"Oh? Huang-rank advanced exercises?"

Lin Yi looked slightly surprised. In the eyes of ordinary warriors, the advanced exercises of the Huang rank are already very advanced exercises, and his "Nine Waves of Heavenly Fist" belongs to the category of advanced exercises of the Huang rank.

And "Eight-foot Swimming Steps" can only be regarded as an intermediate-level exercise of the yellow rank. As for the higher-level exercise of the mysterious rank, the Lin family may not be able to produce it.

In Lin Yi's body, besides the "Desolate Ancient Zhantian Jue", there are also a set of heaven-level exercises, one is "Wan Dao Jin Shen Jue", and the other is "Dead Wood Longevity Jue".

Among them, "Wan Dao Jin Shen Jue" is a special method for tempering the body, and he has already cultivated to the intermediate level of copper bone.

"Longevity Jue with Dead Wood" is also extremely extraordinary, but he already has an even better "Desolate Ancient Zhan Tian Jue". So there is no need to practice "Longevity of Dead Wood".

Apart from the above sets of exercises, Lin Yi didn't have any powerful offensive exercises, and the highest one was "Jiulangtao Tianquan".

What he wants most now is to be able to practice a mysterious-level attacking technique. When he arrives at Chuling Academy, some powerful or well-off warriors have already started to learn the mysterious-level skills.

"Call Lin Chuang, let's go to the Gongfa Hall together." Lin Yi said.

"Brother Yi, Lin Chuang and the others have already received the exercise yesterday, and we are the only two left without it. Let's go quickly! I plan to change my major exercise to the advanced exercise of the yellow rank."

As Di Qiang was talking, he dragged Lin Yi to the door of Longteng Courtyard without saying anything.

The two walked hurriedly on the street of the college, and they didn't go out for five days, Lin Yi found out. The streets are full of new disciples, many times more than before.

This is because the new batch of new disciples came from all over the world, and all of them entered Chuling Academy.

"That is. Lin Yi..."

"Who? Lin Yi, he is Lin Yi. He looks so young."

"Oh my god! Lin Yi, that peerless brute, the one who opposed the Qingzhou Society."

Along the way, many people looked sideways at Lin Yi. To those new disciples, Lin Yi's image was definitely a terrifying figure.

"Qiangzi, how's it going? Get used to it here!" Lin Yi glanced at Di Qiang, and asked casually.


Di Qiang scratched his head, showed a bitter smile, and said plaintively, "Brother Yi, the cultivation conditions in Chuling Academy are good, but there are too many geniuses. We have become the worst people in this place."

In Blue Moon City, Di Qiang and others can be said to be first-class geniuses, but in Chu Ling Academy, the talents of the entire Chu Kingdom are gathered here. Compared with some people, they are no longer geniuses, but mediocre.

Not to mention them, even Zhang Tianjue, the son of Yuezhou City and others, are not considered to be many great geniuses when they arrive at Chuling Academy. There are many young people who are more talented than them.

Only monsters like Lin Yi and Chu Xiaoxiang can make their mark in Chuling Academy. Lin Yi patted Di Qiang on the shoulder, "Don't worry, take your time. If you don't have the talent, just work hard. Sooner or later, you will all become very powerful. Talent is of course important. If you lose the heart of a warrior, then such

It is impossible for people to go for a long time. "

"Well! Brother Yi, I will definitely work hard!" Di Qiang nodded firmly, and at the same time secretly clenched his fists, keeping Lin Yi's words in his heart.

From the bottom of his heart, Di Qiang envied Lin Yi's strength, but even more admired his diligence. Among the people he knows, the latter can be said to be the most diligent and assiduous one. He cultivates like a lunatic, retreating for days and nights at every turn.

"By the way, Brother Yi, you've been cultivating in closed doors these days. Among the new disciples, there are many powerful geniuses?" Di Qiang said suddenly.

"Oh? Tell me." Lin Yi became slightly interested. During this period of time, he was focused on cultivation, and he really didn't pay much attention to the outside world.

"Hmm!" Di Qiang cleared his mind, and then said, "Among the new disciples, four are relatively famous and are known as the 'Chu Ling Four Masters'. They are the first genius of Yuezhou, Chu Xiaoxiang, Jiangzhou Chai Jun, the first genius, Situ Ya, the first genius in Bazhou, Qing

The first talent in the state is Ximen Feng. ""The four of them are all fighters of the ninth level of energy transformation, and they are very valued by the academy." Among them, Princess Xiaoxiang, the number one genius in Bazhou, Situ Ya, and a girl named Gu Xuejiao. They are called 'Chu Ling San Yan'. They say they are new disciples

The prettiest beauties. "

"Four masters of Chu Ling? Three beautiful figures of Chu Ling? This is interesting." Lin Yi smiled relaxedly. He didn't expect the low-key Chu Xiaoxiang to be so famous when he first arrived at Chu Ling Academy. "They are not the most powerful. Among the royal disciples of this year, there is a man named Xiang Yilong, who is the ninth son of His Majesty today. He is even more peerless. He entered the Tongxuan realm at the age of sixteen. , is the most talented among the many princes

One, deeply loved by His Majesty. "When Di Qiang said this, his face was full of admiration.

"What a scary person!"

Lin Yi was astonished. He had never heard of a martial artist who could enter the Tongxuan Realm at the age of sixteen, which was amazing. In Blue Moon City, the strongest Baili Hongfei was only a warrior of the Tongxuan Realm.

Being able to enter the Tongxuan Realm at the age of sixteen is not something that can be achieved with sufficient cultivation resources. Lin Yi expected that the royal disciple named Xiang Yilong must be a person with a special physique.

While the two were chatting, they unknowingly came to the Gongfa Hall.

In the exercise hall, many new disciples came and went, and most of them said they came to receive free exercises.

"Lin Yi! It's Lin Yi..."

As soon as Lin Yi entered the Gongfa Hall, he attracted the attention of many people.

He frowned slightly, glanced at the people in the hall, and then looked at the environment in the hall.

I saw that the entire hall was filled with rows of boxes, each with three spaces, divided into upper, middle, and lower floors.

On the first cabinet in a row of cabinets, the types of exercises are marked, such as major exercises, offensive exercises, defensive exercises, footwork, sword techniques, knife techniques, spear techniques, and so on.

Many new disciples shuttled through the cabinets, searching for the exercises they needed.

Lin Yi roughly glanced at it. The exercises on the first floor were all low-level yellow ranks, the second level was middle-level yellow ranks, and the third level was high-level yellow ranks.

There are tens of thousands of copies of all the Huang-rank exercises here, and it is dazzling to read.

"Brother Yi, I'm going to choose the exercises first."

As Di Qiang spoke, he went straight to the row of cabinets where he majored in exercises.

His purpose is relatively clear, that is, he wants a set of high-level exercises of the yellow rank, which he majors in, and replaces the exercises he originally practiced.


Lin Yi nodded, and glanced casually. On the left side of the door, there was a counter. On the counter was a lazy old man who was in charge of registering here. He had seen this old man before, and he was the one who made entry tokens for them.

Behind the old man, there is another staircase leading to the second floor, which is closed. Lin Yi knew that there were more than one floor of the Gongfa Hall, and there should be more advanced cultivation methods if you go up the stairs.

"What kind of exercises should I receive?"

Lin Yi thought for a while, and then walked towards the attack box. With the growth of his cultivation, the attack power of "Nine Waves of Heavenly Fist" gradually became insufficient. He wanted to practice a more powerful boxing method.

After a quick glance, Lin Yi was a little disappointed. Although there are many advanced exercises of the Huang rank here, almost none of them can surpass the "Nine Waves Heavenly Fist" in terms of attack power.

The Lin family defined "Jiulangtao Tianquan" as an intermediate level of the Huang rank. In fact, it belongs to the advanced level of the Huang rank, and it is a rare attacking boxing method among the advanced ranks of the Huang rank.

"Senior, this disciple wants to receive a set of profound cultivation techniques."

A crisp voice caught Lin Yi's attention. He looked towards the counter and saw the lazy old man in front of him. There stood a young man with red lips and white teeth, about sixteen or seventeen years old, with red lips and white teeth, wearing a plain blue robe.

He is not very young, but his cultivation is very high, impressively at the ninth level of energy transformation.

The crisp voice not only attracted Lin Yi, but also attracted many young men and women in the hall.

"Oh my God! It's him, the number one genius in Jiangzhou, Chai Jun, one of the four young masters of Chu Ling." Someone recognized the identity of the boy in blue and said it out loud.

"Chu Ling's Four Young Masters? He is Chai Jun, who has the ninth level of Huajin, what a formidable person."

"What a genius, I don't know how he cultivated?"

"He wants to receive the Xuan-level exercises, my God, a genius is a genius."

Many people in the hall opened their mouths wide and looked at Chai Jun enviously.

"Interesting boy! Do you know the rules for receiving the elementary exercises of the Xuan level?"

The lazy old man raised his head and looked at the young man in front of him with a smile, with some appreciation in the corner of his mouth.

"The disciple knows that ten spirit stones are added to the quota for the advanced exercises of the Huang rank." Chai Jun smiled lightly, his smile was like a spring breeze.


The lazy old man nodded, pointed to the stairs, and said, "It's more than that. At the same time, you must have the strength to enter the second floor. If you can't enter, the quota for the advanced exercises of the yellow rank will be gone, and the ten spirit stones will be in vain." wasted."

"Disciple is willing to give it a try!" Chai Jun nodded confidently, and at the same time took out ten spirit stones from the Qiankun bag on his waist, and placed them in front of the old man.

"Oh my god, ten spirit stones and a Qiankun bag, you are indeed the number one genius in Jiangzhou, you are so rich." Someone said enviously.

thump thump...

Under the envious eyes of everyone, Chai Jun disappeared at the stairs. After that, the whole hall shook slightly, and then there was no sound. Obviously Chai Jun entered the second floor.

"Qiangzi? What's going on here?"

Lin Yi pointed to the second floor and asked Di Qiang who had just run over. Square face rolled his eyes, and jokingly said, "Brother Yi, you really don't care about world affairs. Chuling Academy has regulations that new disciples can also receive Xuan-rank exercises, but three conditions are required. The first is to receive advanced Huang-rank exercises. The second is to pay ten pieces of spirit stones. The last condition is that there is a formation blocking the second floor, and you need a certain amount of strength to get through the formation and enter the second floor. Otherwise, the quota for the advanced exercises of the Huang rank will be gone. A piece of spirit stone was also in vain."

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