Until Death

100 This is my fiancé!

***Sharid's homeworld, a certain red light district.***

"~Uwah!~ Everyone is looking at us!" I hold tighter on Aengus's arm. He is walking me down the street towards the brothel of my mother.

"Are demons somehow shunned on this world?" Aengus takes an interested look around, but everyone who is looked at quickly averts his gaze.

"Not to my knowledge. Though they are a rare species without a country of their own. But there were no ill feelings towards them from my knowledge." Though I wasn't here for quite a while.

"We should have disguised ourselves. Like I said." Aengus shoots another glare at a few thugs and they disperse into a side street.

"Maybe you should do something about those menacing eyes?" I look into his snake-eyes which are actually very attractive to me now. Did my changes involve my mind too? I don't mind the eyes and the horn now.

"I don't want to. Those perverted lechers who are looking at you can shudder in fear under some stone for all I care." Aengus throws another annoyed glance at a shopkeeper.

So nice! He such an envious guy!

That's the perfect type of man! Good looking, lovable and easy to be manipulated. If it weren't for that family of his.

The triplets are far too smart and devious for their age. Not cute at all! I couldn't get to terms with them at all. And it's frightening when they start to talk like one mind would control all three of them. How do they do it? I have no idea.

The queen and the grandmothers are a few levels above me. Everything I can do in front of them is smiling and confirming their orders.

I don't fear physical punishment by them. Actually I liked the queen's ~test~ ~Haaa...~. I have to get  my hands on that medicine.

Angrod was worse as I thought. He ~is~ a pervert and a maniac! And too fucking strong! I am actually afraid to do anything to him now. This wacko obliterated that moon like nothing because he felt like it!

What happens if I play a nasty trick on him and flip his switch!? It will be my end!

The other male members of the family didn't say much to me. They just congratulated Aengus on catching a nice woman. ~Mnnn~ I don't want to admit it, but it felt like I was treated like a pet!

Then the brothel of my mother comes into view. Nothing has changed. We stop at the door to take a look at the statue above it. Aengus just grins and I enter with him through the main door. A lightly dressed receptionist freezes at our sight for a second.

Then she turns and runs while screaming. "He is here! The demon is back! To your arms! Hide the dresses! Lock away the tools!"

"What was that about?" Aengus gives me an inquiring look.

"Haaah... I forgot that mother personally trains every employee to instantly take action in case that the ~Thief~ turns up again. I never thought that their indoctrination would run this deep." My tail starts to twitch a little.

We are alone inside the spacious room now. Normally the customers would be sent through various doors towards different rooms to be served.

Then all doors burst open simultaneously and my mothers employees storm inside. They are armed to the teeth while being very lightly dressed. Some are just in their underwear.

"Sharid... are you sure your mother manages a brothel? Looks more like an Amazon mercenary guild." -Aengus

"They are just alarmed because you look like your father." I whisper back.

An older woman walks past the armed employees and takes a look at us. I immediately recognize my mom! Then an expression of recognition comes over her face. "You are the One! Thief! But this time we are prepared! There is nothing for you to steal here!"

Mooom! You recognize him before me? "Mom! He isn't the one from back then!"

"Sh... SHARID!?"

"~Hi, Mom.~"


Mom swooned!? The employees throw disturbed glances towards their leader, who dropped to the floor like dead. I jump to mother's side and pat her cheek. "Mom? Mom? Wake up!"

Everyone is looking at me with disturbed expressions. Some of them know me because they are long time employees.


I look up and see Soel, one of my little sisters. Oh, so cute. Before she can react, I hugged her and lifted her from the ground. "~Uwah!~ So nice to see you again! You got so big. It isn't possible to cuddle you any more."


"Big Sis can't understand you if you talk like that. ~Nyhaha!~" I dance a small circle with my little sister.

Suddenly Aengus pats my back. "You should …."

Then I spot Niel, my other little sister, hiding behind a wall. So ~~cute~~! I drop Soel and charge for Niel who tries to escape. "Too ~slow~!"


The employees just watch me with shocked faces.




We are in mom's private living room. Mom is stretched out on the couch with a cold towel on her forehead. I admit that I overdid it with my little sisters. Soel is still out cold while Niel is hiding behind the couch.

"How could this happen.... how.... my daughter got possessed by a demon." My mother starts talking again.

"Mom... I am not possessed. And I have to introduce my fiance. This is Aengus, first prince of Chimera. His father may be better known to you as ~The Thief~." I take Aengus' s hand while I drop the bomb on mother.

Now mother shoots up and looks at us big eyes. "F...Fiance? Prince? The Thief's son? No! Not even if he is the king of the fucking country! I never even heard of Chimera!"

But Niel's eyes go big and she starts to search for something in mother's documents. "Mom! Look! Look!"

Niel shoves my old status plate into mother's face. "Angrod, King of gods. Divine ruler of the realm of Chimera"

"Actually I am not the prince of a puny country. I am the prince of a realm of gods. And this whole dirtball is under my father's jurisdiction. So please accept that I love your daughter. You can visit the marriage ceremony. Or not. It's up to you. I don't care." Aengus gives mother a sadistic smile.

"Uh.... What does a god want with my mortal daughter! Have mercy! I need her as an heir!" My mother doesn't want to give up.

"Actually I am a goddess now mom! And I wont take the job! Having a family with Aengus is much better. The additions are already on the way anyway. And we want to go on a long journey together to have some fun before it's time!" Uhm. That might have been too hard on her.

Mother lies down again and puts the wet towel back on her forehead.

Then Niel jumps out from behind the couch and grabs my hand. "How do you become a demon, Sharid? What do I have to do to get out of here?"

"~Nyhahaha!~ Nothing big! You just have to learn everything you can and travel the world. Then you need to get the favour of a god. Then you climb the highest mountain and pray there until you almost die of hunger and cold. Afterwards you need a god as your trainer. And then you have to almost die to ascend to godhood! When you managed that you are almost done. The last thing left to do is to fuck a demon prince and fall in ~love~ with him! Surviving the introduction to his family is just a piece of cake from there."

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