Lin Yi was full of embarrassment, "Senior laughed!"

"Old guy, don't make fun of my apprentice, go and get something!" Jue Zhenren, who always protects his weaknesses, immediately defended.

"Ahem, wait a minute!" The old man turned around and walked towards the big tree.

It turned out that the old man had gone to pick the leaves.

Master Jue took the opportunity to explain to Lin Yi that the leaves on the tree were actually the imprint of the sacred tree, and one piece grew every day, but there were hundreds of people who came to get the imprint, so it was extremely precious.

If you don't go through the back door, it's hard to get the mark.

"Master, who created this mark, why not create more?" Lin Yi asked.

The imprint is so rare that many people can't get it.

"Silly boy, no one can create a mark," Jue Zhenzhen shook his head, "The mark comes from God, and getting the mark is God's approval of you!"

"Boy, take it!" The old man had already picked off a leaf and handed it to Lin Yi, "Put it in your right hand and wait for God's approval!"

That leaf is as thin as a cicada's wing, as light as a feather, and very small, almost like a willow leaf.

Lin Yi didn't dare to hesitate, reached out and put the leaf in his palm, holding his breath.

After a while, the leaves emitted a faint light and stuck to Lin Yi's palm.

On the soul, there is a wonderful feeling, as if there is a sudden connection with something.

That thing seemed far away, maybe it was God!

When Lin Yi reacted, the leaves had already been printed on his palm, forming a pattern.

This is the mark of God.

Unless you die, the imprint cannot be removed by any means, let alone replaced.

"Lin Yi, you can try to use the mark!" Jue Zhenren reminded.

Lin Yi closed his eyes, felt the existence of the imprint with his primordial spirit, and then thought suddenly, and suddenly, an extremely large map appeared in front of him.

On the map, the entrance to the world and various floating islands are densely marked.

This is a map of the entire Eternal City.

"When you are new here, the imprint is just a map. When your strength and status improve in the future, the imprint will be more useful!" said the old man.

"Thank you, senior!" Lin Yi nodded.

Jue Zhenren and the old man exchanged a few more words of greeting, and then took Lin Yi away.

Outside, more and more people want to imprint, and even lined up outside the island.

The guards had to drive some people away, and the sound of beating and scolding was endless.

"Hey, I've been waiting for half a year, and if I don't get the mark, I will be kicked out of the Eternal Domain!"

"Brother, be content, I've been waiting for a year!"

"Let's not talk about one year, there are waiting for thirty or fifty years, what a pain!"


Hearing everyone's complaints, the corner of Lin Yi's mouth twitched slightly, not knowing whether it was a smile or something.

This world has never been fair!

The golden cloud dragon is flying cautiously.

There are islands and dense crowds of pedestrians everywhere here, it is impossible to go fast, if you are not careful, you may bump into it, and you will be thrown off your feet.

Half an hour later, an ordinary floating island appeared in front of Lin Yi.

Judging from the imprint map, this island is called "Turtle Island".

What a strange name.

Jue Zhenren broke up Yunlong, and the two flew straight to the island.

This island is the place where Jue Zhenren lives, and it is also counted as the residence of Xiaolingmen.

Turtle Island is not too big, it is very flat, with large fields planted in the middle.

In the fields, instead of crops, there are strange flowers, never seen before.

The houses are all on the edge of the island, surrounded by a circle, dilapidated and old.

This is too shabby!

What's the matter, Xiaolingmen is also a famous school!

"Master, is this the floating island of our Xiaolingmen?" Lin Yi scratched his head.

"Of course not, what are you thinking!" Jue Zhenren looked disgusted, "Master seems like a rich man who can afford a floating island. This belongs to someone else, and we are renting the island!"

After making a fuss for a long time, this dilapidated place is still under the fence.

Sure enough, there were some unknown people on the island who were working in the fields. It was only later that Lin Yi found out that besides Xiaolingmen, there were two sects on the island, both of which were unknown sects with more than a dozen members.

Seeing a stranger coming, several teenagers surrounded him curiously, pointing.

"Which sect is this from?"

"It seems to be the Little Spirit Gate!"

"This weird guy looks so stupid!"

"Like a monster, cluck!"

A boy in black came over and stared at Lin Yi mockingly, "Hey, that white-headed monster, what kind of sword are you carrying?"

Lin Yi frowned slightly, not wanting to answer.

The boy chased after two steps, "Hey, what about you!"

The other teenagers were obviously in the same group, so they booed, "Haha..."

The boy in black was even more proud.

The young man actually arranged it, which attracted several other people to join in, one by one.

At their age, they don't know how to behave in the world, they just think it's fun.

Lin Yi didn't care, and found it ridiculous.

On the other hand, Jue Zhenren was very sullen, turned around and cursed: "You little bastards, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will beat your mouths into assholes, believe it or not?"

As he said that, Jue Zhenren waved his palm, and the hurricane suddenly blew up, engulfing the boys and throwing them into the field.


The muddy teenagers got up and ran, still shouting the jingle in their mouths, and walked away.

Jue Zhenren cursed a few words before continuing on his way. Lin Yi didn't care, and found it ridiculous.

On the other hand, Jue Zhenren was very sullen, turned around and cursed: "You little bastards, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will beat your mouths into assholes, believe it or not?"

As he said that, Jue Zhenren waved his palm, and the hurricane suddenly blew up, engulfing the boys and throwing them into the field.


The muddy teenagers got up and ran, still shouting the jingle in their mouths, and walked away.

Jue Zhenren cursed a few words before continuing on his way.

Soon, the two came to the end of the field, and there was a thatched hut.

In the room, there are wine jars one by one, which are full, and even lined up outside, at least hundreds of them by visual inspection.

In front of the house, there is a bamboo recliner, swinging and creaking.

It's just that there is not a person on the deck chair, but a turtle!

A five-foot-long tortoise, with a gray shell on its back, holds a wine jar in its paws, drinking heartily.

It turned out that this old turtle was the owner of the floating island.

Lin Yi finally understood why it was called "Turtle Island".

It's really a tortoise that can't be judged by its appearance, this old tortoise must be a thief and rich owner.

"Old Gui, don't drink it!" Jue Zhenren coughed, "Give my apprentice a divination, and calculate his luck. You promised it."

This old turtle can actually tell fortunes.

The old turtle put down the wine jar, stood up slowly, glanced at Lin Yi, and said, "This is your fourth disciple, he is really different, he is so majestic, hiccup..."

"Senior Turtle!" Lin Yi shouted awkwardly. This old turtle should be an old demon who has cultivated to become a spirit. Strangely, it didn't take human form.

"Put your hands on my back!" the old turtle said dazedly, his two bean-big eyes kept rolling.

Without hesitation, Lin Yi stretched out his right hand and stuck it on the old turtle's shell.

The turtle shell is very rough, with dense lines on it.

Strangely enough, the veins are actually moving.

Lin Yi thought his eyes were dazzled, but when he looked carefully, these lines were like countless bugs crawling around, which was extremely weird.

In just one breath, the lines are completely different, and the patterns are ever-changing and extremely complicated. I'm afraid only the old turtle knows it.

After a while, the lines on the turtle shell finally stopped moving, showing a strange pattern.

Although Lin Yi couldn't understand the hexagrams, the lines on the tortoise's shell faintly formed the word "fierce".

Perhaps, Lin Yi was wrong.

The old tortoise turned around, shook the tortoise shell, and looked heavy.

"Senior Turtle, how is my luck?" Lin Yi asked.

"Ahem..." Old Gui didn't answer, "Lin Jue, come in!"

"Okay!" Jue Zhenren patted Lin Yi on the shoulder, and then followed the old turtle into the hut.

Soon, the two said a few words and walked out.

Judging by the real person's complexion is not very good, even a trace of sadness.

Is there really any bad omen?

"Master, what exactly is my hexagram?" Lin Yi asked again.

Jue Zhenren didn't answer either, "There should be something wrong with the hexagram just now, you don't need to ask any more!"

What exactly is the hexagram, even Lin Yi himself can't know.

"Kid, work hard, luck can be changed, don't worry about it!" Old Gui chuckled, took out a small bag from his paws, and handed it to Lin Yi, "Take it, this is a task for you!"

Lin Yi looked dull, "What?"

"Illusory Drunken Flower seeds, just ask your master!" After speaking, the old turtle lay down on the chair again, picked up the wine jar and drank.

What a drunk!

On the way to leave, Lin Yi asked.

It turned out that this old turtle not only likes to drink, but also likes to make wine. The wine in the room is all brewed by himself.

One of the most important ingredients for Lao Gui to make wine is the drunken flower.

Most of the fields on this island are actually planted with phantom drunken flowers.

The growth of the magic drunken flower is very strange. It does not need water or fertilizer, but only needs the energy of human spirit.

That is, the residual qi emanating from the body during cultivation.

The teenagers and practitioners on Turtle Island all have their own fields, and they help the old turtle plant the magic drunken flower. After it grows, the old turtle will pay the reward.

It doesn't take much effort, of course, why not do it.

Lin Yi also wanted to ask about the hexagrams, but Jue Zhenren kept his mouth shut. Lin Yi knew that with his master's temper, he would definitely not be able to ask anything.

Finally, the two arrived at the hut.

There are three huts, very simple.

Two bedrooms, a kitchen.

Seeing the kitchen, Lin Yi's eyes lit up, he quickly removed the black pot, and started to work, this is the place he is most familiar with and favorite.

"A worthless guy!" Jue Zhenren said with a look of hatred on his face, "Spinning around the pot all day long, it's hard to become a master!"

After a while.

"It smells so good!" Master Jue sniffed, and the aroma of the food wafted around, making his stomach growl.

After a while, Lin Yi took the food and put it on the table.

Jue Zhenren shook his head repeatedly, and sighed, "With this apprentice here, I will gain three hundred catties sooner or later, what a pity for my master!" After finishing speaking, Jue Zhenren grabbed the chopsticks and swallowed.

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