"It turns out to be the founder of the enchantment master. I really didn't expect a big person like you to welcome me. It's really flattering." Huang Jianzhi said with a smile.

"I pay attention to every generation of the Mocun family and Xuecun family, but I didn't expect to see the day when I missed you. When I first saw you, I thought you were just an ordinary person."

"But who would have thought that it is this ordinary person who will mess up the world one day. This is the first time I have missed my eyes since my debut, and this is probably the last time I have missed my eyes." Jian Shishou looked at Huang Jianzhi complicatedly. .

"Don't say anything, you are the founder of the enchantment master, and the Mocun family is your disciple and grandson. I joined the Zuimocun family, and in name, I am also your disciple and grandson. I dare not deceive the master and destroy the ancestor." Huang Jianzhi Said with a smile.

"It turns out that we still have this relationship, but unfortunately, you came to this place, so you won't give up easily."

"It may be a waste of effort to persuade you to stop, but I'm curious, you have such power, why stubbornly create the era of monsters, and what good is it for you to create the era of monsters?" Jian Shishou asked unclearly.

"Most people do one thing because they are good, but I just create the era of monsters. Get out of the way, you can't stop me." Huang Jianzhi said calmly.

"I may not be able to stop you, but that father will watch his child be snatched away by others." Jian Shishou's attitude has explained everything, that is, he will not let it.

"You two go and take the child away, he has handed it over to me." Huang Jianzhi said while watching the house behind him.

"Yes, Holy Lord."

As soon as Huang Jianzhi's voice fell, two monsters that were infinitely close to the big monster level suddenly appeared behind Huang Jianzhi. After receiving Huang Jianzhi's order, they directly bypassed the room and rushed into the house.

"Don't think about it."

Shou Shou saw those two monsters infinitely close to the level of the big monsters, his eyes condensed, and he immediately set off to stop them.

"Sorry, this is nowhere."

Huang Jianzhi appeared silently in front of him to block him.

Seeing Huang Jianzhi suddenly appearing to block his way, Shou Shou didn't dare to relax a little bit, and directly used his greatest strength to open the huge barrier and slam into Huang Jianzhi.


He is the originator of the barrier, and he knows the nature of the barrier, that is, to erase all matter that touches the barrier, including space.

He just wanted to force Huang Jianzhi back with Despair, but what made him didn't think was that he hadn't approached yet, and he even bounced back together with Despair.

"This,,, what kind of method is this, it can even bounce back from Despair."

After stabilizing his body from time to time, he looked at Huang Jianzhi in disbelief. For the first time in his life, he saw the ability to rebound beyond the bounds.

"How to put it, Loss Control, Shenluo Tianzheng, an inch of the world,,, uh, you can just slap you out as if I slap you." Huang Jianzhi stroked his chin and thought.

"Unbelievable, there are still so many abilities in the world to restrain me. No, it should be said that these are your unique abilities. There is no such abilities in the world. I really can't imagine that there will be a monster like you in the world." Jian Shishou sighed complicatedly. Tao

outside world


Many people turned their heads and took a look because of this slap. They saw Long Ji covering one cheek in a daze. They quickly turned their heads back to focus on their own battles. Women's wars were still a matter of seconds.

"Ah, really, my hand slipped. I accidentally photographed something unclean. I don't seem to know how to wash my hands for a few days when I go back." Fox Ji retracted her hand and fiddled with her fingers, as if she was afraid that it might be stuck on it. Something clean.

"Smelly fox, see if I won't tear you up, Thunder Dragon is against God,..."

Seeing the behavior of the fox demon, Long Ji was angrily transformed into the main body directly, and the huge body with the boundless thunder dragon rushed towards the fox.

"Do you play thunder? I will too."

The nine tails behind Fox Ji also exploded in an instant, and each tail became extremely huge. Under the impact of the tail, the fierce thunder transformed into a powerful monster bombarded Long Ji.


"Ah,, I hit one's own person, help!"

"Run, those two girls are crazy, they are all fighting, get out of this range."

Due to the fierce battle between Long Ji and Fox Ji, the expansion of the scope directly engulfed some people in it. As a result, many unlucky ones were knocked down by random lightning.

"Clown snake, you dare to burn the hair on my tail, you are tired of living."

Fox Ji's face changed suddenly and she quickly retracted a tail, but seeing that the hair on the tail was scorched, her devilish spirit was completely boiling.

"Smelly fox, what does it mean to burn your tail? I even stripped your skin." Long Ji provoked proudly.

"Clown snake, see if I don't twitch your muscles anymore."

In the next second, the two best women fought, scaring everyone around them away from these two dangerous women.

"Master, can you stop struggling, this will waste my spiders, I just want to easily trap you."

The school area in the land of Wu Sen was full of spiders at this moment, but Mocun Zhengshou was accidentally trapped in the center of the school area by spiders.

"Why is this spider silk so tough? It was so difficult to wipe out a bit of the absolute world, and the spider silk in the back was made up again. She wanted to trap me firmly here." Mo Cun was watching and standing on the spider silk. That glamorous woman thought to himself without a solution.

"Young Master, save your energy. Although the Barrier is very powerful, this spider has been strengthened by your father. You can't compare with your father when you are strong."

Ziyuan lazily looked at Masamori Mocun who was surrounded by spider silks. Although she didn't want to hit the current little master, she really wanted to be lazy. If the little master wasn't resisting, then she would be relieved a lot. .

"So, no wonder Spider is so tough, Dad really is..."

Mocun Zhengshou was very helpless at this moment, always feeling that his father was playing with him all the time, and sending someone over could trap him.


Zi Yuan sensed the fluctuations in her spiritual power, and quickly jumped away from where she was. An enchantment appeared in her place.

"It turned out to be the second young master. This is troublesome. Facing a young master has already troubled me, and now I have another one. Isn't this hurting me?" Zi Yuan said with a helpless look.

"Brother, are you okay!" Mocun Liangshou asked the eldest brother below.

"It's okay. Dad's men dare not hurt us, but they will trap us. We don't have much time."

"Although my mother said that Master Jianshishou is in the castle tower, the demon **** will be prepared, and we must support Master Jianshishou as soon as possible." Mocun Masamori said.

"Big brother, I know, monster, let go of my big brother." Mocun Liangshou used the barrier to interfere with Zi Yuan's sight, and when he got close, he rushed over with Definitely.


The moment Ziyuan saw that her spider silk was quickly erased, her expression changed and she remembered the words of the Holy Lord: My second son’s potential is stronger than that of the eldest son. Although your spider silk was strengthened by me, it may not. Can stop him.


"Awesome, worthy of being the son of the Holy Lord, it makes me feel dangerous. It is really difficult for me to trap you alone, but there are many monsters who are stronger than me. These are all gifts from your father. ."

Ziyuan avoided the bombardment of Mocun Liangshou, stood up and patted his palms, and a few monsters no worse than Ziyuan jumped out and surrounded the two brothers of Mocun Zhengshou. ..

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