
There was an old woman's voice laughing, and she said, "The old man pays three hundred and ten yuan."

"Three hundred and fifty yuan." The rough voice seemed a little angry, but he didn't dare to get mad.

The voice of the male duck's voice continued, "Four hundred spirit stones."

"Four hundred and twenty dollars."

The one who made the bid still had a rough voice, and it was not difficult to hear from the voice that he was even more angry. There was an aura of terror emanating faintly.

"Hehe! It's getting more and more interesting, and I'm here to play, five hundred spirit stones."

This bid was made by that majestic voice at the beginning.

"I? Could it be that he is the emperor of a certain country?" Lin Yi couldn't calm down when he heard the words. In this world, one cannot be an emperor with talent alone. The emperors of each generation are the most talented geniuses among all the direct princes.

It can also be said that every monarch is a superpower in his country.

"Since Emperor Chu has made a move, I won't take part in it. This old man's worth is not comparable to your majestic Emperor."

The old woman's voice sounded again, but her words shocked everyone present.

In this world, there is no second Emperor Chu. The identity of the latter is self-evident.

"It's His Majesty, my God, His Majesty is here."

"It's unbelievable that His Majesty will come to a small auction."

"Thunder Dragon Order, Thunder Dragon Order, what exactly are you?"

The scalps of the people in the auction hall were numb, and no one could have imagined that today, they were actually in the boxes on the second floor. And no one knows yet.

As people had guessed, the majestic voice in the box was none other than His Majesty, Xiang Yan.


The rough voice snorted coldly and gave up the auction. The person who dared to make such a rough voice in front of His Majesty the Emperor must also be a super strong person.

"Quack quack quack! Things are getting more and more interesting. Unexpectedly, the genius from back then still rises, and the little urchin still grows into an emperor. The old man bids five hundred and fifty spirit stones." The one who spoke was the old man with a duck voice.

What he said was obviously aimed at His Majesty the Emperor of Chu, and more or less meant to rely on the old to sell the old.

"Senior Wu Ya has won the award, Xiang Yan dare not take it." Chu Huang's voice was flat, no emotion could be heard.

The male-duck-speaking old man said, "You have already reached such a state, you don't dare to respond to the old man's call, we can just talk about it as equals."

The old woman spoke impatiently. "Okay, you two, now is not the time to reminisce about the past, let's continue to bid for the Thunder Dragon Token."

The male-duck-mouthed old man was slightly angry, "You old woman, after all these years, why are you still so impatient?"


Chu Huang smiled, "Senior Zhongli is right, the business is important, I will offer six hundred spirit stones."

The box fell into silence, and after waiting for a long time, the old man with a male duck voice said, "Six hundred... ten yuan."

He hesitated a little in his bid, as if he didn't want to bid a higher price.

"Six hundred and twenty dollars."

Emperor Chu also saw the other party's hesitation, and added ten spirit stones.

The hall fell into silence again, and no one was bidding. The old man with the drake voice also lost his voice.

Although everyone is super strong, Emperor Chu controls a country and obviously has an advantage in financial resources.

"If no one pays a higher price, the Thunder Dragon Token will belong to the Emperor."

The voice was majestic and calm, without a trace of breath, but there was a faint tendency to suppress all directions. The domineering arrogance of the king of a country is evident.

"Seven hundred yuan."

There was another bid, and the one who spoke was a hoarse voice. He couldn't tell the age, he couldn't tell the gender, and he couldn't tell which box the voice came from.

"who is it…··"

All the powers in the box were startled, obviously they didn't know the bidder either.


Lin Yi raised his eyebrows and glanced at the box on the second floor. He always felt that the hoarse voice was somewhat familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"Who are you? Why are you hiding your head and showing your tail?" The old man's voice raised a little, his tone was full of surprise.

"Hahaha! Old ghost Wuya, the thunder dragon wins the highest price, why bother to find out the origin of this old man. With your temperament, it is no wonder that you are still stuck at this step after many years." The hoarse voice was very flat, with mocking tone.

"You...you bastard, could it be that you have taken that step?" The old man with a duck voice was disdainful.

"What do you say?"

A shocking aura suddenly diffused from the hall, enveloping everyone in it. The aura was majestic and majestic, as if it could contain the world, and it was not inferior to the aura released by the dozen or so people at the same time.

What was even more astonishing was that the people were exposed to the terrifying atmosphere, but they didn't feel any fear at all, as if it was everywhere and would not cause any harm to everyone.


Feeling this breath, those super strong men in the box all gasped.

"Who the hell are you? You actually realized that step!" The old man's voice trembled. There seems to be some fear of people with hoarse voices.

"Not yet, but it's more than enough to deal with you." The hoarse voice said.


Chu Huang's voice was suspicious, and he was about to speak. He was interrupted by a hoarse voice, and he said flatly, "Continue bidding for Thunder Dragon Token."

Continue to bid for Thunder Dragon Token. "

For some reason, after the hoarse voice finished speaking, no one spoke for a long time, even the Emperor Chu was silent.

"Seven hundred and ten dollars."

It was a sullen and high-pitched voice, sounding like a eunuch's, and it was his first bid.

"Eight hundred yuan." The hoarse voice said.

"It's... 800 yuan. Who the hell is he? He has such courage." A surprised voice came from the box on the second floor.

"Eight hundred and ten yuan." The high-pitched voice followed up with the bid.

"Nine hundred."

The bidder still had a hoarse voice, as if he was determined to win Thunder Dragon Ling. Every bid increases a middle-grade spirit stone.

The thin voice hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Nine hundred and fifty yuan."

"A thousand dollars."

A hoarse voice sounded faintly, as if to him, a thousand middle-grade spirit stones were not worth mentioning.

"This... a thousand middle-grade spirit stones, if converted into low-grade spirit stones, it will be one million. My God, I'm crazy. Is this Thunder Dragon Token really so valuable?"

"One million spiritual stones, what is this concept? It is enough to buy 10,000 spiritual weapons. A big man is a big man, too rich."

"If you give me a thousand middle-grade spirit stones, you won't be able to spend them all in ten lifetimes."

The people in the hall, no matter whether they were fighters of Huajin or Tongxuan realm, were not calm anymore, and they were all shocked.

After the hoarse voice bid a thousand spirit stones, the box on the second floor was completely quiet, and no one bid again.


One after another figures swept out of the box, and then disappeared into people's eyes. Those super strong men were extremely powerful. They left very quickly, as if they disappeared out of thin air. The people in the hall couldn't catch their shadows with naked eyes.

"Since there are no more bids, the deal is done."

As he spoke in a hoarse voice, he saw an imaginary big palm appear out of nowhere in the hall, pinching away the Thunder Dragon Token.

Everyone felt a blur before their eyes, and looked at the tray in the maid's hand again. The Thunder Dragon Token on the tray was gone, and there was an extra Qiankun bag.

Jiang Fu took the Qiankun bag in his hand, glanced inside, and immediately beamed with joy. It was obvious that the person with the hoarse voice really paid for the Lingshi.

"Old stuff, you bastard who hides his head and shows his tail, leave things behind." A shrill voice sounded.


A shocking breath suddenly erupted, and the roof of the hall was blown off. Countless pieces of wood and tiles fell down one after another.

"not good……"

People in the main hall fled one after another, and dozens of fighters in Huajin state were attacked by the aftermath and died on the spot.

Terrible things still happened. There was a super strong man who didn't obey the rules and wanted to grab Thunder Dragon Token by force.


Lin Yi slapped a beam flying away, and when he looked up, he saw six or seven strong men standing in the air.

Their clothes fluttered, like immortals, just standing in the air like this. Without the aid of anything.

"Flying in the sky."

Lin Yi was surprised, since he traveled to this world, it was the first time he saw someone flying in the air.

Due to the continuous falling of debris from the sky, Lin Yi did not see clearly the faces of the people above. After a while, only six or seven people were seen opposing each other in two groups.

One was a man covered in a black robe, and beside him stood a middle-aged man in a moon white robe. Lin Yi faintly felt that the figure of the man in black was somewhat familiar, as if he had seen it before.

The other group consisted of three or four people, headed by an old man dressed as an eunuch.

"Oh my god! It really is super strong, they can fly."

"It's too powerful, what level of warrior is this?"

"Run! Don't stay in this place for long. Immortals will suffer if they fight."


The warriors below were in a mess and fled towards the distance one after another. At this time, the main hall had completely collapsed.


Lin Yi immediately looked away, took Jiang Xiaorou's hand and left the collapsed hall.

"The eunuchs of Qi are so courageous, they dare to make trouble under the eyes of the emperor."

While running away, Lin Yi turned his head and glanced at the sky, the middle-aged man in Yuebai robe spoke, his voice was full of majesty and mixed with anger. He is Xiang Yan, Emperor of Chu.

"Do it."

The eunuch's eyes changed, and he flashed a sinister look, but he didn't answer Xiang Yan's words.

He raised his hand and grabbed it forward, and a huge pale hand appeared, grabbing at the man in black.

The three warriors behind him also launched an attack, and their target was Xiang Yan, Emperor Chu.

"The eunuch courts death!"

A hoarse voice sounded, and the man in black made a move.


He touched it casually, and a big golden finger appeared out of thin air. The whole body of the big finger is golden yellow, as if cast from divine gold. Almost a hundred feet in size, it filled the sky above, like a giant pillar of the sky, with dazzling golden light, exuding supreme power.

"My God, what kind of trick is this, run away."

"My mother-in-law, fourth uncle, grandpa, help me!"

"What a strong person, he is worthy of being a super strong man. He is too frightening." The warriors below screamed and fled to various places in the city.

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