This scene is almost exactly the same as it was ten thousand years ago. Lin Yi exerted the power of the Heaven-Defying Sword to the limit. in the darkness of nothingness.

On Lin Yi's body, golden light constantly bloomed, and even the main god was revealed from the god's body. All the essence and divine power in it, like a steady stream of spring water, kept gushing out and pouring into the Heaven-Defying Sword middle.

The power of the Heaven-Defying Sword has once again skyrocketed thousands of times, and the released sword energy forms huge waves one after another, constantly rolling outwards, crushing, and colliding with the original light of the Supreme God, every breath In a short time, billions of sword qi exploded outward, simultaneously destroying the supreme god, tens of thousands of original rays of light.

This battle lasted for quite a while. Lin Yi released his god position and power to the limit, and all his power was exhausted. It can be said that it was a blow with all his strength. However, the original light that was finally cut off only reached That's all.

Thousands of years ago, the Promise God King cut off the original light of the Supreme God, and hurt the original power of the Supreme God. Now, Lin Yi's fighting power is much stronger than that of the Promise God King, and he persists Underneath, the gun actually cut off the original light of fifty million Daos of the Supreme God, almost half of it.

Apparently, the Supreme God was also a little panicked, and kept suppressing the light, forming a series of terrifying storms, covering half of the universe and destroying everything.

"Not good!" By this time, Lin Yi had fallen into despair slightly. All the power in his divine body had been emptied, but he still couldn't destroy the supreme god.

However, even if he was not reconciled, Lin Yi had to be defeated. The power of the entire Heaven-Defying Sword suddenly weakened and continued to decline, but it was actually suppressed by those original rays of light.

"Boom..." Under the ebb and flow, Lin Yi couldn't hold on any longer, the entire Heaven-Defying Sword was continuously impacted by the original light, and within a few breaths, a series of streaks appeared on the Heaven-Defying Sword The cracks are getting bigger and bigger, connecting into a large crack.

"Wuji, I want to completely destroy you, how dare you talk about defying the sky!" the supreme god said angrily, and at the same time, the crushing original light blasted the defiant sword into pieces and disappeared into the darkness.

Obviously, without Lin Yi's divine power, even a universe-level artifact cannot withstand the terrifying power of the Supreme God.

This time, the Supreme God was also very careful, and would never give Lin Yi any chance to shatter the Heaven-Defying Sword. Unless Lin Yi could refine another cosmic artifact, it would be impossible for the Heaven-Defying Sword to be repaired.

However, it is so difficult to refine a cosmic artifact, not to mention that the Supreme God will never give Lin Yi a chance, and countless original rays of light blast down, completely surrounding Lin Yi's body.

Lin Yi is like a prey surrounded by a herd of beasts, who can't escape no matter what, like the end of a crossbow, unable to release even a trace of divine power.

Obviously, Lin Yi's desperate blow failed in the end. Not only was the Nitian sword destroyed, but he also collapsed completely, facing a desperate situation.

"Ah!" Lin Yi sighed, could it be that after ten thousand years of hard work, this is the result again!

Supreme God, is he really invincible?

Lin Yi was unwilling, unconvinced, but helpless. His entire body was gradually swallowed up by the power of the Supreme God.

"No!" Lin Yi frowned, as if he had thought of something suddenly, two golden rays of light appeared in his eyes, "The Supreme God has no physical body at all, but exists in the form of a special power, so I, of course It is also possible to abandon the physical body and exist in another special form, maybe it is a way out!"

Thinking about it, Lin Yi didn't have time to hesitate, so he just gave up his physical body and separated his soul.

The Supreme God obviously had been prepared for a long time, and blocked the entire space with his original light, in order to prevent Lin Yi's soul from escaping.

After suffering the loss last time, the Supreme God didn't want to let Lin Yi's soul escape again, and then reincarnated to create hidden dangers for himself.

This time, the Supreme God wanted to destroy Lin Yi's physical body and spirit, without giving Lin Yi any chance.

Lin Yi, on the other hand, gave up his physical body directly, and after pulling away his soul, he directly entered his own universe, and merged with the ultimate universe very quickly.

The ultimate universe of any perfect Lord God is a new world. Lin Yi merged with this world, and his thoughts reached every corner of the universe, and even every particle of dust had Lin Yi's own consciousness.

In the darkness and emptiness, Lin Yi's body was swallowed up by the Supreme God very quickly. In a short while, it was riddled with holes by the original light, and then completely wiped out, leaving no trace of breath.

"Haha..." The Supreme God laughed wildly, "Wuji, you are still not my opponent, and I will never give you a third chance!"

Suddenly, all the original rays of light were moving closer to the center, obviously the Supreme God wanted to destroy Lin Yi's soul.

But at this time, a scene appeared that surprised even the Supreme God. He could no longer find Lin Yi's soul, as if it had disappeared completely suddenly, without a trace of breath.

"What's going on?" The Supreme God froze for a moment, he had already blocked the entire space, Lin Yi's soul could not escape at all, so there is only one possibility, that is, Lin Yi merged his soul into the ultimate universe , reached another higher realm.

Sure enough, soon, at the place where Lin Yi's body was destroyed, a black origin appeared, which was extremely small, but after a breath, the origin was enlarged ten thousand times, forming a small black block.

This small black block completely ignored the power of the Supreme God, and continued to explode outwards, devouring it crazily.

"Universe!" The Supreme God was obviously very surprised. This is obviously Lin Yi's universe, but the Supreme God did not expect that Lin Yi's divine body had been destroyed, but the universe still existed, and it was stronger than before!

"Could it be that he finally realized..." The supreme god suddenly felt a trace of fear, he desperately suppressed the original light, and exerted his power to the limit, but he still couldn't suppress Lin Yi's universe.

Now, Lin Yi's ultimate universe and soul are one, and soul is his mind, then the universe is his body, such a huge monster, how can the Supreme God suppress it!

The universe continued to skyrocket, Lin Yi controlled all the power, and within a few breaths, it grew into a large area.

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