Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 821: Luo Lao General Pendant

"Congratulations to General Meng, who won the victory and killed the enemy's eighty to ninety thousand soldiers at a small price. This is unprecedented." Zhang Liang also said with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Ovang is the credit of the gods and the philosophers. It's not that you disrupted the enemy's formation. We won so easily." Mengkuo thanked everyone happily.

"It's all for the nation, and General Meng doesn't need to be so polite." Everyone offered to say.

"How can only people like us know such great good news? Let the order go on and pass the results of the battle to the army, and even to the people of the world."

"There are also soldiers who sacrificed to be buried, giving their relatives ten times the previous compensation. The seriously injured soldiers will write down their names, and they will be reused in the future." Mengkuo ordered the soldier.

"Yes, General Meng."

The soldier was very excited at the moment, because he was one of more than a thousand seriously wounded soldiers, and one of his arms was gone.

His rank is not small. After obtaining the statistical results, he resolutely ignored the wounds on his body and came forward to report that he thought he would eliminate him as a **** without the empire.

But when he heard that the seriously injured soldiers would reuse them in the future, he was a little moved to tears. With one arm gone, he might not continue to serve as a soldier, but I believe the empire will reward him accordingly.

"The mechanism techniques of the Mohist family and the public transportation clan really opened our eyes to the insect control technique of the Worm Valley, and the white phoenix of the quicksand," Mengkuo tirelessly thanked those who have contributed.

"The fire ladybug in my Worm Valley is gone, and it won't have much effect on the next battlefield." The insect king said frustratedly.

"King of Insects, if it wasn't for your fire ladybug to destroy the poisonous bee colony, then my soldiers don't know how much damage they have suffered. The fire ladybugs cultivated by your insect valley for hundreds of years are enough. I will report to your majesty. Your credit for Worm Valley." Mengkuo said affirmatively.

"Then thank you General Meng, although we don’t have the fire ladybug anymore, we still have other zerg insects."

"Although the effect is not as great as the Fire Ladybug, I believe the Zerg in Worm Valley will help the empire." When the insect king saw that General Meng had said so, then he was still interested in quitting.

"Although we have won the trial war, it has no effect on the number of enemies. What should we do next?" Mengkuo asked the people calmly.

"I think we should take advantage of the victory. The enemy will definitely be affected by this battle. Our soldiers have reached the extreme in their fighting spirit and momentum. At this moment, the most powerful full-scale war has broken out."

"No, the enemy has a real combat power of more than five million. Although we also have an army of five million, the actual combat power is at most more than three million, which is still far from the enemy."

"What if there is a gap? There are fewer wars to win more with less? Now is the best time for us to attack. If you miss it, it will be gone."

Everyone in the hall suddenly started talking.

"Mr. Zifang, do you have any suggestions?"

Mengkuo was also quite annoyed when he saw the discussion in the hall, but he didn't lose his temper. After all, these talents had just helped him win the probing war, so he couldn't help but ask Zhang Liang, who was calm on the side.


Zhang Liang said calmly.


"Although this is indeed the best time to take advantage of the victory, there is still a lot of gap between us and the Alliance of Kings. We can only play tricks with them." Zhang Liang said calmly.

"It seems that this can only be done."

Mengkuo also knew that what Zhang Liang was talking about was the facts. There was indeed a lot of gap between their army and the army of the Alliance of Kings, and a true all-out war could not break out at this moment.


Inside the Alliance of Kings Tent


The sound of a cup being broken.

"May I say, why have to test their strength? Their army is gathered together. As long as we have a full-scale war, we will pay a great price, but we must win."

"It's all right now. The temptation is defeated, and our military's morale has been affected. It won't work if we want to start a full-scale war these few days."

"You said there is any good way to defeat them as soon as possible. We are not fighting locally. Many soldiers have already become unaccustomed to water and soil, coupled with food and grass problems."

"If we can't beat them, we will be gone in a month," one of the kings said unwillingly.

The other kings gritted their teeth and didn't know how to speak. These problems did appear in their situation. If they couldn't win within a month, they would lose.

"How about the casualties of our soldiers?" The Roman monarch did not say anything when he saw him, or came from the statistics soldiers to ask.

"Sovereign, this, this,," The statistical soldier saw the heavy breath in the tent, and was scared whether to speak.


Shouted the Roman monarch.

"Report to the monarch that 200,000 troops and 110,000 soldiers have been killed. More than 30,000 soldiers have been seriously injured and have no ability to fight again, except for minor injuries. Only 10,000 or 20,000 soldiers are intact." The statistics soldier said in a cold sweat.

As soon as this data came out, the aura in the entire tent of the Alliance of Kings became heavier, and many kings clenched their fists in anger.

"How about the casualties of the enemy?" King Xiongnu gritted his teeth and asked with anger in his heart.

"About the death toll is less than five thousand." The statistics soldier knelt on the ground shaking his head and said.


One of the tables was turned over by a certain king.

"What are you talking about? Do you dare to tell the truth? We all have 110,000 soldiers dead. How could they be less than 5,000? Tell us how many they died." Many kings stood angrily patted the table. Up.

"Great kings, how dare the villain dare to make false reports. The enemy's death of 5,000 people is already the maximum number of our budget, and their specific death toll may be even less." The statistics soldiers were afraid, and felt that they were about to die.

"What, it's impossible, I don't believe it."

"It must be fake, it's impossible for them to have so few deaths."

Many great kings did not look like a lie when they saw the soldiers, but they did not want to accept this fact in their hearts.

"Okay, you go down." The Roman Emperor still restrained his emotions and let the statistical soldiers go out.

"Kings calm down, it turns out that this is the case, and we have nothing to say. Let's discuss what we should do next." The Roman Emperor motioned everyone to calm down.

"Why don't you speak any more, just say it if you have good suggestions. What's the meaning of being quiet now." The Roman monarch could not help but improve his tone when he saw everyone being quiet.

"Report, Sovereign, General Luo, he, he,,, he committed suicide." At this moment, a soldier ran in and said scaredly.

"What, General Luo committed suicide, **** it..."

It is no longer easy for the monarch of the Roman Empire to control his emotions. Suddenly, news came that his most trusted general had committed suicide, which made him no longer able to control his emotions. ..

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