Of course, it is not certain who is unlucky.

Lin Yi smiled faintly, "You have found the wrong person, I don't have a fairy crystal on me."

The three of them naturally wouldn't believe it, and snorted coldly at the same time, "Stop farting, hand over the interspatial ring, otherwise you won't be able to leave alive!"

"Why, are you going to kill me?" Lin Yi said dumbfounded.

"Hmph, hand over the interspatial ring, and we'll spare you!" The bearded man said fiercely, "Otherwise, we'll tear you apart!"

"Okay, come and get it!" Lin Yi took out the space ring and shook it lightly, without any expression on his face.

A big man rushed up and grabbed Lin Yi's space ring, trying to grab it first.

When the big man was approaching, Lin Yi's eyes suddenly changed, and then two golden rays of light pierced out, turning into a fire dragon, and rushing directly into the big man's body.

"Ah..." A group of golden flames burned in the body of the big man. This kind of flame does not cause any harm to the body, but it is fatal to the spirit and soul.

After a scream, the big man held his head in pain, and then fell down.

Obviously, with the blow just now, his soul had already been cut off by Lin Yi.

"He...he killed the third child!" The remaining two big men were shocked. They didn't expect that Lin Yi would dare to fight back, "Kill him!"

After reacting, the two big men became extremely angry and rushed forward at the same time.

Lin Yi smiled faintly, and released the black stone armor and wings at the same time, the attack and defense of the physical body reached the limit.

Afterwards, Lin Yi performed the three transformations of chaos, and created an incomparably huge phantom. With the wings, thousands of sword shadows were cast.

In this attack, the big man in the immortal realm didn't even have time to react, but he was pierced through by countless sword shadows, leaving no scum left.

And the leading bearded man, after all, is in the realm of the real fairy, and he can barely resist it.

However, Lin Yi's immortal weapon attack was so fierce that even the Dragon King, who was good at physical attacks, couldn't stop it, and this bearded man was even weaker.

After a while, the strength of the bearded man was broken, and his body was pierced by countless sword shadows. His whole body has become a hornet's nest, full of blood holes.

These three people are also unlucky, whoever is not good at robbery, they just came to provoke Lin Yi.

With a sweep of Lin Yi's figure, he put away the space rings of the three people and crushed them all.

To Lin Yi's surprise, there were a total of 30,000 fairy crystals in the rings of these three guys, all of which belonged to Lin Yi's pocket.

It seems that these three guys have indeed made a lot of money doing robbery on this planet.

With these 30,000 immortal crystals, Lin Yi transformed from a pauper into a small local tyrant, and he didn't have to think about making money for the time being.

Therefore, Lin Yi returned to the planet and bought ten second-level body refining pills in the trading market.

These pills are enough for Lin Yi to practice for a while.

Although this planet is small, it is still full of immortal energy, so Lin Yi temporarily retreated on a mountain peak on the planet and began to practice.

With Lin Yi's current state, there is an urgent need to break through the Realm Realm.

What's more, Lin Yi's previous practice has already laid half of the foundation, and now as long as he works hard, he should be able to break through soon.

After swallowing the second-level body refining pill, Lin Yi began to practice with peace of mind.

And Lin Yi's cultivation took ten years.

For ten years, Lin Yi has been staying on this small planet. The 30,000 celestial crystals he got earlier were almost spent, and he bought all of them a second-level body refining pill.

Because the second-level body refining pill is enough to increase the efficiency of cultivation by five times, it is still quite important.

Lin Yi is determined, he must make a breakthrough in this practice.

Finally, ten years later, Lin Yi's physical body finally underwent a slight change. All the flesh began to squirm, as if it suddenly came alive, and it actually flowed.

Lin Yi's body, from head to toe, all flesh and blood are flowing.

Moreover, the speed of flow is getting faster and faster.

Finally, under Lin Yi's control, the flesh and blood flowed out and extended outward, re-condensing a body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This physical body is closely connected with Lin Yi's body, like conjoined twins, very weird.

Although the speed of condensation was very fast, it took a day for this physical body to be fully formed.

Regardless of body shape or facial features, this physical body is real, exactly the same as Lin Yi.

Even a part of Lin Yi's soul was divided into this body.

Then, the flowing flesh and blood began to flow back, returning to Lin Yi's body.

After another day, the new physical body finally disappeared and completely merged into Lin Yi's body.

At this time, Lin Yi's physical body has evolved and has become a double immortal body.

"Haha... finally succeeded!" Lin Yi was overjoyed, opened his eyes suddenly, felt his physical body, as if he had been injected with a stimulant, his strength expanded and his momentum skyrocketed.

In ten years, Lin Yi finally practiced the double immortal body, which also means that Lin Yi has reached the preliminary realm of true immortality. If he wants to reach the perfect realm of true immortality, he must continue to practice Yuanling.

After the Yuan Ling evolved, Lin Yi's soul reached the elemental state, which is the perfect realm of true immortality.

In comparison, Lin Yi has much more confidence in soul cultivation. His soul is already strong, and even without any pills, the efficiency of his cultivation is extremely high.

In mid-air, Lin Yi stretched out his palm, transformed into a force, and slapped down suddenly. This thousand-meter-high mountain on the planet collapsed and turned into countless broken stones, cracking.

"The power is not bad!" Lin Yi smiled faintly, flew up and left quickly.

In Lin Yi's space ring, there are only a few hundred pieces of fairy crystals left, and there is basically nothing to buy.

However, the interstellar trade on this planet has developed well. In the past ten years, more and more interstellar merchants have come to this planet to conduct transactions.

"Look, what is that in the sky?"

"What a big black shadow!"

"Could it be a giant beast in the universe?"

People on the entire planet suddenly looked up and seemed to see something strange.

Lin Yi also noticed that there was a black shadow directly above the planet, approaching at an extremely fast speed.

This black shadow is obviously not a human being, but more like a giant beast, because its body is too huge, a full kilometer in length.

However, when the black shadow approached the planet, everyone could see clearly that it was not a giant beast at all, but a ship, a spaceship!

"What the hell!" Lin Yi frowned. He didn't expect this kind of spaceship to exist in the interstellar space. It looks very high-tech!

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