Nanyan Xiaoyu frowned slightly, took a sneak peek at Lin Yi, and remained motionless.

"Well, I'll go out and have a look!" Lin Yi was not stupid, he quickly stood up and walked out of the house, leaving only the second daughter behind.

The corner of Nanyan Xiaoyu's mouth twitched, and finally couldn't help it, took a piece of meat and started eating.

Unlike Princess Yunyao, Nanyan Xiaoyu ate food slowly, but when the barbecue was eaten, her eyes lit up obviously.

"Sister, does it taste good?" Princess Yunyao winked.

Nanyan Xiaoyu nodded, "Unexpectedly, this guy's magic power is not very good, but he is quite talented in cooking!"

If others heard these words, I would be really pissed off. Lin Yi's mana and talent were one in a million, and he envied countless practitioners, but when Nanyan Xiaoyu said it, it turned out to be not so good.

After all, Nanyan Xiaoyu is also a genius spiritual master who is rare in a hundred years. She cultivated to the golden body state before she was 20 years old. In her eyes, Lin Yi's current magic power is indeed not very good!

Outside, Lin Yi stared at the northern sky, motionless.

Huge clouds, completely obscuring the sky, rolled in.

A black star looms.

Nightmare has obviously become stronger and stronger.

Perhaps, it's time to discuss with the senior sister about using that thing to deal with the nightmare, Lin Yi thought.

Although Lin Yi didn't want to use that thing very much, if they couldn't deal with the nightmare, there was only this last resort.


Lin Yi heard the sound of the door opening, and looked back, but it was Nanyan Xiaoyu who came out.

Lin Yi's expression softened immediately, with a slight smile, "Sister, the barbecue I made tastes good!"

Nanyan Xiaoyu's face was indifferent, like frost, she shook her head, "I didn't eat it! You know, I won't eat your food!"

Lin Yi rubbed his chin, "Then what's the matter with the oily spots on the corner of your mouth?" Nanyan Xiaoyu was stunned, and hurriedly raised her hand to wipe the corner of her mouth, "Ahem, junior brother, look, the nightmare is completely different from Wan Wan's dream. Fusion, if we don't stop this guy, there will be a disaster in the Little Spirit Realm, as a spiritual master, even if you pay me

Our lives must not be backed down..." Lin Yi did not expect that with Nanyan Xiaoyu's personality, she could say so many words in one breath. In order to change the subject, it was really difficult for her, "Senior sister, we only have three options , one is to find the master and let him take action to destroy the dream

nightmare! "

"Master has gone to the Eternal City, it's too late!" Nanyan Xiaoyu shook her head, "What about the second method?"

"Nightmare came to the Little Spirit Realm from the Nether Realm. When he was weak, he would definitely find a human host!" Lin Yi continued, "As long as you find the host and kill it, Nightmare's mana will be greatly damaged!"

Nanyan Xiaoyu nodded, "Nightmare knows his own weakness, so his host will not let us find it. It is impossible to search all the humans in Little Spirit Realm!"

Lin Yi smiled wryly, "Then there is only one last solution. There is a treasure in Xiaolingmen, and the senior sister must know about it!"

"You mean..." Nanyan Xiaoyu's complexion changed slightly, "The fountain of purification?"

"That's right!" Lin Yi nodded, "Once the fountain of purification is opened, it will be enough to purify the entire Little Spirit Realm. By then, let alone a nightmare, no matter how many evil spirits there are, they will be wiped out!"

The fountain of purification has always been the secret of Xiaolingmen, and it has only been opened once in thousands of years.

That was already 800 years ago. At that time, the Little Spirit Realm was invaded by evil spirits, and the lives were devastated. The first head of the Little Spirit Sect had no choice but to open the Purification Spring, cleans the Little Spirit Realm overnight, and wiped out all the evil spirits.

When mentioning the fountain of purification, the two became silent.

After a while, Nanyan Xiaoyu said, "The fountain of purification has a fatal flaw, did you know that?"

Lin Yihui: "The fountain of purification will not only destroy evil spirits, but also some living creatures, such as demons!"

This is what Lin Yi is most worried about. In the Little Spirit Realm, there are not only humans, monsters and other alien creatures, but also tens of thousands of them. They are also part of the Little Spirit Realm.

Once the fountain of purification is opened, human beings will hardly be affected much, but all these monster races will be wiped out by the fountain of purification.

Because the fountain of purification was born to protect human beings.

Is it worth sacrificing thousands of alien races to save humans in the Little Spirit Realm?

This is what Lin Yi has been struggling with. Without this worry, it would not be difficult to open the fountain of purification.

"Wait a little longer, your golden body is about to grow, maybe you and I can also eliminate the nightmare together!" Nanyan Xiaoyu said.

They didn't want to open the fountain of purification unless they had to.

In the middle of the night, there was silence all around.

Both Lin Yi and Nanyan Xiaoyu couldn't fall asleep, they had been paying attention to the movements of Mengmai.

Only Princess Yunyao was sleeping beside the fire.

But she didn't seem to be sleeping very well, she had a nightmare, she kept calling "Father Emperor" and "Mother Queen", and she was terrified.

In the end, it was Nanyan Xiaoyu who was holding her, and Princess Yunyao slept peacefully for a while.

In the early morning of the next day, the sunrise did not appear, because the entire sky was covered by Nightmare's body.

Pieces of strange white mist appeared between the sky and the earth, spreading towards Happy City.

The black sun hangs in the sky, dim.

"Sister, my lord, why is there so much fog today, I can't see anything clearly!" Princess Yunyao rubbed her eyes and asked, "Why is the sun also turned black?"

"That's not fog!" Nanyan Xiaoyu stared at the distant sky and said, "It's a world that has been backlashed by nightmares, and it's no longer reality!"

"The black sun is the body of the nightmare!" Lin Yi also answered.

They planned to stay and observe for a few days, but they didn't expect that the fusion speed of the nightmare was much faster than they expected.

In the north, a thick white mist sealed the entire land. No matter the mountains, rivers, or forests, they were all swallowed by the white mist and disappeared without a trace.

The black sun is like a hole in the sky.

Inside the white mist, and outside the white mist, completely formed two worlds.

A dream, a reality.

As the white mist spread, more and more areas became dreams, that is to say, nightmares were already encroaching on Little Spirit Realm.

This monster has finally started.

"Quick, get out of here right away!" Nanyan Xiaoyu showed an anxious look on her face, and with a wave of her palm, a cloud formed.

A thing in the cloud roared out, flew into the sky and fell.

Princess Yunyao thought it was another cloud horse, but when she looked carefully, it was ten feet long, with five claws on the ground, a snake body and a crocodile head, and shining scales, but it was a dragon.

The two took Princess Yunyao and quickly jumped onto Yunlong.

With a whistling sound, Yunlong flew into the sky, as if entering the sky, much faster than Lin Yi's cloud.

After a while, Yunlong flew out of Xiaoyao City carrying the three of them.

"Nightmare, it's here!" Lin Yi said, staring at the north all the time.

The white fog, like a monster, quickly engulfed Happy City.

The black sun hung in the sky, moving at an extremely fast speed, and the places it passed turned into white mist dreams.

The dikes burst and the flood flooded everything.

"Wow woof..."

Suddenly, in Xiaoyao City, there was a noisy dog ​​barking, which could be heard clearly after a long distance, like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

Taking a closer look, the streets of Happy City are crowded with densely packed dogs.

Black ones, white ones, flower ones, big ones and small ones, it has become a "kingdom of dogs".

"How come...there are so many dogs!" Princess Yunyao was dumbfounded, she had never seen them in Happy City before.

Lin Yi smiled wryly, "Xiaoyao City is already a nightmare, he can do whatever he wants, no one can resist!"

Princess Yunyao's face turned pale all of a sudden, "Those dogs are... the people of Happy City!"

The Nightmare devoured the Little Spirit Realm, turning it into its own dream world, and all human beings were turned into dogs, becoming slaves of the Nightmare, and they would never be able to stand up again.

If the nightmare cannot be stopped, then Little Spirit Realm will become a "doghouse" very soon.

This guy is too ruthless!

After devouring Happy City, the nightmare didn't stop and continued to spread southward.

Covered in mist, everything turned into a misty dream.

And it's getting faster and faster.

Along the way, where the black sun passed, the fog blocked the world, and the dream skyrocketed infinitely. All human beings, no matter mortals or practitioners, turned into dogs.

The sound of barking dogs overwhelmed everything.

Human beings who pride themselves on being superior are trampled to the extreme of lowliness. This is exactly the purpose of the nightmare.

Half a day later, the remote country.

Ever since the monsters were wiped out, the remote country has regained its former peace. Although the emperor and queen have not yet woken up, all the people think that the catastrophe has passed.

Suddenly, the sky darkened.

The thick mist, like a tsunami, came over.

The black sun hangs in the sky.

The mutated celestial phenomenon left everyone dumbfounded.

At this time, a snow-white dragon came flying through the clouds and fog, like a legendary god.

"Dragon, Shenlong!"

"It must be a fairy coming!"

"A good omen, a good omen!"

The ignorant mortals bowed down one after another, happily, as if there was a great happy event.

They didn't see clearly that there were three figures on Bailong's body, one of them was their princess.

At this moment, Princess Yunyao was extremely desperate, "My people, my people..."

She could only watch helplessly as the tragedy unfolded.

Yaoguo could not escape this catastrophe after all, and when the nightmare came, the world was turned upside down.

In the mist, the people who were kneeling down turned into dogs.

One, ten, hundred, thousand...

"What's going on? My eyes are blurry?"


"There are monsters!"

After a while, half of the people of Yaoguo turned into dogs, running around on the street.

This group of dogs chased Yunma crazily.

"Sister, my lord, can you save them? They are all citizens of my distant country..." Princess Yunyao said in grief. All the people have turned into dogs, but there is nothing they can do.

Lin Yi and Nanyan Xiaoyu were silent, neither saying anything. At this time, it is useless to say anything.

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