Thinking about it, Lin Yi was desperate and followed Wufeng to make a move. He knew that this matter must be serious, otherwise Wufeng wouldn't be so excited.

Lin Yi shot out the Wuwang sword in an instant, the attack and Wufeng fell at the same time, and slashed at those ancient source beasts. Suddenly, a terrifying force formed a wave and hit the body of an ancient source beast.

This ancient source beast screamed in pain, but its defense was really astonishing. Lin Yi and Wufeng teamed up and only left a few scars, but did not hurt its life.

The ancient source beast was injured, but still did not stop flying, it was extremely crazy.

Wufeng swung his sword continuously, and shot out hundreds of millions of sword qi, all of which hit the body of the ancient source beast. Coupled with Lin Yi's continuous attacks, the ancient source beast finally couldn't hold on anymore. A lot of blood flowed out from the body, and there were horrible scars all over the flesh.

"Roar..." The ancient source beast screamed, its body kept falling, and soon fell into the void below.

But the other ancient source beasts are still flying very fast. There are tens of thousands of powerful ancient source beasts here. If Lin Yi and Wufeng are alone, it may take several years to kill them.

What's more, in this void, there is no supplement of Xuanyuan power at all, Lin Yi and Wufeng's cosmic power is also extremely limited, it is impossible to keep killing them.

"Senior Wufeng, here I come!"

"Senior Wufeng, I will help you!"

Many practitioners finally came to their senses. Although they didn't know what was going on, they still chose to help Wufeng. After all, everyone knew Wufeng's usual behavior, and his appeal was good at critical moments.

Immediately, hundreds of cultivators flew over one after another, constantly attacking those ancient beasts, trying to cut off the ongoing ritual of these beasts.

"Master Xuelian, what should we do?" asked the disciple of Wuxiangmen.

Xue Lian frowned slightly, "Shoot, if the Demon King is really born, we will not survive!"

As he said that, Xue Lian also flew up, swiping his sword and rushing towards the herd of Guyuan beasts.

"Yes!" The disciple of Wuxiang Sect finally joined the battle.

Numerous practitioners surrounded the entire herd of ancient source beasts, forming a siege situation, constantly launching attacks, trying to kill these weird ancient source beasts.

However, these ancient source beasts are already very powerful, equivalent to the strength of practitioners in the Vientiane Realm. In addition, after coming to the sea of ​​decay, these ancient source beasts are on their own territory, and their power is a bit more tyrannical , the general Vientiane Realm can't do anything to them at all.

Therefore, it seems that all the practitioners have taken action with great momentum, but the results that can be achieved are minimal.

Only super-masters like Wufeng and Xuelian can overwhelm the ancient source beasts, so the corpses of the ancient source beasts that fell from time to time in the void were basically beheaded by these two people.

Lin Yi kept swinging the Wuwang sword, and the attack power was far higher than other practitioners, but he couldn't cause serious injuries when hitting the body of the ancient source beast. , in order to break through the defense of the ancient source beast.

However, in that case, it would be too dangerous for Lin Yi to rush into the ancient source beast, and Lin Yi didn't have the guts to do so.

"Roar..." The siege of the crowd obviously angered the ancient source beasts, and they roared one by one, and started to fight back.

These ancient beasts are very ferocious, and their attack power is also very frightening. Basically, if they can't dodge with a huge claw, they can directly smash the body of a practitioner of the Myriad Phrases Realm.

"Ah..." Sure enough, some unlucky practitioners were counterattacked by the ancient source beast. Amidst the screams, they were slapped by the ancient source beast, and they shattered like porcelain falling on the ground. It was horrible. .

"Everyone be careful, the attack power of these ancient source beasts is very powerful!" Wufeng immediately reminded, "Everyone attack together, don't stand alone!"

Many practitioners quickly gathered together, at least ten practitioners, close together to attack, so that even if the ancient source beast formed a powerful counterattack, they could resist together.

"Hoho..." Those ancient beasts rushed outward angrily. Their huge bodies were like a mountain range. Every time they hit, the practitioners had to expend a lot of strength to resist.

And the practitioner's attack, hitting the body of the ancient source beast, could only cause minor injuries.

If this consumption continues, the cultivator's cosmic power will be seriously consumed, and I am afraid that he will not be the opponent of the ancient source beast in the end.

Lin Yi also noticed this, and said, "Senior Wufeng, I'm afraid we won't be able to deal with this group of ancient source beasts at all, there are too many of them!"

Wufeng gritted his teeth, "I have no choice but to do my best!"

Half an hour later, dozens of ancient source beasts had been beheaded by the continuous attacks of many practitioners, and each of their huge bodies fell into the void, and soon disappeared without a trace.

However, there are tens of thousands of ancient source beasts here. In comparison, the ones killed by everyone are simply a drop in the bucket. With the continuous fighting, the strength of many practitioners dropped rapidly, especially Wufeng and Xuelian, these two were the absolute main force, and their attack power continued to decline. In the end, they had to face a desperate situation. With their power, they want to stop this ritual of the ancient source beast,

It is tantamount to shaking a big tree with a mayfly, it will not work at all.

However, as it was a matter of survival, everyone did not dare to give up, and they were attacking desperately, hoping to kill more ancient source beasts and destroy this catastrophic ceremony.

While Lin Yi was attacking, he was also investigating the surrounding situation. He found that those ancient beasts were slowly approaching the stone statue while flying continuously, until they were completely close. The huge vortex formed by the flight swept the The stone statues are perfectly condensed on the central point.

"Roar..." Following the extremely stern roar, Lin Yi saw that there was a huge ancient source beast with cracks appearing on its body, which was very scary.

This ancient source beast kept screaming, and its body was quickly shattered, turning into a huge pool of blood and minced meat, and rushed towards the stone statue fiercely.

"Boom..." The body of the ancient source beast directly hit the stone statue, and the fragmented body was completely shattered, leaving a large bloodstain on the stone statue.

When Lin Yi was wondering, he suddenly saw that the blood and minced meat were disappearing at an extremely fast speed, and soon disappeared completely, as if being swallowed by that stone statue. All this happened so strangely that the other practitioners didn't notice, they were all attacking desperately.

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