A group of young people set foot on the Golden Walk, and as they moved, the sand and gravel under their feet made an unpleasant sound.

"This... the land of no spirit?"

The complexions of the young people all changed. After stepping into the land of gold, their bodies could not help but sink, and their steps became much heavier.

In the land of gold, it is impossible to use spiritual energy. What kind of concept is this? A group of young people are stupid.

Everyone practiced the exercises one after another and found that it was useless. The aura in the body was completely sealed in the body like stagnant water, and even the universe bag could not be opened.

how so? There is no aura.

A warrior's combat power is all based on spiritual energy. If there is no spiritual energy, how can he get through this land of gold? If you encounter a terrifying creature, like the fire spirit in the Land of Fire, how should you deal with it?

A group of young people looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally understood why these old men didn't fly in the air, they didn't have aura, what a fart they were flying.

I finally understand, old guys, why I have avoided talking about the place of Jin Xing.

If they had known that there was no aura in the land of Jin Xing, they would have retreated.

"Oh my god! Without spiritual energy, what should we do? Isn't this asking us to die!"

"Forget it, I don't think the opportunity in the Thunder God Tower is worth it, why don't we go back."

"That's right, I don't want to enter the land of the golden line. It's too scary without aura."


A group of young people with complexions as black as the bottom of a pot.

"His Majesty Chu, why don't we go back?" A young man said bravely.

"go back?"

Emperor Chu's face straightened, "It's impossible to go back, the land of five elements has already passed four, how can we give up halfway?"

"I...we..." Some young people stammered and spoke hesitantly. Obviously, they all had the same idea and didn't want to step into the land of the five elements.

Without aura, everyone is like a toothless tiger.

"Okay!" Xiang Tu waved his hand, and continued, "The land of gold is indeed dangerous, but the opportunity is not small. There is a rare gas of gold essence here. Absorbing the energy of gold essence is beneficial to strengthen your physical body, and it will help you in the future. lay a good foundation for the practice. Can hone in this

It's your luck to work hard, so don't complain too much. "Xiang Tu's words calmed down all the young people, and his prestige is still quite strong. Seeing the young people calm down, he continued, "The land of Jin Xing has no aura, but the creatures here also have no aura. Yes, they do not occupy the absolute

advantage, so don't worry too much. "

"That's right, how could we forget about this? How can there be any powerful existence in the spiritless land? What Senior Xiang said makes sense." Someone's eyes lit up and he said.

"Aura of gold essence!"

Lin Yi's eyes lit up, and he savored it carefully. In the land of the five elements, there was indeed an invisible layer of golden essence, but it was relatively rare. Even if he swallowed up the golden essence, it would not improve his physical body. .

Because his physical body is too strong, a little golden energy is relatively dispensable.

"The gas of gold essence really exists. My God, this is a treasure. I feel that it will be of great use to my physical body."

"There are also such strange places, the Thunder God Tower is really full of opportunities."

"Hahaha! That's great, the aura of gold essence here is so strong, walking here will definitely improve my physical body a lot."

A group of young people tried it one after another, and they all showed smiles. Unlike Lin Yi, the golden essence here is just suitable for them to temper their bodies.

Since ancient times, there has been no fixed way to cultivate the body. There are many ways to strengthen the body. Elixirs, elixir, animal blood, metal essence, tempering the body, tempering the blood, etc., can all increase the strength of the body. .

The Emperor Chu said at the right time, "Everyone, get ready. Before entering the land of gold, you should prepare some useful things. Once inside, you can't open the Qiankun bag. It's best to take out your weapons first."

"Disciple understands!"

A group of young people returned to the Land of Fire, and took out the corresponding things from the Qiankun bag, which were nothing more than some pills for healing injuries, clothes, elixir, etc.

Of course, the most important thing is the spirit weapon. This must be brought out first. In the land of no spirit, you can't fight head-to-head with the physical body and the creatures inside.

The same goes for those old guys, come up with the corresponding things.

Lin Yi checked roughly, took out an animal skin package, put in some pills and other things, and then took the dragon stick in his hand.

In fact, with his current physical body, the dragon walking stick is already dispensable. Although it is the top weapon among low-grade spiritual soldiers, it may not be stronger than one's own physical body.

However, everyone else brought weapons, and if he didn't, he would look a bit different.

All the necessary things were ready. Looking at the vast and boundless desert, Lin Yi had a thought, and took out a rusty kitchen knife from the storage ring. Pin it around your waist.

This was left to him by Li Zhanao, and he rarely used it, but this kitchen knife was absolutely extraordinary, even though it was rusty and full of cracks, Lin Yi's current physical body could not destroy it.

At least one thing is certain, the kitchen knife is tougher than any weapon he has ever seen.

"Set off!"

Xiang Tu waved his sleeves, and everyone stepped on the metal gravel, creaking and marching towards the land of gold.

Entering the Land of Gold, a group of old guys consciously quickened their pace. No way, the land of the five elements is about the same size. In lands of other attributes, they have aura and are very fast, and they can even fly in the air.

But in the land of the Golden Walk, you can only travel on foot with two meaty legs. In comparison, the speed is more than ten times slower.

This is a pain for those young people, but after traveling tens of thousands of miles, all of them were pale and panting from exhaustion.

Fortunately, everyone is a martial artist, who can lock the pores to prevent water loss, otherwise, they would be exhausted just by rushing.

The group of old guys are doing well, and their breath is peaceful. After all, they are warriors at the peak of Shenmen, a realm higher than the young people present.

The higher the martial artist's cultivation base, the more tempered the body gets, and naturally the stronger it will be.

Although the old guys are old, their physical bodies are not inferior at all. Even without using any spiritual energy, they can easily crush Prince Yan and other young people to death.

As for Lin Yi, he didn't feel any discomfort. His physical body was so strong that the consumption of traveling was equivalent to no consumption for him.

The same was true for Jin Dou and Sibai, fighting around the crowd along the way, walking a lot longer than the average person, and they didn't show any signs of fatigue.

So did Su Xiaohai, he also looked calm.

There is another person who impresses everyone, and that is Xiang Feiyan. Like Lin Yi, she is very relaxed.

Although it is very tiring, everyone has gained a lot, and the physical body is improving all the time.

After two or three days, everyone got used to this speed and didn't feel tired at all, that's because their physical bodies had improved.

On the contrary, Lin Yi had absorbed a lot of golden energy, but his physical strength remained unchanged. In other words, the gas of gold essence is useless to him.

In the process of rushing, those old guys introduced the place of the Golden Walk in detail, and informed everyone in advance of the possible dangers they might encounter.

In the land of gold, there are many creatures, and these creatures are very special. They have no aura and specialize in the physical body.

Their physical bodies are quite strong, because they absorb the gas of gold essence all day long.

One thing I have to say is that the creatures here have spiritual intelligence, no different from ordinary spirit beasts, nothing more than lack of aura.

Four or five days passed, and the people walked hundreds of thousands of miles. Because they had no spiritual energy, they walked slowly. Otherwise, they would have walked out of the land of gold.

On the way, I didn't encounter any danger, and I didn't see the creatures those old guys talked about.

"Old Tu, something is wrong. We have been walking for several days, why haven't we seen any living things?" The bald old man frowned, feeling that something was wrong. "The bald head is right, and the old man also thinks there is a problem. According to ancient records, there will be creatures haunting the edge of the land of gold. We have traveled hundreds of thousands of miles. Why haven't we seen a single spirit beast. "Wu Yazi stroked his beard and said

In this case.

The Emperor of Chu looked thoughtful, and then said, "You two are right, Uncle Emperor, could it be that...something happened to the land of the Golden Walk?"

"Accident? You mean that person..."

Xiang Tu's face changed slightly, and he couldn't help thinking of a person, that is, the man in black who entered the Thunder God Tower with them. Since entering the Thunder God Tower, the latter has disappeared like a stone sinking into the sea.

"Yes, it could be him!"

The bald head and Wu Yazi nodded at the same time, Wu Yazi asked, "Could it be that he killed all the creatures in the Land of the Five Elements?"

Xiang Tu sneered, "How can that be so exaggerated? You are overthinking. This is a land of no souls. Do you think it is possible for him to kill all the living beings? The man in black is really strong, but he has not yet entered Nirvana. Nothing to worry about."

"That's right!"

Everyone nodded. Without spiritual energy, who would want to move these creatures, except for wasting effort, there is no benefit at all.

not to mention. The land of the Golden Walk is so vast that it is impossible to slaughter all the creatures here.

"Don't worry too much, just go on your way." Xiang Tu left a word, took the lead, and opened the way.

Listening to a group of old guys talking about the man in black, Lin Yi remained silent. He always felt that the man in black had a familiar aura, but until now he hadn't remembered where he had crossed paths with him.

Seeing everyone walking away, Lin Yi shook his head, dispelled those useless thoughts in his mind, and quickly followed everyone.

Perhaps sensing that something was wrong, a group of old guys unconsciously sped up their speed.

"Little dolls, run faster." An old guy urged.

"Ah~~ Speed ​​up again, I don't want it, I'm almost exhausted." Some young people complained.

During the march, Prince Yan glanced at the crowd, and suddenly suggested, "Everyone is free, why don't we compare footwork?"

"Okay! How do you compare?" A group of young people nodded in agreement. Prince Yan smiled and said, "It's very simple. Each person takes out a thousand spirit stones. Whoever wins the first place will get all the spirit stones. Now everyone's Qiankun bag can't be opened, we can owe it first."

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