"Lin Yi, do you think that group of killers will show up again?" Uncle Jiang asked with some trepidation. This time, even Uncle Jiang was sent out to escort Baiying to Xuanyuan God City.

Lin Yi rode on a black leopard, at the center protected by the gods, "Don't worry, Uncle Jiang, even if those killers come again, Miss Yingying will not suffer any harm with us here!"

"That's true," Uncle Jiang chuckled, "Especially you, a super expert, I'm afraid one person is enough to deal with those killers!"

Lin Yi smiled, "Two fists are no match for four hands!"

During the chat, Lin Yi, Uncle Jiang, and five or six hundred high-ranking gods left the Burning Moon God City in a mighty manner on their respective beast mounts, and flew all the way north.

There is a long distance between Burning Moon God City and Xuanyuan God City, and you have to go through seven or eight other god cities before you can finally reach Xuanyuan God City, because Burning Moon God City is originally in a marginal position and its status is very low.

Along the way, he could only rely on Uncle Jiang, an old Jianghu, to guide Lin Yi and all the upper gods, otherwise it would take a lot of trouble to reach Xuanyuan God City.

Such a huge team was obviously not moving fast. After half a month, they finally passed through the large wasteland in the middle and arrived at a god city in the north, Zichuan God City.

Zichuan Divine City naturally also belongs to the Divine City of Xuanyuan Plane, and it is much more powerful than Burning Moon Divine City. Within millions of miles around, all the territories occupied by Zichuan Divine City are still expanding.

Along the way, although I encountered many powerful herds of beasts, there was no real danger, because no matter how ferocious the herds of beasts were, seeing the mighty five or six hundred high gods would not He was too frightened to show his face. As for the other robbers, they naturally did not dare to act easily when they saw this power.

Therefore, the journey was safe, but Lin Yi knew that those mysterious killers must be watching in secret. Lin Yi knew these killers too well, and they would never let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Lin Yi, we've arrived at Zichuan God City, let's stop and take a rest!" Uncle Jiang suggested, and the gods also responded, "Yes, it's time to rest after driving for half a month!"

"Miss Yingying must be overwhelmed too!"

"Just let the lady come out to take a breath!"

Lin Yi also nodded, and after entering Zichuan God City, he asked Uncle Jiang to find an inn in advance, and then opened a small space to rest temporarily.

Soon, the seasoned Uncle Jiang took care of everything, brought the gods and all the animal mounts into the small space of the inn, and prepared all kinds of food, as well as the god crystal.

Lin Yi opened the universe and released Baiying.

Bai Ying's face was flushed, and she was extremely excited. During this period of time, she had been closed in Lin Yi's universe, and she was so bored that she couldn't move at all, and couldn't run anywhere.

"Everyone have a good rest, we will continue to set off tomorrow!" Uncle Jiang said.

"Uncle Jiang, don't you want to take another day off?"

Uncle Jiang shook his head, "After all, the road is too dangerous, we still have to get to Xuanyuan God City as soon as possible, so as not to change things!"

Lin Yi naturally agreed with Uncle Jiang's statement that he was eager to reach Xuanyuan Divine City as soon as possible and find out the whereabouts of the Eternal Divine Weapon as soon as possible.

When the gods were resting, Lin Yi quietly left the inn, and set up a less obvious barrier nearby. As long as there was any movement in the barrier, Lin Yi would not be able to escape his eyes.

While arranging the barrier, Lin Yi found that several high gods in black flew out of the inn quickly, as if they were afraid of being trapped by Lin Yi's barrier.

Lin Yi remained calm, and took a few glances from a distance, and found that the black shadows hadn't left too far away, and were still guarding around the inn, very vigilant.

The corner of Lin Yi's mouth twitched slightly, "Sure enough, it's them again!"

Lin Yi's vigilance was so high that he could tell at a glance that these killers were still following them from Burning Moon God City to Zichuan God City, with the purpose of killing the candidate for Goddess, Bai Ying.

This group of guys really worked so hard for a goddess!

Lin Yi didn't startle the snake, and immediately returned to the inn, but secretly increased his vigilance.

On the second day, early in the morning, Uncle Jiang woke up the gods and continued to set off.

Soon, with Lin Yi at the center, the gods left Zichuan God City again and flew northward.

The strange thing is that the group of killers didn't choose to attack. The road was peaceful and nothing happened. Later, the gods gradually relaxed their vigilance, and even Uncle Jiang was not so nervous.

After all, if those killers wanted to do something, they should have done it already, why wait so long!

Lin Yi naturally felt strange, but he didn't relax his vigilance in the slightest.

A few months have passed, Lin Yi and the gods have passed through six god cities in a row, and walked more than half of the distance. According to what Uncle Jiang said, after passing this barren mountain, they entered the Amaterasu God City , and to the north of Amaterasu God City is Xuanyuan God City. The distance between the two god cities is very close. It can even be said that after leaving Amaterasu God City, it is the site of Xuanyuan God City.

"It's almost here!" Uncle Jiang smiled gratifiedly, "Fortunately, there was no danger along the way. It seems that those killers are already scared. Seeing us so strong, they dare not make a move at all!"

"Yes, Uncle Jiang, it seems that the lady should be safe this time!"

All the gods were very optimistic, but Lin Yi was the only one who was worried, and asked, "Uncle Jiang, where is this Tianzhao God City?"

Uncle Jiang was in a good mood, so he told Lin Yi about it carefully.

It turns out that the origin of Amaterasu God City is indeed not small. It was originally an extremely huge force on the Xuanyuan Plane, second only to Xuanyuan Gate, and later followed Xuanyuan God City, and established its own God City in the highest universe, and its power is expanding day by day , until now, apart from Xuanyuan God City, other god cities are not qualified to be compared with Amaterasu God City at all.

It can be said that under the Xuanyuan plane, there are two most powerful god cities, one is Xuanyuan God City, and the other is naturally Amaterasu God City.

Sure enough, half a day later, the gods arrived outside Amaterasu God City. When they looked up, the whole God City covered the sky and covered the sun, at least covering a distance of hundreds of millions of miles. There was no end in sight. The Burning Moon God City is five or six times larger, and the prosperity in the God City is unmatched by other God Cities. There are mid-gods and high-god powerhouses everywhere.

"As expected of the legendary Amaterasu City, it's really amazing!"

"Yes, the second largest city of God in the supreme universe, well-deserved reputation!"

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