Soon, Lin Yi caught up and slapped him out.

The sword spirit also seemed to become angry from embarrassment. He turned his head and rushed towards Lin Yi's body, attacking the vital points.

This guy is much more lethal than those sword spirits on the first four floors.

Lin Yi didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly resisted with all his strength, and suddenly there was a bang, his body was thrown upwards, and his true energy was almost broken.

Amazing! If Lin Yi had encountered this sword spirit before he broke through, this blow might have crushed him to pieces, even the colorful lotus could not save him.

But fortunately, Lin Yi achieved the unity of nine yuan, which is not false. When he turned back, he slapped several palms in succession, using his true energy to wear down the strength of the sword spirit.

After being entangled like this for a while, the blood-red sword spirit finally got tired and his strength dropped. Lin Yi seized the opportunity, slapped him with his palm, and directly caught him in the ring.

The sword spirit immediately began to charge, like a trapped wild animal.

Lin Yi had no choice but to send out several bursts of true energy to completely seal the sword spirit.

This sword spirit is indeed a weapon soul, named "Blood Soul Sword Spirit", it ranks tenth on the weapon soul list, and it is a very rare weapon soul.

If it is sold on the market, Lin Yi believes that his wealth can rival a huge country in no time.

But only fools would sell.

When the blood sword spirit finally stabilized, Lin Yi threw it into the black jade sword to fuse with the petrified spirit.

Artifact souls are attracted to each other, and fusion is also an instinct, but it takes a lot of time.

Especially, the bloody sword spirit, a very hostile weapon soul.

After subduing the blood sword spirit, Lin Yi quickly rushed up and left the giant sword.

From a distance, Lin Yi noticed two figures swimming in the pool of blood.

"These two guys haven't left yet, so it's okay, they will stay here forever!" Lin Yi sneered, took up the snake dragon pan shadow step, and rushed up quickly, and soon rushed into the blood pool.

"There's movement!" Although Zhao Long and Zhao Hu couldn't see it, they felt the fluctuation in the blood pool, and rushed towards Lin Yi's position at the same time.

Lin Yi's speed was even faster, his figure had already left the blood pool, suspended in mid-air, and his aura changed drastically.

Zhao Long and Zhao Hu also rushed out. When they saw Lin Yi in mid-air, they laughed wildly, "Boy, you actually came out by yourself. It's okay, die!"

Zhao Hu frowned, "Brother, his injuries seem to have healed, what's going on?"

Lin Yi had his arm broken and his meridians destroyed before, but now he is fine, which is naturally suspicious.

"Hmph, no matter what, kill him first!" Zhao Long didn't want any heaven-level exercises anymore, he had to kill Lin Yi and turn to Xu Huaji, after all, he had already lost three days.

"Okay!" Zhao Hu responded.

Lin Yi rose in mid-air and used the Snake Pan Shadow Step. After breaking through, he felt much more relaxed. His current flying in the sky is almost the same as in the Holy Land.

"Flying in the sky, this kid really thinks he's in the Holy Realm!" Zhao Long sneered disdainfully, and with a wave of his palm, a shadow of a fist suddenly condensed and fell from the top of Lin Yi's head, "Get out of here! "

This trick again!

The shadow of the fist enlarged sharply, shaped like a hill, hitting Lin Yi's head.

Lin Yi had no expression on his face, he used his true energy, and blasted upwards suddenly, and actually broke through Zhao Long's fist shadow attack directly, making a loud bang.

"What!" Zhao Long and Zhao Hu were both stunned. Lin Yi, who had been allowed to be trampled by them just now, was so powerful that he directly blocked Zhao Long's blow.

"This kid has already broken through to the perfect Qi state!" Zhao Long said in surprise.

However, it is impossible to have such a strong power in the perfect state of Qi, unless it increases ten times, it can fight against the holy state.

"I'm coming!" Zhao Hu didn't believe in evil, and he also punched with all his strength.

A punch with all the strength of the Holy Realm is the existence that can shatter the Qi Realm to pieces.

"Death!" Zhao Hu roared, and the shadow of his fist was magnified dozens of times, attacking Lin Yi.

With both palms in front of him, Lin Yi used the power of his true energy to retreat forcefully. It was an all-out blow that shook Zhao Hu hard, and he took a step back.

Qi Jing, a full blow against the Holy Land, just took a step back.

Zhao Long and Zhao Hu suddenly realized that they seemed to be in big trouble. They didn't kill Lin Yi directly before, but now they raised a monster!

"Brother, how is it possible? He is clearly in the Qi state, how could he block our attack?" Zhao Hu asked suspiciously, completely confused.

Zhao Long shook his head, his face was horrified, "Could it be..."

That possibility, I dare not even think about it!

"Unity of Nine Elements!" Zhao Long said these four words tremblingly, "Only in the legendary realm of Unity of Nine Elements can the Qi Realm have the power comparable to that of the Holy Realm. Could it be that this kid..."

Zhao Hu was also stunned, "Nine elements unite, that is a realm that no warrior has been able to achieve for hundreds of years!"

Lin Yi suspended in the air calmly, staring at the two of them coldly, with an aura that suppressed everything and was invincible, "You guys still have some knowledge!"

After getting the confirmation, Zhao Long and Zhao Hu almost fainted from fright. The young man in front of him was too much of a genius. It is simply a legend that even the emperor could not achieve!

"Brother, no matter how powerful the Nine Elements Unite is, it's just a matter of aura. If we work together, we can definitely kill him!" Finally, Zhao Hu calmed down.

They understand very well that at this point, they are already immortal, and fear is useless.

It doesn't matter if the nine elements are one, they are two holy realms.

As they said that, Zhao Long and Zhao Hu didn't dare to be careless, and they sacrificed their spiritual weapons one after another, swung their swords and killed Lin Yi.

These two people are still using the power of the sword. In Lin Yi's eyes, the way of the sword is as weak as a chicken!

One person uses the sword gesture of division, and the other uses the sword gesture of unity.

Zhao Long and Zhao Hu's swordsmanship is opposite, but when they cooperate with each other, they are very powerful.

"The way of the sword! You are still far behind!" Lin Yi was full of vigor, like a demon god, and with a flick of his finger, he took out six ancient swords and killed Zhao Long and Zhao Hu separately.

Lin Yi's body remained in place, and controlling six ancient swords was enough to deal with two people.


As soon as the ancient sword came out, there was a murderous aura all over the sky, extremely violent, and the essence of the true meaning of extinction was instantly evolved.

Wherever the ancient sword goes, no grass will grow!

Zhao Long and Zhao Hu were entangled with three ancient swords respectively. Each attack used the strongest power in the Holy Realm. Coupled with the ultimate sword's momentum, it was really powerful.

Unfortunately, it was completely crushed by the power above the ancient sword.

The ancient swords were flying, and the golden light was shooting out, and the speed was getting faster and faster, and finally evolved into countless golden lights, like thin lines, wrapping and strangling the bodies of the two.

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