Lin Yi closed his eyes, calmed his mind, just after taking two breaths of immortal energy, he felt a sharp pain coming from his body.

This kind of pain is very severe, a hundred times stronger than any physical pain.

Lin Yi frowned. His soul was wounded by Mrs. Murong earlier. Although he had been fighting hard, it was always a hidden danger.

For example, when Lin Yi cultivated, he needed to fuse the strength of his body and soul, so it was difficult for an injured soul to complete it.

"Damn it!" Lin Yi had to stop his cultivation and start to heal his soul.

It's just that Lin Yi doesn't have any elixir to heal the soul. It may take at least a year for the soul to heal automatically by relying on the immortal energy.

Injury to the soul is much more troublesome than injury to the body.

"Perhaps, there is another way!" Lin Yi thought for a while, and quickly calmed down. In his mind, he transformed a piece of his own world, and then entered his soul.

Obviously, the soul and the consciousness are one, and Lin Yi wants the consciousness to repair the soul.

This step is of course very feasible. In the God Realm, it is a very normal method.

But now Lin Yi is not a god after all, so he can only try.

Lin Yi's conscious world was constantly evolving, and with Lin Yi's understanding of various avenues, coupled with that trace of spirit, he quickly found the trick.

Lin Yi's state of mind at this moment has fallen into an unprecedented calm, time seems to have stopped on Lin Yi's body, Lin Yi feels everything in the outside world, and it is infinitely magnified in his mind.

Everything in the world, all laws and ways, seem to be unable to escape Lin Yi's eyes at this time.

Then, in Lin Yi's conscious world, there was a sudden radiance, like the rising sun.

Lin Yi maintained this state without arrogance or impetuosity, and those rays of light became brighter and brighter.

At this time, there was something, like the sun, rising from between the sky and the earth.

This thing radiates golden light, shining on every part of Lin Yi's soul, its power is warm and gentle, like a pair of big hands, gently stroking Lin Yi's soul.

"This is..." Lin Yi was slightly startled, because what appeared in his mind was a golden Buddha.

This Buddha is infinitely tall and infinite, standing in Lin Yi's conscious world, but the Buddha's radiance is as powerful as the real Buddha came to the world.

Lin Yi was also taken aback for a moment, and then realized that he had written down tens of thousands of volumes of scriptures in Leishan Temple, and then comprehended them all. Coupled with Lin Yi's understanding of various avenues, the Buddha's nature has long been rooted in in the soul.

At this time, Lin Yi made a little evolution to fully demonstrate the power of this kind of Buddhism.

"What a big Buddha!" ​​Lin Yi said in surprise, because after the big Buddha appeared, the Buddha's light shone on every part of the soul, and those damaged souls were healing at an extremely fast speed.

The great Buddha that Lin Yi had comprehended obviously possessed a strong healing ability. Lin Yi's soul was so seriously injured that it took half a day for him to fully recover.

"This should be soul art!" Lin Yi opened his eyes and said to himself.

The physical strength of an immortal can use unique skills to increase its power. If one has cultivated a powerful unique skill, the power can be multiplied several times, crushing immortals of the same realm.

And the power of the soul obviously also has this method, that is soul art.

Unique skills are hard to find and practice, and very few immortals can successfully practice them.

But the soul technique is ten times more difficult than the unique skill.

This time, Lin Yi comprehended tens of thousands of Buddhist scriptures, coupled with his own understanding of Buddhism and Taoism, he suddenly comprehended a kind of soul art on his own.

From the current point of view, the great Buddha that Lin Yi realized has a strong self-healing ability, which can ensure that Lin Yi's soul will recover extremely quickly after being injured.

In this way, this Buddha should also be able to defend against some soul attacks, and cooperate with the Void Spirit Sword to complement each other.

After his soul recovered, Lin Yi officially began to practice.

Although Lin Yi didn't have a body refining pill, the immortal energy in the fairy palace was too strong, and his cultivation efficiency was naturally higher than that of swallowing a body refining pill.

After only half a day of practice, Lin Yi was completely immersed in it. The faster you practice, the more comfortable it will be for your body.

With the continuous influx of immortal energy, Lin Yi's body automatically adapted, mobilizing all the meridians, forming countless circulatory cycles, the whole body is also in an absolutely active state, even every cell, every drop of blood They all carry a lot of immortal energy.

This kind of cultivation state is naturally very comfortable. Once you start, you don't want to stop at all.

Soon, Lin Yi persisted in this practice for eight years without eating, drinking or sleeping.

Eight years, to ordinary people, is a long, long time, but to immortals, it is almost a snap of the fingers.

Continuous cultivation made Lin Yi's physical body gradually change.

At this time, one could see that there were phantoms on the left and right of Lin Yi.

This phantom is basically Lin Yi's shadow, no matter its body shape or posture, it is exactly the same.

As Lin Yi injected immortal energy, the two phantoms became more and more obvious and clearer.

After the preparatory work is completed, the next thing will go smoothly.

After another year, enough immortal energy was injected, and the two phantoms had turned into two real bodies. It seemed that they were Lin Yi's two avatars.

These two avatars must be attached to Lin Yi's body, and once they leave, they will disappear immediately.

Lin Yi didn't dare to relax and continued to practice.

When the physical bodies of the two avatars were fully formed, they immediately began to shrink, and at the same time condensed towards Lin Yi's main body.

This step is naturally the most critical and dangerous in cultivation, and Lin Yi did not dare to be sloppy in the slightest, and proceeded slowly.

Fortunately, in this fairy palace, no one would disturb Lin Yi at all.

Finally, the two clones became smaller and smaller, while Lin Yi's main body was getting bigger and bigger, fully swollen.

Everything went smoothly. In the end, the physical bodies of the two clones completely disappeared and merged into Lin Yi's body.

Lin Yi refined it again, and his physical body returned to normal.

From the appearance, there is no special change, but Lin Yi is very clear that he has cultivated the triple immortal body and reached the realm of heavenly immortals.

"Huh..." Lin Yi let out a long sigh of relief, and opened his eyes, with spots of light shining through the cloudy eyeballs.

"The training efficiency this time is not bad!" Lin Yi was very satisfied. Even on the living star, Lin Yi used countless body refining pills to practice, and it would probably take decades for Lin Yi to cultivate to the realm of celestial beings.

And in this Immortal Palace, Lin Yi only spent eight years.

Of course, the immortal energy in the Immortal Palace is also limited. After Lin Yi's cultivation, half of it has been swallowed up.

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