Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 940: Soil buns

"Third brother, you still don't believe in the news network of Sanshou Palace, this is true." Huang Yihan said affirmatively.

"It shouldn't be. Isn't King Pingxi's eyes so low that she would actually like the second brother. Little sister, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's the second brother, I'm asking if there is any misunderstanding in this matter. "Huang Jianchen expressed suspicion.

"I didn't say that the daughter of King Pingxi fell in love with the second brother, I only said that the relationship between the second brother and the daughter of King Pingxi was unclear. As for whether the second brother fell in love with the daughter of King Pingxi, or the daughter of King Pingxi fell in love with the second brother. It’s hard to tell."

"It's the same as saying nothing." Huang Jianchen looked at his sister boredly.

"Although there are many eyeliners in Wushou Palace, they are not omnipotent. At most, the relationship between the second brother and the daughter of Hepingxiwang is unclear. It is impossible to find out what is going on." Huang Yihan couldn't give a reason.

"Although King Pingxi guarded Pingxizhou and Fuzhou to prevent the barbarians from invading, the court was deeply afraid of the forces in King Pingxi's hands."

"I'm afraid that if the world becomes messy, the second brother will get involved and have a headache. Suddenly I feel that it is not a good thing for the second brother to be an official." Huang Jianchen also felt a headache.

"Three brothers, why do you think so much? The world hasn't been completely messed up so quickly, what are we worrying about here!" Huang Yihan said amused.

"Well, that's right, it will take at least a few years for the world to become messy, unless that person really can't hold on." Huang Jianchen seems to know a lot of things.

"Hehe,,, third brother, second brother, don't talk about it for now, do you think that elder brother has also changed." Huang Yihan's instinct as a woman is terrifying.

"No, big brother is still the same, what can be changed!"

Huang Jianchen recalled his elder brother's every move, and didn't feel any changes in his elder brother. He couldn't help but looked at his younger sister, wondering what the change was in her mouth.

"The big brother has changed. He is not as serious as before, and he can talk a lot. Compared to before, I like this big brother better." Huang Yihan smiled happily.

"Hey, I thought you were going to say something. Big brother sees that we grow up and we all have our own ways of survival. Big brother is pleased. It's normal to relax the restraints on us."

Huang Jianchen thought what his sister was going to say, and when he heard that, he laughed.

"Sure enough, I like eldest brother and second elder brother better than you, at least eldest brother and second elder brother still know that they love me, but third elder brother you treated me as a boy since childhood." Huang Yihan pouted dissatisfiedly.

"Superficial, can you see my love for you? The love you can't feel is true love." Huang Jianchen said without blushing at all.

"Oh, man. No wonder the sisters often say that all men in the world are like that. Sure enough, except for the eldest brother and the second brother, all other men are like that." Huang Yihan looked at Huang Jianchen with deep contempt.

"I'm too lazy to discuss this with you, I'm leaving. I remember that the outside is different from the inside. You must know how to protect yourself, you know, silly sister."

When Huang Jianchen saw the forked road ahead, he knew that he was going to be separated from his sister. Although a little reluctant, he decided to stay away from this unlovable sister.

"Understood, long-winded." Huang Yihan said arrogantly and affectionately.

Huang Jianchen didn't see the little girl showing a reluctant expression, instead he looked like he was going to drive him away with disgust. This made him very sad, and he thought of a small part of the mentality of being a brother.

"Sure enough, my sister is not cute at all."

Huang Jianchen still left, but when he was almost gone, Huang Yihan couldn't hide his reluctant emotions.

"I have to fight, I have to become stronger, otherwise who will protect my three silly brothers in troubled times." Huang Yihan showed firm eyes and turned and walked towards the branch of Wushou Palace.


"The third and the younger sister are not simple, their luck is not much worse than that of the protagonist."

"The second child is even more powerful. He is obviously an ordinary person, but his luck is stronger than that of the third child and the younger sister."

"It seems that my arrival is superfluous. They were originally the children of luck. Even without me, they would live a good life."

Huang Jianzhi was sitting on the shabby stool, gnawing on the seeds, and muttering to himself alone.

"Forget it, the "me" obsession in this world is for me to take care of his younger siblings, so I just want to say anything."

"It just so happens that this world I quite like, an overhead martial arts world, with a little expectation, it's time to go out."

Huang Jianzhi got up slowly, looking at the Orion sweater that he was wearing, and he didn't bother to change it. When he was an Orion, he would take it to the end.

Seeing that there was nothing to clean up in the dilapidated house, I went out and walked directly in the direction where I felt more popular.

After Huang Jianzhi shrank his ground into an inch, it didn't take long for Huang Jianzhi to see an imposing ancient city wall.

"It was good in ancient times. The scenery is beautiful and the air is good. Even the city walls are so spectacular. The excitement inside will definitely feel different from mine."

Huang Jianzhi watched the endless stream of passers-by entering the city, he couldn't wait to experience the excitement of this atmosphere.

"Soil buns"

"The Orion who has never seen the world"


When some passers-by saw Huang Jianzhi's clothes and expressions, their eyes were contemptuous. He casually left words such as "Tubaozi" in a low voice and entered the city.

Although the slander and ridicule were small, Huang Jianzhi heard it all in his ears. He smiled and didn't care, and walked towards the city gate.

"Fee Shiwen in the city," the officers and soldiers scanned Huang Jianzhi and said.

Huang Jianzhi paid the money directly, and did not whisper about how expensive the entrance fee is like other people.

"It's so lively, it feels different. Very good. According to the usual plot development, I should find an inn now. The inn is not just about eating and staying, but news gossip is indispensable."

Then, Huang Jianzhi casually asked a passerby, and soon he knew where the best inn nearby was.

"Guest, please come inside, whether to eat or stay in a restaurant, here we are..."

After seeing Huang Jianzhi, the shopkeeper led Huang Jianzhi inside, and then used his expertise to recommend the inn’s delicacy.

"Just find a seat in the hall, get a pot of good wine, a catty of beef, and copy two small dishes."

Huang Jianzhi saw that many people in the inn were dressed up, he smiled, isn't that what he wants.

Looking at the strange and weird dressing of the people from the rivers and lakes, suddenly I felt that the Orion sweater on his body was so ordinary, almost unobtrusive.

Really, he really didn't wear a beast sweater to attract people's attention, he really didn't bother to change it.

"Okay, please take a seat, guest officer, come right away."

The second shopkeeper found a table aside and arranged for Huang Jianzhi to sit down, and after pouring a cup of tea for Huang Jianzhi respectfully, the whole person ran to work again.

After a while, the food came, and Huang Jianzhi frowned slightly.

He didn't have an opinion on food, after all, ancient food was like that.

What he was puzzled was that he sat for a long time, except for some of these people who were drunk and bragging. The things he talked about were hardly useful for him to understand the world. ..

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