Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 815: Drums of war

"Poison bat, you don't mean that the sky is your home field. Anyone attacking us from the sky can you keep them? How can you let the enemy run away this time." The Roman Empire monarch looked at his men dissatisfied .

"The monarch, the villain underestimates the enemy. I didn't expect that there will be someone in the Central Plains who can control the birds, and the number is extremely large. The villain was worried that there would be changes in the rear, so he did not completely kill with that person."

"However, the villain can guarantee that as long as he sees him on the battlefield, the villain promises to let him come back and forth." The little western man who controls the bat colony said with a face wiped cold sweat on his forehead in panic.

"The Roman monarch, the strange people and strangers you brought are just what we need. The people of the Central Plains have hundreds of families, and they also have strange and capable people. I am afraid to rely on your hands to deal with these special people." The Maurya King smiled Said.

"To deal with the strange people and strangers of the Central Plains, it is not enough to rely on my men. You also know that the big birds made of ordinary wood by the Central Plains can fly into the sky. This is completely incredible."

"From this point of view, it has fully demonstrated how difficult the Central Plains people are. If we don't want to lose, the strange men and strangers of more than 20 dynasties must gather and cooperate." The Roman Empire monarch said seriously.

"I agree with the Roman monarchs. The civilization of the Central Plains is longer than ours. Who knows if they have hidden mysterious and terrible power. If we want to win, we must be united." King Hun nodded in agreement.

The kings of more than 20 dynasties also nodded secretly after hearing this. They were facing opponents whose civilization was older than them. The older the civilization, the more terrifying the nation.

For a time, more than twenty dynasties agreed to King Xiongnu's words, and all the strange men and strangers under his hand gathered together for a unified arrangement.

"The trap we set was seen through by the Central Plains people, but why did they send someone to destroy our trap? They are not afraid of coming back and forth." At this time, a certain king said hesitantly.

"Maybe they are testing the water, or want to slap us in the face, but no matter what, we still lose them. This is a shame, and only the blood of the Central Plains can be cleaned." The king of the Peacock Dynasty held it slightly. Said the fist.

"Yes, it takes their blood to cleanse the shame. Everyone knows how important food is to the army. Their idea of ​​hitting our food, shouldn't we not hitting their idea of ​​food."

"It's a pity that the spies who entered the Central Plains to inquire about intelligence seemed to have been swallowed up by the sea, and there was no news." King Xiongnu said regretfully.

"We can't find the location of their food, and they still can't find the location of our food and grass. They want to make the idea of ​​our food and grass, they are still a little tender." The Roman Empire monarch sneered.

"Indeed, it is better for the Roman monarchs to let the Central Plains people die without knowing where our food and grass are hidden." The kings of other dynasties laughed in unison.

"Our military strength is made up of elites from various dynasties, with more than five million. Although the Central Plains also assembled more than five million, they are all combined forces, and they are simply not comparable to us. "

"As long as we don't make mistakes, we will definitely win. Tomorrow will be the time for us to compete with the people of Central Plains."

"Come on, let us toast, to the victory that is coming tomorrow." The Roman monarch exclaimed triumphantly holding his glass aloft.

"Cheers, let us win the race."


The kings seemed to fantasize about the victory of tomorrow’s war, and they talked and laughed and confided in their wine and joy.


At some point in the morning of the next day, the war drums of the two huge legions rang in unison. At the moment when the war drums sounded, people all over the world knew that an unprecedented war was about to break out.

"Fang Long, Fong Long,,,"

The sound of the trembling battle drums tightened the muscles of the huge legions on both sides, and the huge legions of five million on each side gathered together. The scene was not known to be spectacular, and the crowd was full of human heads.

The crowds are no longer enough to describe the scenes at the scene, but at a glance, they are all boundless troops.

It didn't take long for the huge legions on both sides to gather and confront each other nervously. Although the two legions were two or three kilometers apart, many soldiers couldn't help swallowing when they saw this formation.

Seeing this situation, the philosophers of Baijia and the major hidden families also numbed their scalp and couldn't help but clenched the weapons in their hands, as if the weapons in their hands could give them a sense of security.

"There are too many people, they all look very fierce, can we win?" Tianming said in shock in the crowd.

"Giant, why did you come here? Didn't you let you stay behind?" Gao Jianli said in surprise when he saw Tianming suddenly appear.

"I am a giant of the Mo family, your boss, you are all here to kill the enemy, don't you want to hide behind me as the boss," Tian Ming said dissatisfied.

"Giant, this is different. You are still a child. The cruelty of war is not what you can imagine. If you are not careful, you will die." Sledgehammer urged anxiously.

"Who doesn't know the cruelty of war, but you want to leave me behind, it's impossible." Tianming just didn't want to go back.

"Snow Girl, you are here at the right time, tie him back to me and forbid him to enter the battlefield."

When Yan Dan saw Xue Nu rushing over, she knew that the restless Tianming had definitely sneaked out on the Xue Nu not paying attention.

"I am your giant, you, you,,,"

Tianming wanted to say something, but he had been **** with Xue Nu's white gauze into rice dumplings, and even his mouth was sealed by the white gauze.

"be careful,,,"

Xue Nu looked at Gao Jianli worriedly, and carried Tianming back.

"This grassland will soon be stained with blood. I don't know how many parents can't see their son go home." Zhang Liang scanned the League of Kings Army, his face became more and more solemn, and he couldn't help but lament.

"This is a war, and people will always die. What we can do now is to win this war. Otherwise, the parents who are waiting at home will not see the return of their son, but the butchers of foreign enemies." Mengkuo Coldly scanning the League of Kings Legion.

"You know, I didn't want to come to the border. After all, you Qin State did a lot of harm to the people of the Six Nations, but I still came. I didn't say the reason. You may have guessed it." Zhang Liang said calmly. .

Mengkuo didn't speak, but nodded slightly.

"Although the two armies are facing each other now, a full-scale war is impossible at the beginning. They don't understand us, and we don't understand them. Everyone is worried that such a large-scale war will have unexpected accidents." ..

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