiting for, let's burn their grain and grass now." Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard it.

"Everyone knows how important the grain and grass are. Although we have found the location of an enemy's grain warehouse, it is heavily guarded, not just burning it." Mengkuo waved everyone to calm down.

"Is there only one grain depot? It is impossible for an army of more than five million people to have only one grain depot, but it is not easy to find one."

"Burning does not have much effect on the Alliance of Kings, but it definitely hits their aura, and can also improve our military spirit. This grain depot must be burned." There is no shortage of wise men in the hall, and they all know how important it is to burn the grain depot. .

"Give it to the Mo family, we can take the big organ bird to throw a torch in the sky and burn their grain depot." Yan Dan knew that the reputation of their Mo family was coming, and quickly pushed Tianming out.

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Tianming in surprise. This was indeed a good way, but the blindfolded eyes were still a bit disappointed.

"The grain storehouse is not on the broad ground, but in a hidden cave. How can you throw a torch in the sky to burn it?" Mengkuo raised his hand to stop everyone's movement and said calmly.

"Hehe, embarrassing, you want to set fire from the sky, you really don't have a smart person in more than twenty dynasties." At this time, Xiang Yu squeezed to Tianming's side and smiled.

"Go away, the last person I want to see is you. I don't even yell when I see my big brother. I don't have a little brother like you." Tianming said unconvinced.

"Haha...I'm still a little brother, wait for you to grow taller and talk about it."



"What, it's impossible to put the grain in the cave. How can they put the grain in the cave in this kind of weather and such a geographical location? Are they not afraid of mold or dampness in the grain?"

"Do they have a special way to preserve food in the cave? There are more than 20 dynasties. Maybe there is a dynasty that has this technology."

For a time, everyone in the hall came in one after another, and most of them felt that there was really someone in the Alliance of Kings who could store food in the cave.

"Have you ever considered, this may be a trap!" A voice suddenly sounded from the crowd.

Everyone turned their heads to look at the person who made the sound. When they saw that it was Mr. Zhang Liangzifang, everyone in the hall fell silent.

"Why is he here? Doesn't he dislike Qin State."

"He comes, and our chances of winning are even greater."

"We have heard a lot about his name, so I don't know if he is so rumored."

The moment everyone saw Zhang Liang, they all murmured to the people around them in amazement.

"I remember you, you were the one who helped us, why did you come?" Tianming approached Zhang Liang and asked.

"Secret, I won't tell you!"

Zhang Liang smiled at Tianming and walked towards Mengkuo.

"The Ovary has seen General Meng." Zhang Liang bowed slightly to Mengkuo.

"I have heard your rumors, why do you say this is a trap?" Meng Kuo asked calmly.

"General Meng, with an army of more than five million people, it is impossible to have only one grain depot, but so many grain depots were not found, so they just found a cave grain depot. This is a suspicious point."

"More than 20 dynasties, there must be a lot of people who have made suggestions. Maybe they really have the technology to store food in the cave, but it is also possible that they store food in the cave just to confuse our sight, making us think that they are really capable of preserving food and grass in the cave."

"The more this happens, the more I suspect this is a trap." Zhang Liang said calmly.

"Then can you predict where they will hide the real grain?" Blindfolded eyes were very calm. He did not refute Zhang Liang's words, but seriously asked Zhang Liang for advice.

"No, I don't know much about more than twenty dynasties, I have to get a feel for it to know." Zhang Liang said.

"The war is going to start tomorrow. How long will it take you to get to know them?" Mengkuo asked.

"This is not clear. It may be a day, a few days, or even longer, but the cave grain depot will still be burned tonight. After all, whether it is a trap or not, you have to try the water, in case it is a real grain depot. , Then it will be interesting." Zhang Liang said with a smile.

"How many people do you need?" Meng Kuo asked directly.

"Just try the water. You don't need too many people. It's enough to have the Mo family and public losers help me."


"Mr. Zifang, are we really okay? There are heavy guards there. Just a few of us are okay." Master Ban said as he looked at the three organs behind him.

"If you have any questions, I won't know if we have any problems. Suspect, we seem to have arrived. Sure enough, there are so many troops. The dense density is really scary. They seem to have discovered us."

"It's the cave. Throw away the organ beasts, organ tigers, organ snakes, etc. that you are good at destroying. Don't worry about whether the grain depot really collapses. I'm saying that simple and rude are my favorites. ."

Master Ban and the public losers see Zhang Liang being so simple and rude, and they don't care about anything. They throw away the specially modified demolition mechanism beasts and so on.

"What is this? How could the people of the Central Plains create such a monster."

"No, it's terrible, how to fight it, it will either be minced or shredded."

"No, they are heading into the cave, stop them."

For a while, the heavy soldiers guarding the entrance of the cave were all roaring, and they really had no way to face the organ monsters.

Just as a mechanism beast was approaching the entrance of the cave, densely packed poisonous bees flew out of the entrance of the cave and pounced on the mechanism beast, but the mechanism beast was not afraid and continued to advance into the cave.

"Sure enough, it's a trap. So many poisonous bees are used to entertain our invasion, but it's a pity that the invaders are organ beasts, not humans."

"Suspicious, a mechanism beast seems to have stopped moving, and it is covered with corrosive termites. There are still many strange people and strangers in the Alliance of Kings. I don't know which of them or our Central Plains philosophers is more powerful. Up."

"Interesting and interesting, but there are still a few organ beasts entering the cave, Master Class, Mr. Public Loss, let's do it." Zhang Liang smiled. ..

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