Sure enough, after seeing those seven-colored clouds, Lord Jiuyou didn't care about wasting time with Lin Yi here, so he jumped and flew out at top speed.

In an instant, the Lord God of Nine Serenities had teleported out of the city of God, and flew in the direction of Caiyun.

Lin Yi heaved a sigh of relief, no matter whether the appearance of this spirit mine is a blessing or a curse, at least Lin Yi's problem has been solved for now.

The Shenjing Mine attracted the Lord God of Nine Serenity, and the city of God was obviously safe.

"Master Palace Master," at this time, Ke Lan also sent a message through the imprint of the soul, "our disciples have found signs of the spirit mine in Dapan Mountain. Would you like to come and take a look? This matter is no small matter !"

Lin Yi nodded, "I saw it too, but that fellow Jiuyou Lord God has also passed by, so be careful and don't act rashly!"

"Yes, my lord!"

After a few instructions, Lin Yi quickly flew up and flew in the direction of the colorful clouds.

Dapan Mountain is located in the center of the Promise Plane. It is not a mountain range, but a large mountain range area.

It can be said that this area is also the largest mountain range area on the entire plane. Among them, there are tens of thousands of huge mountain ranges, not to mention those relatively small mountain ranges, which are countless.

The Shenjing Mine is a god of heaven and earth, and it is not surprising that it was formed in such a place.

In just half a day, Lin Yi had already flown to the area of ​​Dapan Mountain.

Looking from a distance, the eyes are full of mountain ranges, there are thousands of them, and the number is innumerable.

Lin Yi raised his head, and he could already see the seven-color clouds clearly. They really came from Dapan Mountain, and the speed of condensation was getting faster and faster, so that the sky over the entire Dapan Mountain area was full of dense clouds of seven colors, which was very spectacular.

Nine Nether Lord God naturally arrived long ago, he laughed wildly, "Sure enough, the Spiritual Mine is about to appear, haha..."

Lin Yi frowned, "Jiuyou, I know what you want to do. This spirit mine was born in my infinite plane. If you want to snatch it, you have to pass my level first!"

"Haha..." The Lord God of Jiuyou laughed disdainfully, "Lin Yi, what do you think you are, when I release the news, all the Lord Gods from the 107 planes will gather in the Wuji plane , competing for the spirit mine, I want to see if you can stop it?"

Lin Yi's complexion changed. He finally knew what the Lord God of Nine Serenities was going to do. Knowing that he was not Lin Yi's opponent, the Lord God of Nine Serenities spread the news of the appearance of the Spirit Mine to the entire Supreme God Realm. Many main gods will break into the Wuji plane for the spirit mine, and the Wuji plane will also usher in a huge catastrophe.

After finishing speaking, the figure of Lord Nine Nether God flashed and disappeared into the mountains.

Lin Yi didn't chase him any further, he knew that he couldn't stop the Lord God of Jiuyou at all.

It only took a moment for Lord Jiuyou to release the news.

Therefore, Lin Yi must prepare in advance.

Soon, Lin Yi returned to the Promise Palace.

Ke Lan, Leng Hu, Yang Ling and other disciples were about to take the elite disciples of the Promise Palace to Dapan Mountain when they happened to meet Lin Yi.

"Master Palace Master!" When all the disciples saw Lin Yi, they all knelt down respectfully and bowed down.

Lin Yi glanced slightly, "There is no need to be too polite, Ke Lan, you are going to Dapan Mountain!"

Ke Lan nodded.

"Master, are you coming from Dapan Mountain?" Lenghu asked after guessing.

Lin Yi said "yes", and then said: "It's just right, you go to Dapan Mountain first, be careful not to go deep, the Lord God of Jiuyou is hidden in it!"

"My lord, the disciple will hide around Dapan Mountain first, waiting for the order of my lord!" Ke Lan said.

"Okay!" Lin Yi frowned, thought for a while, and said, "I'm going to leave the Promise Plane for a while, about ten days, don't act rashly, wait for me to come back!"

"Yes, Lord Palace Master!"

The matter was urgent, Lin Yi instructed Hao Kelan, Lenghu and others, and they quickly flew into the magic mirror of the infinite plane, and entered the vast third layer of the highest universe.

Ke Lan and many elite disciples quickly flew to Dapan Mountain.

Now, after the appearance of the seven-color cloud, the entire Wuji plane has fallen into unprecedented restlessness and chaos. Not only the Wuji Palace, but also all the god cities and some forces on the plane have also begun to move out to Dapan Mountain. Obviously everyone knows that the appearance of the seven-color cloud is a sign that the spirit mine is about to be born!

After Lin Yi left the Promise Plane, he flew northward along the supreme universe. After three days and three nights, Lin Yi, who didn't stop for a moment, finally flew over a god city.

This divine city is very strange, there are no ordinary palaces and attics in it, but all temples, one after another, lined up in the divine city.

Even on the streets of Shencheng, there are huge Buddha statues displayed one after another. After entering this Shencheng, it seems to be affected by those giant Buddhas, and even the mind becomes peaceful.

Lin Yi flew forward quickly, and saw monks chanting scriptures everywhere in the city of God, very peaceful.

Finally, Lin Yi landed on the top of the largest temple in the city of God.

In the temple, there is a tall pagoda with three golden characters shining brightly on it: Pagoda of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

To be able to come up with such a name, the Pagoda of Ten Thousand Buddhas naturally has an extraordinary origin. According to legend, it is the first pagoda built by the Lord God of Ten Thousand Buddhas in the supreme universe, which contains the meaning of the Buddha Dharma of the Lord God of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

Of course, this Pagoda of Ten Thousand Buddhas is a sacred object in the city of God, and there are many monks guarding it.

"Almsgiver, what's your business in trespassing on the Pagoda of Ten Thousand Buddhas?" An old monk in cassock quickly stopped Lin Yi.

"I want to see the Lord God of Ten Thousand Buddhas!" Lin Yi said directly, he had no time to waste.

The old monk shook his head, "The benefactor, the gods of the outside world, are absolutely not allowed to enter the plane of ten thousand Buddhas and defile the holy land of Buddhism!"

Lin Yi chuckled, "If you want to stop me, I'll have to force my way in. You monks, I'm afraid you can't stop me!"

Sensing Lin Yi's fighting spirit, the monks also trembled, "Benefactor, if you insist on doing this, there is nothing I can do. I'm afraid it will alarm the Ten Thousand Buddhas, and the benefactor will be punished!"

"Then you don't need to worry about it!" Lin Yi's figure flashed, and the sudden fluctuations sent all the monks blocking the way flying away.

Afterwards, Lin Yi boarded the Ten Thousand Buddha Pagoda.

At the top of the Pagoda of Ten Thousand Buddhas, stands a huge golden mirror, which is the only entrance to the plane of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

Without hesitation, Lin Yi rushed in. Indeed, it was impossible for the monks outside to block Lin Yi, who was in the realm of the Lord God.

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