And the martial artist has cultivated to a high level, and the body and soul are fused together, so that they can go on better. Even, at the end of the practice, the body, spiritual energy, and soul must be integrated. This is the general trend and the direction of the infinite road.

To achieve the ultimate unilaterally is just a relatively remote practice, not a great way.

Take spiritual energy as an example, this is the first cultivation method that warriors in this world come into contact with, so everyone pays attention to spiritual energy, which also leads to sideways, and thus gets stuck in a certain realm, unable to break through in a lifetime.

It's not that Lin Yi's talent is not enough to understand this relationship, but that he has never been exposed to spiritual exercises.

After having this thought, he didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately withdrew his mental power from the goddess map.

The picture of the goddess is still an illusory spiritual body, quietly staying in his mind, full of spirituality like an exiled fairy, and like a three-dimensional portrait of a goddess, like a dead thing.

The two contradictory illusions, without any sense of contradiction, give people a strange and mysterious feeling.

Looking at the female picture for the last time, Lin Yi's mental strength withdrew from his mind. Now he is still in Goddess Square, not the time to study "Goddess View Thoughts".

"Heck, little brother, you have obtained the greatest inheritance of the goddess, can you tell us what it is?"

At some point, Jin Mei'er had already come close, exhaling like blue in Lin Yi's ear. At this moment, she seemed to have forgotten the previous grievances and became the same as before.

After hearing her words, many warriors present looked over, and everyone wanted to know, what is the most powerful inheritance of the goddess?

"No comment!"

Lin Yi glanced at Jin Meier indifferently, turned and left Goddess Square, Xiang Feiyan and the others followed suit.

Now Lin Yi is so focused on "The Idea of ​​the Goddess" that he has no time to pay attention to Jin Meier.

"You... boy, you wait, enter Qiongshan, and then I will let you try this girl's tricks."

Looking at the backs of Lin Yi and others going away, Jin Meier gritted her teeth. In her opinion, this is Chi Guoguo's ignorance.

No man can ignore her like this, it is absolutely not allowed.

Time passed, and for nearly a month, Lin Yi's spiritual power was immersed in "Goddess Conception". In less than a month, his spiritual progress was extraordinary, and his spiritual state was stuck in the half-step Nirvana state.

The biggest gain is to be able to achieve the initial fusion of the physical body and the soul. The biggest advantage of this is that he can better control the power of the physical body, and, when he restrains his blood, he can hide it better.

Now, as long as he doesn't intentionally expose his physical condition, no Nirvana warrior can see through his physical body and aura. Unless he is a land god, no one can see through.

The progress of the physical body is not great, and the realm of spiritual energy has already reached the third level of Shenmen. If you want to break through, you can enter the fourth level of Shenmen with just one thought.


Just as Lin Yi was about to activate his aura, there was a knock on the door outside!

Lin Yi swept his mental strength and found Xiang Feiyan and other nine people standing outside his door together. He immediately understood that Qiongshan's real disciple assessment had started. During this time, because he had put all his energy into "The Idea of ​​the Goddess", he forgot the time and didn't even realize that the assessment had started. Of course, the so-called brother

He didn't take the sub-assessment very seriously, because he was already a disciple of the fifth peak.

"Has the assessment started?" Lin Yi opened the door and glanced at everyone. Xiang Feiyan and Chu Xiaoxiang were refreshed, and their cultivation had improved by a small level. Now both of them are warriors on the seventh floor of Shenmen. After entering the Goddess City, their knowledge increased, and the aura here also Enough rich, two girls

It can be said that they have made great progress. Judging from their expressions, they don't have any worries about Qiongshan's disciple assessment.

On the other hand, Chai Jun and the others were all frowning. They didn't have any confidence in whether they could become Qiongshan's disciples.

"Hmm!" Chu Xiaoxiang's second daughter nodded, while the others remained silent.

"Don't worry, just do your best."

Lin Yi comforted him. He understood the worries of Chai Jun and others, but after all, it was Qiongshan's assessment, so he couldn't help.

"Yeah!" Everyone nodded without saying much, and their emotions were still low.

"Let's go!"

Under the leadership of Lin Yi, a group of people walked out of the restaurant and rushed towards the goddess sculpture.

Qiongshan's disciples were assessed in a secret realm, and the entrance to the secret realm was in the Goddess Hall in the Goddess Square.

The Goddess Hall is the center of the entire Goddess City. Normally, the secret realm will not be opened, and it is a place where people worship the Goddess.

On the day of the Qiongshan disciple's assessment every ten years, the secret realm of the Goddess Hall will be opened to provide a venue for them. Because there are millions of disciples participating in the assessment at the same time, there is no place to accommodate them except the secret realm.

After leaving the restaurant, the young men and women on the way hurried, just like the students on the earth rushing to the examination room, some are happy and some are sad, so it goes without saying.

"Look, it's Mr. Lin Yi Li, the number one genius in Qiongshan this year."

"He is Lin Yi, such a handsome young man, he is different from what I imagined."

"Sigh~~~ If only I had his strength, it would be great. The Qiongshan disciple assessment is not a problem at all."

On the way, many people looked at Lin Yi in awe.

Soon, Lin Yi and his party came to Goddess Square. Although it was early in the morning, the place was already full of people, and the occasion was unprecedented.

There are many more people than when the Goddess Monument was opened. Lin Yi glanced around, and at this time, the Goddess Square had already gathered a million people, and people kept coming every time they went.

Among the crowd, Lin Yi also found Gu Tianlun and Jin Meier, but they had no desire to communicate and waited quietly for the start of the assessment.

After another half an hour, almost all the disciples who came to the assessment arrived. The number of people in the square reached nearly 1.5 million, and there was a lot of noise everywhere.

The youthful boys and girls looked excited.

"The examination of Qiongshan disciples starts immediately!"

In the depths of Qiongshan Mountain, countless celestial lights lit up, and the rays of light were brilliant. In the thousands of rays of light, it seemed that some kind of ceremony was being held.


At the same time, the Goddess sculpture was emitting light, and the Goddess Hall was also emitting light. A huge illusory portal emitting white light appeared above the Goddess Hall out of thin air.

"Look there! It's such a big door of light, the secret realm is finally about to open."

"Phew! The assessment has finally started. I'm so excited. I will definitely become Qiongshan's disciple."

"Goddess bless, I must let the disciple pass the test, I want to join Qiongshan."

"Are you going to start? So fast, I'm not ready yet, I'm too nervous~~~"


In the square, people were discussing in low voices, with different expressions, including longing, nervousness, apprehension, and fear. Many people even bowed devoutly to the statue of the goddess.

"Qiongshan Disciple Assessment, you can start~~~"

A ray of fairy light flew from the depths of Qiongshan Mountain and descended on the Goddess Square. This is a middle-aged man in his thirties, with a cultivation base of the seventh level of Nirvana, with a pale face and serious expression.

Glancing at the millions of disciples below, he stood in the air and said loudly, "First of all, welcome to Qiongshan, I am Fang Ding, and Tim is the deacon of the first peak. You can call me Fang Ding."

He was very straightforward. After introducing himself briefly, he began to talk about the rules of the assessment. "Lie, it is very difficult to enter Qiongshan as a disciple. Qiongshan recruits disciples once every ten years, and the number of disciples recruited each time is 100,000. No matter how many people participate in the assessment, only 100,000 will be accepted, and the rest will be eliminated. In addition One thing, I hope everyone

Be prepared, every disciple assessment is very cruel, each of you must be prepared to die. "

"One hundred thousand disciples?" Lin Yi looked surprised. In the past disciple assessment, there were usually around one million disciples, and the elimination rate was nine out of ten; but this time the number of disciples was too many, reaching 1.5 million. In this way, the elimination rate is higher, every fifteen people

, only one person can become a true Qiongshan disciple.

After hearing Fang Ding's words, most of the millions of disciples below looked unhappy.

Fang Ding paused slightly, and then said: "There are quite a lot of places this year. According to statistics, the sect issued a total of 2 million temporary tokens. Excluding those lost disciples, there are nearly 1.5 million people present."

"Temporary disciple tokens are your credentials to enter the secret realm. Only those who hold the token can enter the secret realm, otherwise they will be killed. I hope those who lost their tokens will not have illusions." "The rules of the assessment are very simple. After entering the secret realm, everyone competes for each other's tokens, and if you collect 15 tokens, you can become Qiongshan's disciple. When fighting for tokens, killing people is allowed. Remember, it is 15 tokens, and one less will not work , one more piece is not enough. Those who have sixteen or more tokens, please throw away the extra tokens immediately, otherwise they will be strangled by the big formation in the secret realm. If they lose their own tokens and are still alive, They will be eliminated and sent directly out of the secret realm. Warriors who help others obtain tokens will also be automatically strangled by the secret realm. In particular, no matter what kind of cultivation level a warrior is, after entering the secret realm, his cultivation base will be suppressed at the level of Shenmen Layer. Therefore, the assessment is still

Fair enough. "

Having said that, Fang Qiong stopped, and his words made everyone look ugly.

The rules of the assessment are too cruel. It is true that throwing away the token can save one's life. Just imagine, which one of the people here is not mentally prepared for a desperate fight.

If it is not absolutely necessary, who is willing to throw away their disciple's token to save their lives, even if there is a chance, everyone will work hard for the token. One and a half million people put together, everyone is an enemy, everyone is fighting alone, with no teammates. The more tokens you get, the more dangerous. Even if you get fifteen tokens, as long as the assessment is not over, you will still be snatched by others

possible. This is simply forcing people's potential to death and making everyone work hard. Only in this way can the best disciples be selected from among them.

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