When Xiaoyu said this, tears flowed down her face. She felt that her young master was really pitiful, the one who was beaten last time lay on the bed for half a month. This time, I'm afraid he will be suspended, and he will inevitably be beaten again.


Lin Shan snorted coldly, pointed at Lin Yi with his index finger, and scolded, "Trash, get out, don't you dare to hide behind women? The young master doesn't make things difficult for you, as long as you are willing to stand up and give the young master three bangs, then Get through Lao Tzu's crotch, and our grievances will be wiped out."

After the words fell, Lin Shan spread his legs arrogantly, and pointed into his crotch.

"Lin Yi, Lin Yi, it turns out that you were bullied by this kind of thing. I feel really sad for you," Lin Yi said silently, helpless and speechless.

Then he sighed, "Forget it! For my reincarnation's sake, I will kill Lin Shan for you. I just hope you don't meet him again."

"Trash, I told you to kneel down, didn't you listen?"

Seeing that Lin Yi was silent, Lin Shan raised his voice by another three points.

"Who is the waste to blame?" Lin Yi still hugged his shoulders, his expression was calm, and there was still a smile on the corner of his mouth.


Lin Shan was stunned. The Lin Yi in front of him was different from before. In the latter's eyes, he did not capture the original awe, but a hint of ridicule instead.

"The trash scolded you!"

Lin Shan blurted out, and then regretted it. He was led into a ditch by Lin Yi's words. When he spoke like this, it was tantamount to admitting that he was a waste.

"It seems that you still have some self-knowledge," Lin Yi said with one hand behind his back, and the corner of his mouth smiled even wider.

"You! Dog, could it be that you were beaten stupid by the young master, and you dare to insult me, the young master, you should die!"

Lin Shan's face was full of anger, and he gritted his teeth at the strong young man behind him and said, "Da Niu, beat him to death for me, beat him to death."

The reason why he didn't do it himself was not because he didn't want to hit Lin Yi. It was the last time he injured the latter and was imprisoned for a month, so he was somewhat apprehensive.

If Lin Yi was beaten by his servant, even if he was beaten to death, he would at most be accused of murdering a servant and would not be punished too harshly.

That's why he brought his servants here today.

"Yes, master!"

The young and strong man responded, walked over with strides, and after bypassing the forest mountain, raised his hand to Lin Yi's forehead and punched him.

The big fist of the vinegar bowl whistling with wind, rushed straight to Lin Yi's face. As for the petite Xiaoyu, he ignored the young and strong man directly. With his physique, Xiaoyu's petite body did not pose any threat to him.

"Master, be careful!"

Xiaoyu exclaimed, closed her eyes and rushed towards the young strong man. Although the little girl is young, she has a very courageous personality, and she will try her best to protect her master.


Lin Yi moved suddenly, with a flash of brisk steps, and then came first, his left hand wrapped around Xiaoyu's waist, his right hand turned into a fist, and met the fist of the young and strong man.

"Die!" The young man's mouth was grim, he didn't think this trash could block his punch.


There was only a muffled sound, and Lin Yi's slender fingers firmly grasped the young man's fist, preventing him from moving forward at all.

"Hey! There's something wrong with this kid. How could he block Daniel's punch? I heard that he killed Lin Mo two days ago. Are the rumors true?"

Lin Shan had a look of surprise on his face. He knew Daniel's strength well. Although the latter had never practiced, but because of his tall stature and natural supernatural power, he was not necessarily an opponent of Daniel, even if he was an ordinary first-level martial artist. . What's more, Lin Yi is such a waste?

"This... I... I... Master."

Xiaoyu opened her eyes, but was dumbfounded. She couldn't imagine that Lin Yi not only saved herself, but also took a terrible punch from the young and strong man.


The young strong man was sweating profusely, his ferocious smile disappeared, and his expression was full of shock. He felt that his fist seemed to be held by a steel hoop, and his bones were almost crushed.


Lin Yi's face turned cold, and he let go of Xiaoyu with his left hand, and clasped the young strong man's fist with both hands at the same time, and twisted it hard.

Click! Ka Ka Ka...··

The sound of broken bones kept coming, and one arm of the young and strong man was twisted into a twisted shape.

"Ah~~ It hurts me to death, young master, help me, kill this trash."

The young strong man let out a terrifying scream. He couldn't understand how Lin Yi, who had always been weak, suddenly became so powerful.

Before Lin Shan could make a move, Lin Yijue stepped forward and grabbed the young strong man's neck with his right hand.

"Master... help..."


Before the young strong man could finish his plea for help, Lin Yi twisted his neck, tilted his head, and died immediately.

To kill this strong young man, Lin Yi didn't use his aura, but only used some simple grasping hands.

With his combat experience, even if the young strong man is twice as strong, he can easily deal with it.

In Lin Yi's words, killing people couldn't be easier.

After seeing Lin Yi kill twice in a row, Xiaoyu calmed down instead. She can be sure that her young master has indeed changed, has become decisive, and is no longer cowardly as before.

Although Xiaoyu doesn't know where Lin Yi learned these killing moves, she thinks it's good, at least the current young master is more suitable for this cruel world of warriors.

"Lin Yi, you are so brave, you dare to kill even my people!"

Lin Shan gritted his teeth, and looked at Lin Yi coldly, as if he wanted to eat people.


Lin Yi casually threw away the dead body of the young strong man, clapped his hands, and looked at Lin Shan with a smile, "It's just a servant, if you kill it, you will kill it."


Lin Yi's actions made Lin Shan's heart tremble, and he thought of a word - kill without blinking an eye.

Now Lin Yi looks calm and calm on the surface, but he looks like a devil who came out of hell.

Forced to calm down, Lin Shan said angrily, "Beating a dog depends on the owner. If this is the case, then you will pay with your life!"

After he finished speaking, he mobilized the aura in his body and came to kill Lin Yi. At this moment, Lin Shan only wanted to kill Lin Yi. He just felt a threat from the latter.

It would do him no good to keep such an enemy.

"Wait a moment!"

Lin Yi raised his hand to stop Lin Shan's attack.

"Why, you're scared!" Lin Shan smiled evilly, feeling the movement of aura in his body, and the fear of Lin Yi disappeared without a trace.

Lin Shan felt that a month ago, Lin Yi was not his opponent, no matter how much he changed, it was impossible for him to suddenly have the ability to fight against the fourth-level warriors who opened the pulse.

"If you dare to kill me, it's not as simple as confinement. Don't forget the family rules of the Lin family. I'm a direct disciple of the Lin family." Lin Yi said with a smile.

"You...huh! Then I will disable your hands and feet, let you lie on the bed for the rest of your life, and become a complete waste."

Lin Shan's face changed, and he didn't dare to make a move immediately, but only threatened him. He knows better than anyone else that the Lin family forbids disciples from the same sect to kill each other. Once someone kills a disciple of the same sect, they will be abolished and expelled from the family, or beaten to death with sticks.

Even if the disciples of the same clan are abolished, they will be severely punished. Lin Yi's identity is sensitive. After all, he is the son of his family. If something happens to him, he will definitely not end well.

"You don't dare to kill me, and you don't dare to abolish me. I have a suggestion. How about we fight to the death?"

At the end of Lin Yi's words, his eyes suddenly burst into brilliance, and when he mentioned the battle of life and death, he felt a sense of excitement in his heart.

In this world, people can kill at will without any restrictions. But this rule does not make sense among the disciples of the family, no family will allow the disciples of the family to kill each other.

But this is the world of warriors after all, if two disciples of the same clan have a bloody feud, then they can propose a life-and-death battle.

In the arena of life and death, only one of the two sides can survive. No matter what method is used to kill the other party, they will not be punished by the elders in the family.

"Life and death battle! Hahaha..."

Lin Shan was stunned, and then laughed loudly, "Lin Yi, Lin Yi, I really have you. You gave me the best way to kill you."

Lin Yi shrugged, "This is also my favorite way."

"Master, don't, it's too dangerous, you haven't started practicing, how can you fight him to the death!" Xiaoyu was anxious, and pulled Lin Yi's arm to persuade him.

"Don't worry, I have my own decision!" Lin Yi looked indifferent, and lightly patted Xiaoyu's little hand, signaling that she didn't have to worry about herself.

"Okay! Life and death battle, I agree. Three days later, in the martial arts arena, we will fight for life and death in the arena of life and death."

After Lin Shan finished speaking, he shook his sleeves and left. Seeing his disappearing back, the corners of Lin Yi's mouth rose again.

"Three days later, it will be the day when I, Lin Yi, will rise up in this world."

He is not worried about the fact that he can cultivate. After all, there is the Patriarch of the Lin family behind him. If the latter knows that he can cultivate, he will definitely stand behind him.

Lin Yi could understand Li Zhanao's mood. His son was a waste who couldn't cultivate. He didn't come forward to protect him, but it was another kind of protection for his son.

If he protected Lin Yi everywhere, he would only provoke stronger enemies for the latter. If there are strong enemies around, Lin Yi will only die faster with his cowardice.

Life and death battles are more troublesome, not only must both parties agree, but also the consent of the law enforcement elders.

But don't worry about this, Lin Shan will handle these things well, because his father is the law enforcement elder.

"Have you heard? Lin Yi is going to fight Lin Shan to the death."

"What? Lin Yi, you're talking about trash Lin Yi. How is this possible? Is he crazy?"

"Oh my god, it's unbelievable. Could it be that he was beaten so stupid that he wanted to fight Lin Shan to the death?"

"It doesn't matter if that trash is dead, so as not to waste the family's resources."


Under Lin Shan's deliberate publicity, the story of the life-and-death battle spread throughout the Lin family, and everyone in the Lin family was surprised when they heard the news.

Three days later, early in the morning.

"Third-level realm of opening the pulse!"

Lin Yizheng opened his eyes, showing a joyful expression. After three days of non-stop hard work, his cultivation has reached a further level.

"Third-level realm of opening the pulse. Not bad! You can finally practice."

A deep voice sounded, startling Lin Yi, he looked sideways, and saw a tall figure standing in the room at some point.

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