The fusion of the universe is not a simple fusion of power, but the perfect accommodation of nine completely different universes to form the ultimate universe, and the evolution of the way of heaven to the limit state.

Although Lin Yi has rich experience, after all, what he practiced before was a relatively ordinary way of heaven, and what he created was also an ordinary universe, but what he created now is a unique original universe.

Therefore, Lin Yi can't be in a hurry, and on the basis of absolute safety, he will try to integrate little by little.

To Lin Yi's surprise, although the universe composed of primitive matter is complex, it merges with each other very smoothly. Regardless of the original matter of the universe, it will not repel, but merge smoothly. .

This surprised Lin Yi very much. He did not expect that the fusion of the original universe would be relatively easy, and it was not as weird as Lin Yi imagined.

Time passed day by day, but Lin Yi had already forgotten the time. In his eyes, he only had the Nine Layer Universe in his body.

In the Jiuzhong universe, when the fusion is carried out bit by bit, the space occupied by the universe is getting bigger and bigger. When the ultimate universe is finally formed, the space will reach the maximum limit.

Everything is going smoothly.

In the Eternal Mansion, all the gods are waiting in the main hall, but obviously, except for the Lord God of Ten Thousand Buddhas and the Lord God of Chaos, the other Lord Gods of Consummation are a little anxious and feel very bad, especially the Lord God of Shenshui. He repeatedly said, He wanted the Lord God of Chaos to release Lin Yi, but the Lord God of Chaos refused.

There is no other way for Shenshui Lord God, he can't fight Lin Yi with Chaos Lord God!

Finally, one day passed, and on the second day, Lord Shenshui was even more restless and anxious. He left the hall many times and asked Qianqiu when the Eternal God King would come back.

Qianqiu could only use the imprint of the soul to contact the Eternal God King, and then replied: "My lord, please wait a moment, the master has already done something with the Supreme God, and he will be back soon!"

Lord Shenshui heaved a sigh of relief, and returned to the main hall, staring at Lord Chaos with some malicious eyes.

The Lord God of Chaos smiled faintly, "It seems that the Lord God King should be back soon, and the matter can be resolved, which is good news!"

Lord Shenshui smiled coldly, "Is it good news? We will know when Lord Shenwang comes back!"

Afterwards, the hall fell into an eerie silence again.

In the universe of the Lord God of Chaos, Lin Yi has actually been practicing for more than 20 years. The originally clearly defined nine-fold universe in his body has now become extremely blurred, like nine layers of white paper, glued together and separated. are inseparable.

Of course, the universe is not a blank sheet of paper, it contains too many substances and worlds, and now they are merging in a very complicated state, giving birth to new worlds and substances.

Of course, in this new universe, whether it is mountains, rivers, water, the sky, the earth, or all other substances, their origin is primitive matter.

Lin Yi's nine-layered universe finally merged completely, and the space it occupies has reached ten thousand times the original space, forming a completely independent space.

In this space, Lin Yi is the only ruler. Unless Lin Yi can be killed, in this universe, even the Supreme God cannot intervene. Only Lin Yi is the only creator.

Lin Yi's thoughts kept scanning the universe, filling in the space where the fusion was defective, so that it finally reached a perfect state.

This is the ultimate universe. After the fusion, compared with the original nine-fold universe, it has a little more vitality.

It can be said that only the ultimate universe can give birth to all kinds of life until a perfect and powerful real universe is created. After countless years, Lin Yi will be the only creator. Perhaps by then, Lin Yi The life born in the universe will appear again as a strong man who is like a consummate god, and continue to create the universe, and the universe will be born in the universe, so endlessly!

In the universe of the Lord God of Chaos, after completing the fusion, Lin Yi suddenly opened his eyes. He has practiced for more than 20 years this time, but he never took a break in the middle.

Lin Yi obviously created a huge miracle. In just 20 years, he merged directly from the Nine Layers Universe to the Ultimate Universe, reaching the realm of consummating the Lord God.

Ordinary main gods, not to mention twenty years, I am afraid that after 20,000 years of research, they may not necessarily be able to make a breakthrough, otherwise the perfect main god would not be so rare.

Not to mention those ordinary main gods, even in Lin Yi's previous life, the Wuji God King was so talented. It took nearly a thousand years to break through from the main god to the perfection of the main god. After all, if you want to understand it, you still need of luck and chance.

And in this life, because of the experience of the previous life, Lin Yi has long understood the true meaning of the universe, so it is not difficult to integrate, and in just twenty years, he has reached the realm of consummating the Lord God.

After success, Lin Yi immediately notified the Lord God of Chaos.

In the main hall of the Eternal Mansion, the Lord God of Chaos couldn't help showing a smile on his face, then he looked at the Lord God Ten Thousand Buddhas calmly, and told the Lord God Ten Thousand Buddhas the news through voice transmission with his soul.

There was also a smile on the face of the Lord God of Ten Thousand Buddhas. It seemed that this time, Lin Yi's catastrophe could be resolved.

"Lord God King is here!" Suddenly, a shout came from outside the main hall, and all the gods inside and outside the Eternal Mansion bowed down, very respectful.

"Master God King is here!"

"It's finally here!" In the main hall, all the consummation master gods also stood up excitedly.

Sure enough, as soon as the gods stood up, a figure rushed into the hall in a hurry, like a general returning from victory, with an extremely powerful aura, easily suppressing all the master gods of perfection.

This is an old man in a golden armor, with white hair like frost, and there is no trace of oldness on his face, but he is full of energy, his eyes and momentum are aggressive.

Obviously, this old man is the Eternal God King, one of the oldest main gods in the God Realm. He has lived for an unknown number of billions of years, and is almost an eternal existence.

"Lord God King!" All the Consummation Lord Gods shouted in unison when they saw the Eternal Lord God.

The Eternal God King didn't speak, just nodded indifferently, then stepped to the top of the hall, sat down, and the aura on his body was indeed that of a generation of overlord, which was not something ordinary people could bear.

"Everyone, you are all the lords of the planes, why have you all come to this king?" The eyes of the Eternal God King scanned very sharply, "Unexpectedly, even the Ten Thousand Buddhas and Chaos have come, what happened? ?”

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