"Impossible, this is impossible!" The man was even more frightened, with a horrified expression on his face.

"It's my turn to make a move."

Lin Yi's voice fell, and the shadow floated a few times, then became blurred, and finally disappeared, completely blending into the night.


A bloody head soared into the sky, and the place became quiet. After tidying up the spoils, Lin Yi's figure disappeared into the night.

At this time, the middle-aged man in white is about to arrive, and they are less than ten thousand miles away, and they can arrive in a short time.

"What's going on? Why is there no movement over there? Has that kid been taken down?"

"Hahaha! That's great, let's speed up. I really want to see what the legendary "Nine Serenity Requiem" is like, and that kid, he must be killed, and he must not be let Live in this world."

"Don't be too happy, I feel something is wrong. If that kid is caught, why don't they send us a voice transmission."

"Here... contact them quickly."

While the four of them were on their way, the middle-aged Hawkeye took out a summoning token and tried several times in a row, but he didn't get any reply, as if nothing had happened.

"No, I can't get in touch, Senior Brother Lang, what should I do?"

The faces of the middle-aged three in Hawkeye changed. In this case, all four of them lost contact, which can only explain one problem, that is, they were robbed.


Several people couldn't help gasping for air, they all felt the icy cold through their bodies, and subconsciously stopped in the air.

Before a cup of tea, the four of them were still transmitting voices to them, but within a short period of time, all four of them died, which was simply too terrifying.

In any case, they did not believe that a martial artist at the second level of Nirvana would have such extraordinary means.

I would rather believe that there are experts from Qiongshan who came to meet him, and it was the hands of the land gods.

The middle-aged man in white frowned, as calm as he was, and felt that the matter was too serious.

"Senior Brother Lang? Let's... let's run away!" The middle-aged eagle-eyed man whispered, looking at the surrounding night sky vigilantly, looking like he was in danger.

"Go and have a look."

The middle-aged man in white gritted his teeth and continued to fly northward. The three middle-aged men with eagle eyes hurriedly followed. Now they have lost their composure.

"They're all dead, and they're all fatal in one blow."

With a distance of thousands of miles, the four of them arrived in a short time. Seeing those dead fellow disciples, they felt chills all over their bodies, and the middle-aged voice of Eagle Eye trembled. This was too terrifying.

Thirteen high-level nirvana warriors chased down a junior from the second level of nirvana, not only failed to take down the opponent, but the opponent killed nine of them instead.

Moreover, the dead people were all killed under their noses. The most terrifying thing is that they still don't know how these people were killed.

The night is very quiet, terrifyingly quiet, not even the leaves move. It seems that behind this tranquility, a massacre is brewing.

Several people became more and more frightened, and could almost hear their own heartbeats.

"Cough cough cough~~"

A disciple of Xianyin Valley had a dry throat and unconsciously coughed a few times.

"Who? Who is it? Come out for me." Hawkeye's middle-aged body tensed up instantly, and the little boy was jumping.

"Cough cough cough... Senior brother, it's me, it's me." The person next to him spoke and poked the middle-aged Hawkeye with his elbow.

The eagle-eyed middle-aged man glared at the man, Nima! nothing. What are you coughing for? I was scared to death.

"Cough cough cough!" The cough sounded again, breaking the quiet night sky.

"Your uncle, still coughing? You want to scare me to death." The eagle-eyed middle-aged man complained, and glared at the man again.

"Brother, it's not me." The man replied.

The eagle-eyed middle-aged man frowned: "It's not you, who is that?"

"it's me."

The ethereal voice came suddenly, very crisp and somewhat familiar. The source of the sound cannot be discerned, it seems to come from all directions.

"Who are you?" Hawkeye's middle-aged hair exploded, and his heart instantly reached his throat, which was uncomfortable.

"It's Lin Yi, it's that kid."

"Boy, come out, get out for me."

The other two disciples of Xianyin Valley screamed and looked at the surrounding night sky vigilantly.

The middle-aged man in white didn't say a word, his expression was still calm, his eyes were gloomy and terrifying, he was relatively calm, and let go of his mental power to search.

The scenes within four thousand miles in size appeared in his mental world in detail, except for Lin Yi's shadow.

Such a situation can't help but make his heart sink, no matter it's the dark night or in a complicated environment, spiritual power can penetrate everything. And Lin Yi's voice was clearly beside them just now, which only shows that his mental power cannot search for Lin Yi.

"Boy, get out and die, what kind of a hero is hiding."

"Get out, there is a kind of fair battle."

"Come out, come out for me~~"

Looking at the middle-aged people in Hawkeye again, they were yelling, obviously out of control.

"Are you a warrior of the shadow attribute?" the young man in the white clothes said, his tone was calm, and the calmness of the past was restored.

"Senior Brother Shadow, you said that Lin Yi is a warrior with a shadow attribute, isn't he a light attribute? Could it be... he is a warrior with dual attributes?"

After hearing what you said in Bai Yizhong, the middle-aged Hawkeye and the others became even more nervous. Shadow attribute fighters are killers in the dark, which is not right.

"That's right."

A faint voice came, and Lin Yi's shadow floated slowly, appearing in front of everyone, gradually becoming clear.

"Boy! Go to hell!"

The moment he appeared, the three middle-aged and eagle-eyed people shot at the same time, killing them instantly.

Puff puff……

Their attack was in vain, hitting Lin Yi's body as if hitting the air.

"You're all going to die, none of you can escape," Lin Yi said with a treacherous smile, and then disappeared.

It became quiet again here, eerily quiet.

"Come out, get out for me."

Boom boom boom~~~

In the eyes of the eagle, the three of you kept attacking the place where Lin Yi disappeared. Seeing that Lin Yi disappeared, they changed their attack targets and attacked randomly around, like blind beasts.

The middle-aged man in white was very calm, his eyes were bright in the dark night, he was motionless, as if he was dormant, waiting for a fatal blow to Lin Yi at the critical moment.


The sound of sharp blades cutting flesh was heard suddenly, and the head of one of the disciples of Xianyin Valley shot up into the sky, and the body smashed to the ground.

The first person died and was killed by Lin Yi silently.

"No, Junior Brother Wang was killed."

"Damn boy, I'm going to tear you into pieces, ah~~ah~~~"

Boom boom boom~~

The hairs of the middle-aged and eagle-eyed duo exploded, and they yelled, the attack in their hands became even crazier. I don't know if it was because they were frightened, or for some other reason?

A series of terrifying Gang Qi attacks exploded, piercing through the night sky, hitting everywhere, and the air exploded layer by layer.

The earth trembled, and the underground woods were affected. Rows and rows fell down, and old trees with the thickness of a millstone were pulled up from the ground. As the stellar energy swept into the air, they were smashed to pieces by the terrifying energy.


There was another soft sound, the sound of sharp blades piercing through the flesh, the second disciple of Xianyin Valley died, his left and right temples were pierced by sharp blades, when he died, his eyes were wide open, as if they were about to burst out of his face, extremely ferocious .

Two people died in a row, and of the thirteen, only the middle-aged man in white and the middle-aged man with eagle eyes remained.

The two were still and moved, the middle-aged man in white stood in the air, never moved, and even closed his eyes.


The eagle-eyed young man became even more frantic, ran away completely, and the strong energy and blood kept gushing out, as if to tear the night apart. At this time, in his heart, Lin Yi had become an indelible fear code, deeply branded in his heart.

"now you."

Lin Yi smiled. Like a tarsus worm affixed to an eagle-eyed middle-aged man. The short blade stabbed out suddenly, piercing the back of the eagle-eyed young man's heart.

"My life is over!" The eagle-eyed middle-aged man felt the breath of life passing away quickly, opened his eyes unwillingly, and turned his head to look back, trying to see Lin Yi's appearance clearly, but he was disappointed and didn't see anything arrive.


At this moment, the middle-aged man in white clothes suddenly moved, violent qi surged out, and he punched a shocking punch. His fist shone brightly, illuminating the night sky.


Lin Yi's body flew thousands of feet horizontally, he was punched in the shoulder, the flesh and blood exploded, and cracks appeared in the bones inside. Half of his body was paralyzed, and Gang Qi penetrated through his body, almost tearing his flesh apart.

Fortunately, his body was hard enough, otherwise this punch would have smashed him into a pulp.


Thousands of feet away, Lin Yi stopped, couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, and looked at the middle-aged man in white with some surprise: "Can you attack me?"

This couldn't help him not being surprised. A warrior with a dark attribute can blend into the darkness and completely blend into the night. Logically speaking, physical attacks have no effect on him.

"What do you think?" The middle-aged man in white smiled with contempt in his eyes.

"It's a bit interesting. Then why didn't you do it earlier? This will save your juniors."

Lin Yi looked surprised, but he felt relieved when he thought about it. Although he didn't know what method the middle-aged man in white used, he understood that there are thousands of types of attacks for warriors, and it is not uncommon for some attacks to restrain the dark attribute.

There are so many skills in this world, and the attack he has never seen does not mean that there is no such thing.

The middle-aged man in white smiled evilly, and said softly: "Xianyingu issued a warrant for you to kill you with 500,000 spirit stones, and they are dead. The spirit stones are all mine, wouldn't it be better?"

"Wanted warrant? Five hundred thousand spirit stones?"

Lin Yi was moved, and the fact that Xianyingu wanted him was naturally within his expectations. But he never imagined that since he was so valuable, the five hundred thousand spirit stones must be medium-grade spirit stones, and in Lin Yi's view, they were five hundred thousand-year-old spirit medicines. He even wanted to send himself to Xianyin Valley to receive the reward.

This also shows from the side that the people of Xianyin Valley attach great importance to "Nine Nether Requiem", and I am afraid that the road to return to the sect will be more difficult.

Even Lin Yi himself was tempted, how could the middle-aged man in white have no reason not to be tempted. The rules of this world are cruel. Driven by huge interests, there is no such thing as being in the same family.

It's not that the middle-aged man in white is ruthless, but that this world is like this, so most of the people in this world are like this.

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