He Wentian sighed, "It's not good to say, this emperor wants to end this war within a few years and destroy the Holy God Empire, but I didn't expect that the strength of the Holy God Empire is stronger than this emperor expected , and now it’s just occupying some useless territories!”

As he spoke, He Wentian raised his head and looked at Yunji happily, "That's all right, you are back, Master, with the help of you and Shadow, this time I will definitely be able to defeat the Holy God Emperor and destroy the Holy God Empire. How about sharing the territory of this empire equally between you and me?"

"Equal share?" Yunji smiled coldly, "Then you have to ask, my friend agrees or not!"

"What friend?" He Wentian was stunned for a moment. He had never heard of any friends that the Shadow Master would have. When he was in a daze, a black shadow flew from a distance at an extremely fast speed and landed on the ground. Behind the Lord of Shadows.

Although Lin Yi used concealment methods, how could he be able to hide it from a strong man in the Dao Realm? He Wentian saw through Lin Yi's mask at a glance, and suddenly turned pale with shock, "Lin... Lin Yi!"

"That's right, Lin Yi is my friend!" Yun Ji still had a sneer on her face, but her beautiful face looked a little scary.

"Friend?" He Wentian was even more confused, with an unbelievable expression on his face, he looked at Lin Yi, then at the Shadow Master, and then suddenly realized, and said: "You are really powerful, Master, it seems that you have already Subdue Lin Yi, right?"

"Indeed, Lin Yi is a good talent. It's better to subdue him to work for us than to kill him!" He Wentian nodded smartly.

Lin Yi smiled lightly, looked at He Wentian jokingly, and said, "He Wentian, you are so wild, do you think I will do things for you and Feng Empire? To tell you the truth, I am here to kill you today!"

"What!" He Wentian was shocked, his face darkened, and he stared at the Shadow Master, "Master, what is going on, the emperor needs an explanation, don't you..."

"That's right, I'm here to kill you too!" Yun Ji's sneer became even more terrifying, "Today, your ambition to rule the Wuwang Realm should come to an end!"

"You..." He Wentian's expression changed drastically in fright. He could feel that although the so-called Shadow Lord in front of him still had the same face, he seemed to have changed suddenly. He couldn't believe that the Shadow Lord would Have the heart to kill him!

"Could it be that you have joined the Holy God Empire?" The more He Wentian thought about it, the more he panicked, "You traitor, hateful!"

"I won't take refuge in anyone, but today, you are dead!" Yun Ji shot out without hesitation, and slammed her palms fiercely at He Wentian.

He Wentian was still vigilant, the cosmic power in his body had been condensed for a long time, and at this moment, it was released suddenly, facing Yunji's palms.

Obviously, He Wentian was not the opponent of the Shadow Lord. With this palm, He Wentian was shocked and flew back again and again, and it took him a long time to stabilize his figure.

"Come on! Come on!"

He Wentian yelled in panic, "Come on!"

"His Majesty!"

Immediately, rows of guards in the barracks rushed over, and the surroundings were filled with water, "Your Majesty, what's going on!"

"Block them, hurry up!" He Wentian said with a pale face.

Everyone was a little confused, they all knew who the Lord of Shadows was, he had always been He Wentian's best assistant, why just met today, he was like a life and death enemy, it was so abnormal!

However, everyone had to obey He Wentian's order, pulled out the source weapon one after another, and killed Lin Yi and Yun Ji.

Yun Ji sneered, how could she put these miscellaneous fish in her eyes, and with a wave of her slender palm, a terrifying power spread out, sweeping away all the soldiers who rushed in midair, and disappeared without a trace in an instant. It disappeared without a trace, as if everything had been beaten to ashes.

With a wave of Yunji's hand, hundreds of masters were killed, and He Wentian knew that he was no match, so he also turned around and ran away.

At this time, He Wentian couldn't control what happened to his subordinates. The most important thing was to save his own life, so he fled to the distance at the fastest speed, his figure flickering in midair.

Down below, those soldiers of the Hefeng Empire were loyal, and rushed up one by one, trying to stop Yunji, but they were completely desperate.

"Yun Ji, you go after them, I'll deal with these people!" Lin Yi had already slashed out the Wuwang Sword, and with the sword energy of hundreds of billions of swords, he continued to shoot outwards, killing a large number of soldiers in an instant .

Although Lin Yi didn't have Yunji's powerful strength, he had no problem dealing with these soldiers and guards. With a single swing of his Wuwang sword, he could kill them all!

Yun Ji nodded, and with a flash of her figure, she was already chasing He Wentian.

He Wentian kept running away. He didn't expect that a majestic emperor, a super strong man in the Dao realm, would have such a miserable day. He probably never dreamed that the Lord of Shadows would join hands with Lin Yi to kill him!

He Wentian will probably never understand this matter. Soon, Yunji chased after He Wentian, and she slapped out her palms continuously, and the terrifying force hit He Wentian's body , suppressing it all the way to the ground.

The huge suppressing force blasted the ground away, and countless huge cracks appeared.

"Shadow Master, are you...are you crazy!" He Wentian yelled in horror, "Lin Yi has killed so many people in Shadow, and he has a deep hatred with you. Instead of killing him now, you actually help him to kill them." Ben, you are really crazy..."

Yun Ji smiled coldly, with murderous intent in her eyes, "To tell you the truth, I am not the Lord of Shadows, that guy has already been swallowed by me!"

"What!" He Wentian was horrified to the extreme again, his eyes almost popped out, "You... who are you?"

"You don't need to know!" Yunji shook her head lightly, and then unleashed an extremely powerful force to keep suppressing He Wentian. Although He Wentian struggled to resist, the resisting force became weaker and weaker, and was eventually defeated. Yun Ji sealed it.

The fighting strength of the Shadow Lord was originally superior to He Wentian, but now that Yunji has inherited all the abilities of the Shadow Lord, He Wentian is definitely no match.

"Ah..." He Wentian didn't want to die. At this moment, he let out a roar, released his sword of source equipment, and then gathered the strongest cosmic power, and slashed outward. The power of the sword energy exploded in an instant , but broke Yun Ji's seal. Taking advantage of this opportunity, He Wentian immediately flew up and fled to the distance without hesitation. He was terrified in his heart. He had already ruled half of Wuwang Realm, and it was the time when he was full of ambitions. If he died like this , I am really not reconciled!

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