Lin Yi flew into the sky and continued on his way. Ding'er also transformed into his real body, followed closely by a snow-white dragon.

After a few hours, I finally left the barren mountain. I saw many living people on the road, and there were even villages one by one. If they were bigger, they would form a tribe.

The people of the tribe are working hard, some are farming, some are hunting, like a paradise.


The loud noise was like thunder.

Lin Yi thought it was going to rain, but when he looked up, a huge black shadow floated in midair, not a dark cloud, but an ark!

The huge beast of the void pulled the ark and flew through the air, quite overwhelming.

The ark traveled from south to north, and it should have returned from the void.

Taking a closer look, there are two golden characters on the hull of the ark: Tianwu!

"What is Tianwu?"

Ding'er immediately explained Lin Yi's confusion. In Bafangyuan, there are five most powerful forces, known as "Three Kingdoms, One Religion and One City", and the city among them is Tianwu City.

It turned out that this was the ark of Tianwu City.

After getting closer, it was vaguely visible that there were rows of guards standing on the ark, all of them were wearing armor and mighty.

In front, sat a man of unusual status, eating and drinking, and a maid stood beside him.

Lin Yi looked at it for a long time, but he really couldn't see the appearance clearly. He just felt that the figure of the maid was a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before!

"My lord, what... what's wrong?" Ding Er asked.

"It's nothing, it's probably blind!" Lin Yi shook his head, not paying attention.

Soon, the huge ark flew away.

Two people, continue on your way.

In this way, after walking for several days and nights, Lin Yi saw a lot of customs and customs of Bafangyuan along the way, and gradually became familiar with this world, especially the transition between day and night.

Today, I arrived not far from the sky lantern.

"How could there be an evil spirit? Is it my illusion?" Lin Yi frowned, flying all the way, he saw a faint black evil spirit, looming.

Could it be that an evil spirit passed by here and left behind?

Lin Yi didn't expect that just after entering Bafangyuan, he would encounter an evil thing.


Lin Yi stopped suddenly, although Ding'er didn't know what happened, he didn't dare to mess around.

Below, there is a strange dead tree, the leaves are all yellow, and the branches have turned black.

On the road, a donkey cart passed slowly.

The coachman was a woodcutter, he cut a cart full of firewood, and went home humming a little song.

Suddenly, an even weirder scene appeared. The dead tree suddenly came alive, and its dense branches entangled the donkey cart.

"A monster..." The driver was so frightened that he fell off the car.

The branches of the dead tree directly wrapped around the driver's neck and dragged him to the side of the road.

Lin Yi wouldn't just sit idly by, with a single point of his finger, he released several sword qi, cut off the branches of the dead tree, and rescued the coachman.

Seeing someone coming, the driver shouted, "Help... help!"

Countless branches rushed madly, densely packed, like countless snakes.

Lin Yi punched out and smashed down. With terrifying power, he shot all around, breaking them all.

Ding'er was also helping. Although her magic power was not as good as Lin Yi's, she had no problem dealing with such a small character.

"These don't seem to be demons!"

Lin Yi nodded. It would take at least hundreds of years for a tree to become a monster. These trees were obviously contaminated with evil spirits before they became monsters.

Just as Lin Yi was about to cast a spell, there was a stern voice in the air.

"The evil things are too presumptuous, and the Wuliang Jiaohua side is here!"

Looking up, he saw a man coming with a qi sword, wearing a silk garment with a gold belt and tiger skin boots, he looked quite handsome, even more meticulously dressed than a woman.

The man wore a valuable jade pendant on his waist, and behind him was a strange wooden sword, seven inches wide and golden.

I haven't seen anyone yet, but the name has already been reported.

The flower fell to the ground, pulled out the wooden sword, and slashed at the dead tree.


The golden light exploded.

Those strange dead trees were wiped out immediately.

"What a powerful treasure!" Lin Yi exclaimed in shock. The wooden sword in Huafang's hand was obviously a treasure, and its power was astonishing.

At this time, Lin Yi didn't need to make a move, Hua Fang cut out several swords, and wiped out all the dead trees, and the evil spirits around were also shocked by the wooden sword, and disappeared one after another.

"Hmph, a bunch of trash!" Hua Fang put away the wooden sword gracefully, "It's unlucky for you to meet me, Hua Fang!"

Hua Fang is obviously a third-level soul master, and his strength is not bad.

Lin Yi smiled, looked at the coachman, "Uncle, are you okay!"

"Okay...okay!" The coachman finally came back to his senses, knelt down on the ground, and kowtowed to Lin Yi again and again, "Thank you for saving my life, my lord, thank you..."

"Small matter, let's go home!" Lin Yi said.

The coachman got into the donkey cart tremblingly. He feared that he would never dare to come to this ghostly place again.

"Stop!" Hua Fang was a little displeased, and stopped the coachman, "Obviously I killed Yaoxie, why are you not grateful to me, but to that guy instead?"

The coachman was stunned, "Thanks... Thank you, Young Master, for helping me!"

"Just now you kowtowed three times to the white-headed monster," Hua Fang was very preoccupied, "then you have to kowtow ten times to me, and even one less will do!"

The coachman was so frightened that he didn't dare to say anything, he was more troublesome than monsters, so he quickly got out of the car and kowtowed ten times to Hua Fang, his face was terrified.

After knocking, Hua Fang was satisfied with the release.

Lin Yi frowned. This Huafang was obviously a practitioner, but he didn't like the way he behaved.

"Which family and sect are you from, you dare to steal my limelight?" Hua Fang walked towards Lin Yi and asked arrogantly.

"Five Elements Gate, Lin Yi!" Lin Yi smiled wryly. "What Five Elements Sect, I've never heard of it, I think it's another sect with rotten fish and rotten shrimps, ruining the reputation of practitioners," Hua Fang sneered, with a look of disdain, "My Wuliang Sect is the great power of Bafangyuan, Thirty thousand disciples under the sect, your little spirit

How many disciples does the door have? "

"A lot!" Lin Yi said.

"Haha... It really is rotten fish and shrimp, I dare not tell the truth!" Hua Fang turned from a sneer to a big laugh.

"You...have you said enough? We...haven't offended you, polite!" Ding'er couldn't hold it anymore, his face flushed.

"It's not easy to speak. Is your tongue tied? Don't you all stutter in the Five Elements School?" Hua Fang stuck out his tongue and laughed.

"You..." Ding'er was already stupid, so he raised his fist angrily.

Lin Yi turned around and left, "Ding Er, let's go!"

Ding'er put down his fist resentfully, and followed Lin Yi.

Along the way, Ding'er was full of anger.

Lin Yi, on the other hand, didn't take it to heart at all. He thought that he would be more confident in dealing with evil spirits when he met a fellow practitioner, but Hua Fang disappointed him too much. He was arrogant and conceited, and sooner or later he would suffer.

Ten miles away, there is a tea stand.

The owner's surname is Zheng, and he has opened a tea stall on the side of the road for decades, where passers-by and monsters alike will rest here.

"Guest officers, please sit down!" Boss Zheng smiled and wiped the tables and stools.

Lin Yi and Ding Er sat down, "Boss, two bowls of tea!"

"Okay!" Boss Zheng roared into the room, "Make two bowls of tea!"

After a while, there was a movement in the room, clanging and loud, and those who didn't know it thought it was iron strikes.

"Boss, you don't have many customers, but you have a lot of people doing things!" Lin Yi heard the movement in the room, there were at least seven or eight people, but the door was closed tightly, and he couldn't see anything.

"Oh, business is not good recently!" Boss Zheng sighed, "I can't drive away the guys in the store, they have worked so hard for so many years!"

Lin Yi smiled lightly, "Why is the business not good?"

Boss Zheng's face changed, and he whispered: "Young man, I saw that you are from other places. Recently, there have been so many hauntings that many people dare not go here. I advise you to take a detour as well, and don't come here again. Forward!"

The so-called ghost is a mortal term, but in fact it is either a demon or an evil spirit.

"The tea should be ready, you two wait a moment!" Boss Zheng hurriedly opened the door and entered the room when he heard that there was no movement in the room.

While serving tea, Boss Zheng also closed the door tightly, as if afraid of being seen.

Could it be that there is a secret recipe for tea in the wilderness?

"My lord, weird here!" Ding'er felt a little uncomfortable, as if he felt something.

"It's strange," Lin Yi nodded, "It seems that the neighborhood is really haunted!"

After a while, Boss Zheng brought two bowls of green tea and put them on the table, "Please use, two guests, hehe!"

"Thank you!" Lin Yi took a look, but did not touch his tea, "Excuse me, boss, what the hell is going on here?"

Boss Zheng was terrified, and coughed, "Guest officer, you are so loud, you can easily attract ghosts, and my little tea stall can't afford it!"

As he spoke, Boss Zheng lowered his voice and told the story again.

It turned out that there was a big village not far ahead.

A month ago, a strange incident happened in the village. Several people were beheaded and lost their lives for no reason.

The villagers retrieved their bodies, but they couldn't find their heads no matter how hard they searched.

Guess it may have been eaten by wild animals.

However, on the day of the burial, their heads finally came back. They flew back by themselves and hung on the coffin, scaring hundreds of villagers into unconsciousness on the spot. Afterwards, strange things continued to happen in the village, and many people died every day. Without exception, the heads of these people were all chopped off and disappeared. Some villagers were afraid and fled with their families. The next day, their bodies appeared in the village.


Half a month later, the entire village of a thousand people were all killed.

This village has become a headless village.

The scary thing is that after a few days, all the villagers came back to life. They worked and walked as usual, as if they had resumed their peaceful life before.

The only difference is that their heads are gone, as if they were eaten by something. "Just the day before yesterday, I saw several headless villagers passing by in a horse-drawn carriage, and I almost fainted from fright!" Boss Zheng recalled in horror.

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