"Grandpa Village Chief, what can I do?" Xiaoyu asked, wanting to help.

The village head nodded, "Use a brush, and put a dot in the middle of each talisman paper!"

very simple.

Xiaoyu learned it after a few strokes, and immediately used the tip of the pen dipped in splashed gold ink to carefully draw on the sixty-four talisman papers.

The village chief picked up a piece of talisman paper and stared at it closely.

A strange scene appeared.

The splashed gold ink on the dots is actually slowly flowing, spreading outwards, spreading branches and leaves, as if there is an invisible pen, outlining.

After a while, the entire piece of talisman paper was densely packed with golden veins.

It turns out that this is the symbol!

Everyone, I was dumbfounded.

But only Lin Yi saw the way.

The village chief draws the symbols with his eyes, or in other words, the aura in his spiritual aperture.

While drawing the talisman, the village chief's eyes continuously released aura, forming a series of white mist-like crystals, attracting splashes of gold and ink to spread continuously.

With one stroke, the spiritual energy has been injected into the talisman, which is very mysterious.

Of course, ordinary people can't see it.

"It's amazing!" Lin Yi exclaimed in his heart, while watching, he memorized the traces on the talisman.

Although this is Taoism, it may be beneficial to his practice.

An hour later, the village chief finished drawing sixty-four talismans.

I was so tired that I was sweating profusely and almost collapsed, so I quickly sat down and adjusted my breath.

Drawing talismans requires continuous infusion of spiritual energy, which is a huge consumption.

After drawing these talismans, the village head almost exhausted his energy.

Lin Yi could see this clearly.

After all, the village chief is old and his physical strength is also struggling.

"Village chief, the lanterns are ready, exactly sixty-four!"

The villagers piled the lanterns in the yard.

The village chief nodded wearily, "Xiaoyu, stick these talismans into the lanterns in order, one for each lantern, so don't mess them up!"

"Yes, Grandpa Village Chief!" Although Xiaoyu is young, she works very neatly and carefully, which many adults can't match.

A few peasant women also came over to help Xiaoyu, sticking the talismans into the lanterns and arranging them in order.

Before you know it, the sun starts to set.

The red sunset dyed half the sky red.

Like a piece of silk, bright red, floating in the air.

The night is coming.

Outside, gusts of wind blew and beat the village.

Everyone was worried.

Can you make it through tonight?

Can you survive?

no one knows.

"Next, the most important thing is that we need sixty-four people, each with a lamp talisman, and follow me to set up formations in the village at night," said the village chief. "In this way, the lamp talisman can protect the village and drive away evil spirits!"

"Six...sixty-four people!"

"Will there be... danger?"

The village head nodded without hiding anything, "It's very dangerous! These sixty-four people, if they want to face the evil spirits directly, even with the protection of lamp charms, they will have a narrow escape!"

Everyone gasped.

Who would?

Who is not afraid of death?

Everyone was silent.

"Grandpa Village Chief, I'll go!" Suddenly, a small figure stood up.

She lifted a lantern and walked up to the village chief's grandpa with firm eyes and stubbornness.

This person is Xiaoyu.

The villagers looked at each other and lowered their heads in shame.

A thirteen-year-old girl is more courageous than them!

"Damn it, count me in!" A young man stood up.

"And I!"

"I am coming too!"

"The big deal is death, I will fight!"


One by one, the villagers stood up and filled the room. Everyone didn't want to be looked down upon by a little girl.

Anyway, this disaster is already close to death.

To die is to die with a backbone.

It is very worthwhile to create survival opportunities for family members and villagers.

The village head selected sixty-four people, all of whom were in their twenties and thirties. They had elderly parents, wives and children. Even if they wanted to protect their relatives, they had to fight with their lives!

Of course, the village head did not agree to Xiaoyu's request.

No matter how courageous she is, Xiaoyu is still a child.

"Xiaoyu, go home!"

It is very worthwhile to create survival opportunities for family members and villagers.

The village head selected sixty-four people, all of whom were in their twenties and thirties. They had elderly parents, wives and children. Even if they wanted to protect their relatives, they had to fight with their lives!

Of course, the village head did not agree to Xiaoyu's request.

No matter how courageous she is, Xiaoyu is still a child.


Xiaoyu was very annoyed, annoyed that she hadn't grown up, but she still listened to the village chief and didn't dare to mess around.

Except for these sixty-four people, the other villagers all went back to their homes and hid.

Waiting anxiously, the night fell.

In the yard, the village chief drew a picture on the wall.

On the picture, it is the whole village, with three streets in the front and back, and two streets on the left and right.

The village chief marked densely packed dots all around.

"Wait a minute, I will stand here as the starting point of the formation," the village chief pointed and said, "You all stand in line in the order of the lamp symbols, one person at a time, and there must be no confusion!"

Everyone nodded.

"In the evening, everyone starts to walk, follow my instructions, and turn around the village," the village chief continued, "You don't have to walk too fast, every half incense stick time, just step on the next point, there can't be too much Big difference!"


"Remember, no matter what you see or hear, don't be afraid, let alone run away, otherwise the formation will be broken and everyone will die!"


Lin Yi stood at the door, poking out the bull's head, watching quietly.

The formation drawn by the village head, faintly, formed the trend of five elements and eight trigrams, with eight, eight and sixty-four points, like sixty-four hexagrams, surrounding the village.

Of course Lin Yi doesn't know Taoism, but one can guess the mystery of it.

"Village Chief, the sun has set!"

Outside, the red sunset completely disappeared.

The world was dark.

All the villagers were nervous and afraid, praying silently in their hearts, praying for the gods and Buddhas all over the sky.

"Hoo hoo..."

Suddenly, there was a strong wind, flying sand and rocks.

This gust of wind came very strangely, swirling black air and permeating the sky.

"What a strong wind!"

The whole village was flooded by the storm.

Trees snapped and crops toppled.

Some flimsy huts were even blown apart.

The howling wind added to the fear.

Human beings are naturally afraid of this kind of weather.

"Light the lanterns!" said the village chief.

Everyone immediately lit the lanterns.

The fiery red light illuminated the entire yard and house.

"Follow me, go!"

The village head looked determined and walked out first.

Everyone follows one by one.

Fear, but no hesitation.

However, just as they walked out the door, a gust of wind blew up and almost sent them flying.

The village chief also staggered a few steps and hit the wall.

"not good!"

"Go back!"

Everyone hurriedly protected the lantern, some crawled, some ran, and hurried back to the yard.

"Village Chief, the wind is so strong that you can't even stand!"

"My weight of one hundred and fifty catties was almost blown away just now!"

"What should I do!"

The village chief was silent, his hands trembling.

The flames in the lantern fluctuated up and down, illuminating the village head's face with clear gullies.

The village head did not speak, and everyone was silent.

"Lamp array, I'm afraid it won't work!" The village chief closed his eyes, opened them again, and exhaled.

Everyone looked at the village head helplessly, "Is there no other way?"

The village head remained silent.

After a long time, I spit out five words: God is going to die and I will wait!

The Immortal Village could not escape the fate of extinction after all.

At this time, a man with a bad temper kicked open the door and ran out, "Damn it, I won't believe it..."


After walking a few steps, the big man was swept up by the strong wind and fell three feet away. He didn't stop until he reached the base of the wall, and crawled back in embarrassment, his nose bruised and his face swollen.

With such a strong wind, people can't go out at all.

Everyone is desperate, quietly waiting for death to come.

This feeling is really uncomfortable, like a terrible punishment.

The sky is getting darker and darker.

"Could it be that there is really no other way!" Lin Yi was also extremely impatient at this moment.

He wanted to protect Immortal Village, and even more so Xiaoyu.

It's a pity that he only learned the method of cultivation to deal with monsters like an egg against a stone.

what else can we do?

Suddenly, Lin Yi's eyes lit up.

He thought of something, and rushed out the door with a bang, running wildly in the wind.

The villagers were startled, "Whose cow is this, it scared me to death!"

"This cow seems to have been watching us just now!"

"Maybe, it ran home!"

Everyone didn't care.

This gust of wind is really strong, big enough to blow a grown man into the air.

But what about a cow?

If you have the ability, you blow me up!

I weigh five hundred catties, let you blow while standing, let you blow while running, and let you blow while lying down!


Lin Yi ran wildly in the village, not out of anger.


The sound of cows kept ringing in the village.

Don't forget, Lin Yi is now a cow, and he has the ability to communicate with the herd.

In the farming family, almost every household has cattle.

There are hundreds of cows in the entire Immortal Village.

Lin Yi communicated with these cattle, and after a while, he called out more than a dozen big yellow cattle, and in the strong wind, they walked towards the village chief's house like going to a market.


In the village, the sound of cattle bleating came and went, even overshadowing the howling of the strong wind.

At the gate, sixty or seventy cows gathered in a short while.

"Village chief, there are so many cows, there are so many cows!"

"What's going on, are these cows crazy?"

"Ghost knows!"

The village head was also stunned. He had never seen such a strange thing in his life!

These cows seem to be spiritually connected.


At this time, Lin Yi walked into the yard, he couldn't speak, so he had to use actions to remind him.

Lin Yi walked up to the village head, and with his horns, pushed up the lantern in the village head's hand.

"Niu... Niu seems to be...helping us?"

"How can this be!"

"Success... become a master?"

Everyone was completely dumbfounded.

"I understand!" The village head, after all, has the most knowledge, and immediately reacted with ecstasy on his face, "Quick! Quick! Tie the lanterns to the horns of these cows, quick!"

"Village chief, this... can this work?"

"They're just animals!"

"It's outrageous!"

However, everyone immediately followed suit.

Because there is no other way, a dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor!

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