After walking out of the camp, Lin Yi didn't think about it any more.

The focus of the new stage is to deal with the Devil Emperor first, as long as the Devil Emperor is destroyed, the world will be peaceful.

"Lin Yi, come on, let's go drink some wine, it's rare to be free!" At night, Dao Xiaokuang came to Lin Yi with a wine jar.

Of course Lin Yi was happy, "Okay!"

The two came to the open space outside, found a big stone at random, poured out the wine, and drank it in big gulps between the sky and the earth.

The moonlight, shining on the earth, is covered with a layer of holy light.

The surroundings fell into silence, as if the whole world had fallen asleep.

During this time, Lin Yi and Dao Xiaokuang were so busy that they didn't have time to drink at all. Now, the two of them were finally free, and they drank happily.

Of course, the final decisive battle is about to take place. After tonight, no one knows whether it will be life or death, victory or defeat!

The two drank until midnight, and they didn't stop until they were so drunk that all the wine was empty.

The next day, when Lin Yi woke up, he realized that the practitioners of the entire alliance had already started to mobilize.

When I walked out of the camp, I saw a large number of black shadows gathered nearby, densely packed, constantly gathering, separating and reuniting, there were almost a million of them.

It seems that all the rebels have arrived.

This time, almost all the rebels in the Heavenly Demon Territory came to the alliance, obeying the command of Tian Ni, and fought the final decisive battle.

They have waited for too long. In order to fight against the Heavenly Demon Empire, they have sacrificed countless lives and fought countless battles. By now, there should be a result!

In any case, in this battle, everyone will put life and death aside, and the only purpose is to destroy the Heavenly Demon Empire and kill the Demon Emperor.

Under Tianni's dispatch, the million-strong rebel army was divided into four forces, and gathered towards Tianmo City in four directions.

For this attack, Tian Ni and the leaders of the major rebels have already discussed, it is to completely surround the Tianmo City into a dead city, prevent all support, and strive to wipe out the opponent's army in the shortest possible time.

Of course, it is not easy to accomplish this step.

Tianmo City now has millions of troops, and the number of rounds alone is several times that of the Rebel Alliance.

Of course, these armies are also very scattered, and their overall combat effectiveness is not very strong.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult for the Rebel Alliance to have any chance.

"The rebel army must win, and the alliance must win!"

"Destroy the Heavenly Demon Empire, kill the Demon Emperor!"

"Kill the Devil Emperor!"


"Revenge for the dead brothers!"

Everyone shouted as they walked, and their morale was extremely high.

The mighty army, like countless monsters, flocked to the Heavenly Demon City. At this time, the Heavenly Demon City was also extremely lively. The terrifying golden army had all been deployed inside and outside the city. Dozens of generals and commanders in the imperial palace were all dispatched, leading their respective troops, in the Heavenly Demon City. Stationed outside the city

It settled down, forming an impregnable momentum.

It seems that in order to protect his lair, the Devil Emperor has almost used all his troops.

This battle is no small matter.

The ordinary people in Tianmo City have almost escaped. In the formerly bustling Tianmo City, except for the imperial army, there are almost no people to be seen.

After all, everyone is not stupid. They knew that there was going to be a war, and it was an unprecedented war. Of course, it was important to save their lives, so they all ran away.

The entire Heavenly Demon City has been completely reduced to a city of war, reeking of death and hell.

One day later, the army of the Rebel Alliance came in a mighty way, and stopped outside the Tianmo City. From a distance, there was a large black mass in all directions, which was extremely terrifying.

The army of the Heavenly Demon Empire also nervously arranged defensive formations, ready to fight.

Neither side was impulsive, like two huge monsters trying to test before the contest.

"Look, Lord Leader, the empire's defense is very strong, and their army is several times larger than ours!" The leaders reported the situation one after another.

Tian Ni nodded, "As expected, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Although the Devil Empire is gone, it is still very powerful!"

"My lord, are we going to attack hard?"

Tian Ni frowned slightly, "Head-on-head is inevitable, but tactics and strategies must also be considered, everyone settle down first and wait for the opportunity!"

"Yes, my lord!"

This battle is no small matter, neither side will act rashly.

And Tianni and the leaders of the major rebel armies have been looking for opportunities and discussing countermeasures.

The task of Lin Yi and Dao Xiaokuang is to patrol around the Heavenly Demon City, one is to guard against the sudden attack of the Heavenly Demon Empire, and the other is to find loopholes in the defense.

The confrontation between the two sides lasted for three full days.

In the past three days, Tianni made several feigned attacks, but they all quickly withdrew, because the opponent's defense was very strict. As long as there was any movement from the rebel army, Tianni City would react extremely quickly and gather quickly. troops.

With the two sides head-to-head, the rebel alliance's chances of winning are not very high.

Lin Yi's patrols were getting closer and closer to the hinterland of the Heavenly Demon City, and even encountered several forces from the Heavenly Demon Empire, all of which were wiped out by Lin Yi one by one.

Of course, only Lin Yi dared to go so deep.

That night, Lin Yi sneaked quietly, and came to a place only tens of thousands of meters away from the Heavenly Demon City. Here, Lin Yi was very close to the guarded hinterland of the Heavenly Demon Empire.


There is actually the sound of water!

Lin Yi explored and walked over, and found a river flowing out of Tianmo City.

This river usually doesn't attract anyone's attention, because it's just an ordinary river flowing near Tianmo City.

However, after Lin Yi approached, he realized that this was actually a river leading to the ground.

The so-called river through the ground is divided into upper and lower layers, one is the open river above, and the other is the dark river below.

Coincidentally, the layers and entrances and exits of the two rivers are not far from Tianmo City.

"Perhaps, an opportunity can be found here!" Lin Yi's eyes lit up, and he quickly jumped into the river.

Lin Yi's body sank continuously, directly into the dark river on the second floor, and then rushed outward with the turbulent water.

This dark river is still very long. Lin Yi swam along the dark river for a long time, and finally saw an exit.

Lin Yi rushed out quickly, and looked around. This place was already a wilderness. The wide river was flowing turbulently. The dark river and the open river converged here to form a river.

Lin Yi landed on the shore, his face full of surprise, "Isn't this a secret road, God help me!" The dark river that Lin Yi discovered was an opportunity.

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