As for some geniuses, many of them are in the realm of Shenmen, and their bodies have been refined to be comparable to low-grade spiritual soldiers, not to mention some peerless geniuses such as Lin Yi.


"Quack quack ~~~"

Jindou and Sibai's eager cries sounded from the Qiankun bag. At the same time, they also sensed the aura of breakthrough, so they sent a signal to Lin Yi.

With a thought in Lin Yi's mind, Jindou and Sibai came out of the universe bag. After they came out, they each distanced themselves from Lin Yi, and at the same time posed a strange pose in the starry sky.

Jin Dou sat cross-legged on the ground like a human warrior, his body exuded a golden light, his chest heaved violently, and with every breath, countless streams of aura were absorbed into his body.

Sibai is in another state. It puts its head between its legs and folds its legs together. Its two wings spread out to embrace its body, forming a spherical shape as a whole. It was buzzing and trembling in the air, and emitting a strange light.

A large amount of spiritual energy rain also poured into its body at this moment.

Glancing at Sibailao Jindou, Lin Yi stopped paying attention to them, but quickly gathered his mind and continued his breakthrough. Jin Dou and Sibai's original realm was already a peak fourth-order spirit beast, and if they break through again, they will become fifth-order spirit beasts, which are equivalent to warriors in the Nirvana realm. What Lin Yi couldn't think of was that this strange Tibetan world was also very difficult for the two spirit beasts.


Sibai's specific combat power is unpredictable to Lin Yi, but Jindou is different. After it becomes a fifth-order spirit beast, its combat power will definitely multiply exponentially.

Clap clap!

A slight tearing sound sounded in the body, and Lin Yi's dantian split from the outside, showing a layer of cracks like a spider web, and then the mottled epidermis fell off, and a new layer of skin grew.

Then the inside of the dantian also underwent the same change. The whole process lasted for half an hour, the transformation of the dantian was completed, and it became more resilient and full of vitality.

The aura in the dantian boiled more intensely, like boiling water.

The dantian has become a little bigger, with a stronger carrying capacity, and more aura of heaven and earth poured into the dantian, crowding and compressing each other.


The dantian emits a bright light, and the red clouds are everywhere.

At the bottom of the dantian, where the pressure of the spiritual energy is the highest, a drop of spiritual liquid suddenly condensed, and the spiritual energy began to transform, changing from a gaseous state to a liquid state under high pressure.

That drop of water was spinning quietly, like a crystal clear dewdrop. At this moment, Lin Yi felt a sudden shock in his body, as if his body was different from before. The body is lighter, and the flesh is transparent and flawless. Tai Chi produces water. This liquid spiritual energy is only a drop, but it is completely different from the liquid condensed by ordinary spiritual energy. Its quality is tens of millions of times that of ordinary spiritual liquid. It contains the terrifying essence of spiritual energy, which is Lin Yi's thick body Condensed by the aura

get together.

Hoo hoo~~~

After the spiritual liquid was formed, a vortex appeared around it, and the spiritual energy in the entire dantian was instantly evacuated by that drop of spiritual liquid. What's more strange is that after all the aura was evacuated, the drop of water remained the same, not much bigger.

Lin Yi could even feel that it was still very hungry and needed to absorb more aura.


With it as the center, a huge aura vortex formed around Lin Yi's body, and the aura rain from the sky and the earth rushed over frantically, and the speed of absorbing aura suddenly increased by more than ten times.

Fortunately, the spiritual energy in this Tibetan world is strong enough, otherwise it would not be enough for him to break through. Even so, a vacuum zone was formed within a hundred meters of his body, and the spiritual energy from farther away was plundered.

After an unknown amount of time, the aura finally reached saturation and automatically stopped absorbing aura.

In the starry sky, Lin Yi sat cross-legged, his blood was surging.

Every cell, every drop of blood, every strand of bone fiber was trembling slightly.

On the outer skin surface, there is a faint fluorescent flow, intertwined with the Guan Hui of the stars and the moon, forming like a precious body, and the pores are full of fairy clouds.

"It's so strong." Lin Yi opened his eyes and clenched his fists. He felt that both the spiritual energy and the physical body were so strong that they exploded. If he meets a warrior like Zhu Jiu again, Lin Yi can be sure that even if he doesn't use his hole card , as easily

kill him.

Opening his eyes again, the space here has become different, the original starry sky disappeared, Lin Yi found himself in a vast world, the continent is barren, full of vicissitudes of time.

Looking around, I didn't see anyone. Looking into the distance, there are huge mountains looming thousands of miles away.

"This seems to be the Tibetan world left over from ancient times."

Feeling the aura in this Tibetan world, Lin Yi can perceive that this is a Tibetan world that existed a long time ago, and it is very likely that it was left by the ancients. This kind of Tibetan world has a long history, and there are usually extraordinary things .

Just like the Tibetan world in Qiongshan, there are inheritances and medicine gardens left by the ancients.

"Medicine garden, will there be an ancient medicine garden here?"

Thinking of the medicine garden, Lin Yi's eyes suddenly lit up. An existence like the Jiuyou Tibetan Realm, which only opens once in a long time, must have extraordinary heaven and earth essences, and most likely there will be thousand-year-old elixir.

"Quack quack ~~~"


There was a ripple in the space, and Jin Dou and Sibai suddenly appeared beside Lin Yi, and a lot of changes took place in every animal and bird.

Among them, Jindou has grown up a lot, and his body has become muscular, half a head taller than Lin Yi. From his body, he can no longer find the feeling of thinness before.

Even its voice has become rough, similar to the cry of an ape.

Sibai is still the same, plump, if he hadn't grown a duck's head, he would have a body like a pig. Looking carefully at their physical bodies, Lin Yi couldn't see why, even if he used his spiritual power, he couldn't see their reality. Lin Yi understood that after Nirvana, they all underwent earth-shaking changes, even though they now see

It looks like an ordinary fifth-order spirit beast.

"Aww~~~" "Quack~~~"

Jin Dou waved his fists with open teeth and claws, as if he wanted to fight Lin Yi, while Si Bai was also excited, and kept twisting his ugly dancing posture here.

"Go! Go over there and have a look."

With every step of Lin Yi's footsteps, "Chasing the Moon Jue" works to the extreme. Every step he takes can cover a distance of tens of thousands of feet. After the Nirvana state, the body technique of "Chasing the Moon Jue" automatically enters the state of Dzogchen, and the speed is ten times faster than before. multiple times.

"Quack quack ~~~~"

Sibai carried Jindou and followed, faster than Lin Yi, with his wings spread, and after a few ups and downs, he disappeared from Lin Yi's eyes with joy, and entered the depths of the mountain in front of him.

Lin Yi glanced at it, but didn't pay much attention to it. With the abilities of Sibai and Jindou, there was no need to worry about them, so he simply let them go.



As soon as he came to the foot of the mountain, Lin Yi heard the cry of golden beans and the roar of unknown apes.


It can be seen that a large mountain trembled violently, and the sounds of various terrified spirit beasts rang out. It didn't take much guesswork to know that it was Jindou who was venting his anger, and had a battle with the spirit beasts here.

It has just advanced to a fifth-order spirit beast, and the aura in its body is bursting. Not to mention it, even Lin Yi himself wants to find a spirit beast to fight at this moment. Lin Yi shook his head with a smile, and walked in the direction of Jindou unhurriedly. When he arrived, the battle had stopped. There was a freshly dead Earth Demon Ape with a body of hundreds of feet Torn apart, broken bones

Meat was scattered everywhere, and half of the mountain was stained red with blood.

But Sibai and Jindou had long since disappeared without a trace.

Dong dong dong~~~~ The sound of giant beasts running in the mountains sounded, Lin Yi looked in one direction, and saw rocks rolling down in the distance, and rows of trees were knocked into the air. It was found that it was a huge and dark earth demon ape, whose body was bigger than the dead one.

One is even more majestic three points.

This earth demon ape is a fifth-level intermediate spirit beast, and it is about to break through the fifth-level high-level spirit beast. The earth magic ape is a combat-type spirit beast, and it can leapfrog and fight with ordinary Nirvana high-level warriors.


Glancing at the dead Earth Demon Ape, its pupils the size of a pool turned red in an instant. It let out a sad cry, slapped its chest, and then walked up to Lin Yijin in two or three steps. Lin Yi fell down.

Obviously, it regarded Lin Yi as the murderer who killed its companion, and it wanted revenge.


Lin Yi kicked heavily, and the hill under his feet exploded. He soared into the sky and punched out.

The two extremely disproportionate fists met in the air. Lin Yi's body was ethereal, and he didn't use Gang Qi, but only used the strength of his body to face each other head-on.

Kuangba's fist swept across the mountain, and countless huge trees below were affected by the fist, and fell down in large numbers.

The mountains shook violently, the mountains trembled, and boulders rolled down.


The gigantic body of the Great Earth Demon Ape was thrown into the air and smashed onto a mountain. The thousand-foot mountain was torn apart, and it was almost hit by this violent force.


The Earth Demon Ape, hundreds of feet tall, let out an angry roar, beat its chest with its arms, and brought out bursts of muffled thunder. He seemed to have never imagined that Lin Yi's fist was so powerful.


Lin Yi continued to punch, and Kuangba's strength suddenly increased by three points. Just as he had just broken through, the fighting desire in his body was instantly ignited.


The vigorous punching force was condensed into a hundred-foot-sized fist print between the sky and the earth, and it fell towards the chest of the earth demon ape.

Seemingly knowing how powerful it was, the Great Earth Demon Ape didn't dare to swipe its edge, and hastily dodged its body.


A shocking punch hit the mountain, and the thousand-foot mountain collapsed immediately. Thousands of hundreds of tons of boulders splashed, scattered everywhere, and the entire mountain range trembled.


The Great Earth Demon Ape reappeared, and he got a huge animal bone from somewhere. It was old and bigger than the body of the fierce ape, and it fell on Lin Yi's head.


Lin Yi was fearless, soared into the sky, raised his fists to dominate the sky, and fought against the opponent.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang! The animal bones were extremely hard, and after several punches, they were not injured at all. Within a thousand miles, it became a battlefield for one man and one beast.

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