Lin Yi and Princess Yunyao got off their horses, checked the nearby villages, and found that there were at least dozens of people in each village, all of whom were in this situation: in their sleep, the Yuanshen was trapped in a dream, and was captured by a mysterious force. power away.

"My son, wake up quickly..." A peasant woman was crying loudly, holding a young boy in her arms, "If you leave, how will mother live alone..."

That boy was only twelve or thirteen years old.

Lin Yi stepped forward to check, and sure enough, the boy was only an empty shell, and there was nothing he could do.

They came all the way, and saw a lot of tragedies in a day and a night, because as long as there were people living, they couldn't escape the claws of the big devil.

"Sister, this big devil is too hateful to have harmed so many people!" Princess Yunyao clenched her fists and said angrily, her eyes were full of resentment.

Lin Yi nodded, "So we must kill him as soon as possible, you can use the soul bell again!"


Princess Yunyao held the soul bell, dripped a drop of blood on it, and began to cast spells. After a while, the soul bell felt the sensation and began to vibrate violently.

The swing direction is still north, and this time the induction is clearer. It seems that they are getting closer to the big devil.

"Get on the horse!" Lin Yi didn't dare to delay, turned the horse into a cloud, jumped up, seemed to think of something again, and said solemnly: "Besides, don't hug me anymore!"

Princess Yunyao got on the horse skillfully, immediately wrapped her arms around Lin Yi's waist, and rubbed her cheek against Lin Yi's back mischievously, "Sister, the horse flies so high, if I don't hug you, I will be scared!"

Lin Yi looked helpless, there was really nothing he could do with this girl.

The night fell like a waterfall.

The earth was dark.

"Hey, hey..." Princess Yunyao hugged Lin Yi in one hand, and the prepared dry food in the other, eating with gusto, "Sister, you haven't eaten for more than a day, aren't you hungry?"

With that said, Princess Yunyao handed the dry food to Lin Yi's mouth.

Lin Yi shook his head, "Eat it yourself!"

Princess Yunyao was not too polite, she wolfed down half a mouthful of dry food, either she had never eaten good food, or she was just too hungry.

"Sister, look quickly, there are shooting stars!" Suddenly, Princess Yunyao raised her hand and pointed.

Sure enough, not far ahead, streaks of bright light streaked across the sky at an extremely fast speed.

However, that was not a meteor.

Princess Yunyao's mouth was wide open, and dry food fell out of her mouth, "That... that is... a mirror!"

What flew in mid-air was mirrors, exactly the same as what Princess Yunyao saw in the palace.

Of course Lin Yi also saw it, and his expression became extremely serious, "You wait here, don't move around!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Yifei stood up, turned into a streamer, and chased after the mirror.

Mirrors one after another, flying towards the north, intermittently, there are many.

These mirrors are undoubtedly stolen dreams.

Lin Yi caught up with a mirror, his body suddenly turned into a golden light, and rushed in.

The mirror fluctuated for a moment, and then returned to calm, as if nothing had happened, but Lin Yi's figure had long since disappeared.

Entering the mirror is like entering a dream. Before Lin Yi's eyes, there is a strange world.

The earth is a vast expanse of whiteness, as if it has snowed heavily for ten years.

Upon closer inspection, it was not snow, but steamed buns one by one.

The white steamed buns are piled up like a mountain, filling the sky and the earth. There are so many that can only be described as countless.

With one step on the foot, the whole person fell into the steamed bun, and there was no bottom to it.

With so many steamed buns, even if everyone in Little Spirit Realm eats them every day, they probably won't be able to finish them in a hundred years.

At this time, Lin Yi saw a person sitting on the Mantou Mountain.

This man was ragged and dirty, and he was actually a beggar.

"Steamed buns, a lot of steamed buns, haha..." The beggar was ecstatic, holding seven or eight steamed buns in his hand, stuffing them into his mouth desperately, swallowing them desperately, as if this was the most delicious delicacy in the world.

The more he ate, the more the beggar ate dozens, and then dozens more, and his stomach became bigger and bigger, until it swelled into a big ball.

But the beggar was still eating, like a glutton.

The piles of steamed buns were devoured by him, making his stomach bigger and bigger, squeezing his body, and his head and limbs could hardly be seen.

Soon, the beggar turned into a big ball, rolling on the mountain of steamed buns, eating non-stop while rolling.

"Hey, brother, wake up, this is your dream, wake up!" Lin Yi tried to wake up.

The beggar just kept eating, and he ate up the whole mountain of steamed buns.

Lin Yi shook his head and flew out of the mirror.

In the mirror that flew over from behind, there was another world, where the mountains of steamed buns were not piled up, but gold.

A fat rich man in brocade clothes sat on a golden mountain, laughing heartily.

At a glance, the eyes are full of golden light. The stones on the ground are gold, the clouds in the sky are also gold, and the sun, moon, and stars are all gold.

"My gold is all my gold, get rich!" the fat rich man screamed and cheered.

The gold all over the world has gathered into a river, flowing continuously.

There was heavy rain pouring down from the sky, but upon closer inspection, it was also gold.

"My hands, my feet..." The fat rich man was lying in the gold nest, and suddenly cried out in horror. It turned out that, at some point, his own hands, feet, and body had also turned into gold.

Lin Yi called him a few times, but the fat rich man turned a deaf ear to him and didn't listen at all, so Lin Yi had no choice but to leave.

Lin Yi entered several dreams in a row, but unfortunately there was no way to save them. Their souls and dreams had already merged into one, and Lin Yi couldn't wake them up.

It seems that the only way to save these people is to find the culprit who sucked away the dream and remove the magic.

"Sister, how's it going?" Seeing Lin Yi coming back, Princess Yunyao breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay!" Lin Yi jumped onto the cloud horse, without saying much, and continued on his way.

At this time, in fact, there is no need for the soul bell to guide the direction, because as long as you follow the mirror, you can definitely find the big devil, and there will be no mistakes at all.

In the early morning, the two flew to Happy City.

Xiaoyao City is neither big nor small, located in the north of Little Spirit Realm, with tens of millions of people, it is a famous city of peace and happiness.

After entering the city, Lin Yi quickly realized that something was wrong. There was no one in this huge Happy City, and the streets were empty, like a ghost land.


Lin Yi walked into a room, and finally found someone, but the whole family inside was sleeping and couldn't be woken up no matter how loud they were.

Don't think about it, the primordial spirits of these people have long since disappeared.

Lin Yi and Princess Yunyao traveled all over Xiaoyao City, but they didn't find a single person who was awake. It can be said that tens of millions of people in Xiaoyao City were all sucked away from their souls and became living dead.

No wonder the city is so quiet.

Princess Yunyao was so frightened that she followed Lin Yi step by step, "It's... so... scary!"

"This big devil can absorb the dreams and souls of everyone in Happy City. It seems that his lair is nearby!" Lin Yi guessed.

Lin Yi immediately asked Princess Yunyao to use the soul bell. This time, the location designated by the soul bell was more clear, just in the northeast, and the reaction was extremely violent. It seemed that the distance was not far away.

"Sister, shall we continue our journey?" Princess Yunyao asked.

"Let's go!" Lin Yi didn't say much, and quickly transformed into a cloud horse. Now there is no time to waste, otherwise there will be chaos.

Flying out of Xiaoyao City, there is a huge wasteland in front of you, with few people, there is only a village in dozens of miles.

This place is almost at the edge of the Little Spirit Realm, and further north is the other areas of Bafangyuan.

An hour later, the night fell again.

The cold wind howled, and the speed of Yunma was so fast that it almost fell apart. Princess Yunyao could only hug Lin Yi tightly.

Strangely, tonight's night is extraordinarily bright.

In the middle of the night, it is still like day.

It is not difficult to find that in the northern sky, the bright lights are converging, as if forming a round of the sun.

This kind of vision is full of evil and creepy.

After getting closer, I finally saw clearly that those bright lights were actually mirrors.

These mirrors come from all directions and gather here, like a hundred rivers returning to the sea.

Lin Yi and Princess Yunyao were dumbfounded.

One after another mirrors, like well-trained soldiers, flew past their heads, tens of thousands of them, converging into strange galaxies.

Hundreds of rivers of Milky Way merged with the dreams of countless people and flowed towards the sky, forming a very spectacular scene.

"That is……"

"A giant beast!"

Not to mention the mortal Princess Yunyao, Lin Yi was a little dumbfounded.

Because what they saw was a gigantic monster with a height of thousands of feet standing between the sky and the earth. All the mirrors rushed towards this giant monster and became a part of its body, like stars in the galaxy.

As a result, the giant beast devoured tens of millions and countless dream worlds, its body became bigger and bigger, and its magic power became stronger and stronger. It was a huge "mirror monster".

The giant beast opened its abyssal mouth and kept devouring the flying mirrors. This terrifying big guy has sucked up many human dreams, and its belly must be full of mirrors.

No wonder, even Nanyan Xiaoyu is not his opponent!

"Sister, this...what the hell is this?" Nanyan Xiaoyu trembled with fright, her face turned pale.

"Nightmare, one of the evil spirits from the Netherworld, Nightmare!" Lin Yi took a breath and said firmly.

Nightmares are a kind of terrifying evil spirits. Lin Yi has only seen records in books. They like to devour dreams to improve their strength. When they are strong enough, they can even use dreams to swallow the real world.

At that time, Little Spirit Realm will become a chaotic dreamland, completely dominated by nightmares.

Princess Yunyao looked at the nightmare giant beast and was extremely desperate. Her relatives, like thousands of innocent people, had already turned into a part of the giant beast. How could they be saved? If it can be discovered early, the nightmare is not difficult to deal with. Now, the nightmare has swallowed up too many dreams, and Lin Yi's chances of winning may not even be at all.

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