Without hesitation, all the disciples of the Unbounded Divine Sect quickly followed Lin Yi and flew into the ruins.

The strong wind swept across the ruins, making a whining sound, like a wild beast roaring in a low voice.

Lin Yi observed while flying, and the large ruins came into view, constantly changing.

However, there has been no danger in the ruins, which made everyone a lot more courageous, and gradually accelerated their flight speed.

Not long after, there was a sudden sound of fighting coming from the front, which seemed very intense.

Lin Yi guessed that he was about to catch up with the disciples of the other three major forces, so he immediately accelerated.

Sure enough, in front of the ruins, more than a dozen figures appeared, all holding divine weapons, fighting with a group of divine beasts.

This group of divine beasts were not big, about the same size as ordinary tigers and wolves, but they were extremely numerous, densely crawling all over the ruins. There were thousands of them, and they were still increasing.

Everyone in Lin Yi was stunned. They found that there were three large holes nearby on the ground of the ruins. Those mythical beasts all rushed out of the big holes, densely packed.

Of course, these divine beasts are basically heaven-killing divine beasts, and their combat effectiveness is not particularly strong, but they cannot withstand such a terrifying number.

The dozen or so disciples, who should belong to the other three major forces, fell behind, isolated and helpless, and were soon surrounded by a large number of divine beasts.

After persisting for a while, these disciples all gave up, directly crushed the divine jade in their hands, and escaped from the killing world, otherwise they would definitely be killed by these divine beasts.

However, after all these disciples disappeared, Lin Yi and the others obviously became the targets of the herd's attack.

There are at least thousands of divine beasts in this huge group of beasts, and no one knows how many divine beasts are hidden under these three huge caves, even immortal beasts!

"Not good! Let's go!" Lin Yi immediately ordered all his disciples to speed up and rush over, at least leaving the area surrounded by divine beasts.

"Let's go!" Lan Wenxiang and Chi Yan immediately took the lead, leading the remaining sixty disciples, and rushed forward at the fastest speed, turning into a stream of light.

And the group of divine beasts obviously wouldn't evade them, as if they had discovered some treasure, they all rushed over frantically, in all directions, there were pieces of divine beasts, everywhere in the sky and on the ground, as if forming a vast ocean.

In those three caves, divine beasts crawled out continuously, and the number was almost endless.

Lin Yi immediately sacrificed the Hongtian Spear, stabbed out with one spear, and the shadow of the spear swept out turned into tens of thousands, killing all the divine beasts rushing up around him, with amazing power.

Lan Wenxiang had consumed too much power just now, she didn't use the bloody sword for the time being, but took out the green sword, and used the inferior artifact to deal with these heaven-killing beasts, which was enough.

The other disciples also cut out the divine weapons one after another, forming a defensive circle, and smashing the divine beasts rushing from all directions.

All of a sudden, those divine beasts pounced on them continuously, and were constantly beheaded. Soon, dozens of divine beasts were beheaded on the spot.

However, the number of divine beasts climbing out of the cave at this time has reached tens of thousands, densely packed.

Lin Yi kept stabbing the Hongtian spear, flying the surrounding sky-slaying beasts, while observing the surrounding situation.

Obviously, those three holes are the lairs of these divine beasts, and all the god-killing beasts crawled out of these three lairs, like ants.

These divine beasts basically don't have any spiritual intelligence, and are basically driven by instinct to attack all creatures that enter the killing world.

"I'll go and have a look!" Lin Yi knew that there was no way to go on like this. Although these divine beasts couldn't help them for the time being, it was difficult for them to move forward.

Because the other three major forces rushed over quickly while the beasts didn't climb out so many, and when Lin Yi and others arrived at the end, the herd of beasts they encountered had become so huge that it was difficult to rush over.

If it is delayed any longer, there will be no more time.

Thinking about it, Lin Yi moved forward alone, while waving the Hongtian Spear in his hand, killing the Heaven Slaughter Divine Beast in front of him, while advancing quickly.

Finally, Lin Yi came to the top of a cave. Looking down, the bottom of the cave was getting bigger and bigger, and finally formed a deep and big cave. The stone walls on all sides of the cave were densely packed with divine beasts.

Lin Yi was startled when he saw it. The beasts below the cave were so scary. If they all climbed up, they might not be able to kill them all for a few months.

Of course, in addition to these beasts, Lin Yi also saw a huge monster, like a huge black rock, entrenched at the bottom of the cave, thousands of times larger than these ordinary beasts.

"Immortal beast!" Lin Yi frowned, "It seems that this behemoth should be the leader of the herd, which is equivalent to a mother body. All the beasts are produced from this mother body, and there is an endless stream!"

Lin Yi raised his head and shouted to the disciples of the Unbounded Sacred Sect: "Can you hold on for a while, I'll kill their leader, and you, Lan Xiang, come with me!"

While wielding the divine weapon, Chi Yan said, "Brother, we can deal with it, so go!"

Although there are a large number of these god-killing beasts, the disciples of the Unbounded God Sect are all elites, so there is no problem if they persist for a while.

"Yes, I'm here!" Without hesitation, Lan Wenxiang rushed over along the path of blood that Lin Yi had just killed.

To deal with this mother body, Lin Yi can't do it alone. If he cooperates with Shang Lan Wenxiang's mid-level artifact, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Lan Wenxiang obviously knew Lin Yi's intentions, so she directly took out the bloody sword, then jumped down together with Lin Yi, and fell into the cave.

After falling for a distance of hundreds of thousands of meters, they finally reached the bottom of the cave. The surrounding beasts, noticing the invasion of outsiders, surrounded them and prepared to attack Lin Yi and Lan Wenxiang.

"Xiao Hei!" Lin Yi slapped his palm and opened his own universe, releasing Xiao Hei. Xiao Hei is obviously the most suitable to deal with this immortal beast.

The mother body, with its huge body, was still producing a large number of young beasts, and it was densely packed under the cave.

From the outside, the entire mother body looks like an oval egg, showing a pure white color, without claws, limbs, or even a head.

Lin Yi quickly searched around, and there was a thick layer of armor outside the mother's body, protecting his whole body.

"Master, how do you attack?" Lan Wenxiang frowned and asked.

"No way, attack forcibly!" The Hongtian gun in Lin Yi's hand pointed sharply at a point on the mother's body.

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