"Little Junior Brother~~"

Xiao Moli gritted his teeth, and looked at the direction in which Qi Zhannu left without saying a word. The veins all over his body were exposed, like a beast on the verge of eruption, his body convulsed, almost shaking into sieves.

But he restrained himself, sighed softly, and two lines of tears rolled down his resolute face.

The white-haired young man casually glanced at Xiao Moli, still maintaining a smile, he didn't care about Xiao Moli's emotions, then turned and walked away.

"Old Ba, it's time, come with me."


Xiao Moli responded hoarsely, with a numb expression, and followed the white-haired young man with heavy steps.


Lin Yi, who was flying at high speed, suddenly felt his heart beating violently, as if being pricked by a needle, the pain was severe, and he had the illusion of suffocation.

"What's wrong with me?"

Touching his heart, Lin Yi listened. He suddenly had an ominous premonition, as if something terrifying and unknown was about to happen to him.

Lin Yi stopped in the air, and it took a long time before he regained his composure. He frowned: "Is there any danger ahead? Or change the direction?"

Lin Yi, who was a little uneasy, looked around and found nothing suspicious. By this time the rain had stopped and the sky cleared.

The clear night sky after the rain is azure and blue, as if it has been washed away, very clean.

"Never mind him, the soldiers come to block, and the water comes to the soil."

Lin Yi stepped forward and continued to walk, and at the same time, he was a little more vigilant in his heart.

After two days of rushing, Lin Yi finally reached the sphere of influence of Sifang Pavilion, and then he entered a city.

Jintu City, this is an extremely prosperous city, there are endless warriors in the city, the streets are wide, and various exquisite pavilions stand tall.

Compared with the desolate mainland outside the city, this place is like a paradise.

Since Jintu City is the strength under the rule of the Sifang Pavilion, the Sifang Pavilion is based on the management of various cultivation resources. In this place, there are many warriors doing business, and the disciples of the Sifang Pavilion can be seen everywhere.

Jintu City is ten times richer than Sifang City. This is not only because of the existence of Sifang Pavilion, but also because Jintu City is close to a place called 'Devil's Abyss'.

The Dragon Abyss is a restricted zone, and most people dare not go deep into it. However, there are plenty of elixir in the periphery of the Dragon Abyss. Although everyone dare not set foot in the depths of the restricted area, it is still possible to gather herbs outside.

The deeper the dragon abyss is, the more dangerous it is, and there are more elixir, which is rich in elixir for thousands of years.

Of course, ordinary warriors do not interfere even in the periphery. Only warriors above the fifth level of Nirvana dare to go deep. It is rumored that there are sixth-level spirit beasts dormant in the depths of the dragon abyss.

Instead of wandering around the city, Lin Yi immediately entered a luxurious restaurant named Longyuexuan.

Long Yuexuan is not simple, I heard that the master behind it is from Sifang Pavilion.

The dusty Lin Yi entered the restaurant, took a shower, and changed into a set of clean clothes. Then he came to the restaurant, found a seat at random, and decided to have a big meal.

Soon the food and wine were served, and Lin Yi was feasting. Just as night fell, many warriors who had returned from outside entered the restaurant of the restaurant, and the place was extremely lively.

The warriors in the restaurant chatted casually, and there were many topics.

What Lin Yi didn't expect was that he was also a hot topic among these diners, and many people were discussing things related to him.

"Brother, have you heard? Regarding Lin Yi's arrest warrant, Xianyin Valley has increased the reward to 800,000 spirit stones. It would be great if I could catch Lin Yi. 800,000 spirit stones, Ten lifetimes won't be enough."

"Of course I know. No one in the world knows about such a big matter. Don't even think about capturing Lin Yi alive. I heard that Lu Lang of Xianyin Valley died in his hands."

"What? Be good, Lu Lang, how is this possible? I heard that he is one of the strongest disciples in Xianyin Valley, and he is a top expert in Nirvana."

"Yes, yes! I also find it unbelievable. It is rumored that Lin Yi is a new disciple of Qiongshan's class, but how can he kill Lu Lang in his twenties? The latter was a genius of Xianyin Valley a hundred years ago. Pass it on to the world. It is impossible to plant it in the hands of a brat."

"Really, it's absolutely true, the people from Xianyin Valley said it themselves."

"False, false, ghosts believe."


After taking a sip of wine, Lin Yi smiled wryly, he never thought that what he did in the dense forest would spread so quickly.

But this made him have to be vigilant, no matter where he was, his situation was very dangerous, and he must not reveal his identity.

"Do you think Lin Yi will come to Jintu City? This is also the only way to Qiongshan."

"No, the road is closed here. There is news from Sifang Pavilion that a beast tide may break out in the Demon Dragon Abyss recently. Therefore, the road leading to Qiongshan is temporarily closed. Only after the beast tide has passed can we pass through. .”

"What? Damn it, the beast tide is about to break out again, and I don't know how many people will suffer."

The conversation of the people at the table next to him made Lin Yi frowned. The ancient road to Qiongshan was blocked, which is not good news.

"Yes, according to the people in Sifang Pavilion, this time the beast tide is huge. There will be a lot of spirit beast riots. At that time, the spirit beasts from Demon Dragon Abyss and Sangmu Ridge will attack together, and Jintu City may fall .”

Lin Yi looked at the table next to him. The person who spoke was a middle-aged man. From his appearance, he looked like a warrior who had traveled to the mainland. There are four or five people sitting at the same table with him, and they are all the same as him.

This kind of people are casual cultivators, generally without sects, or people who come from small families. They make their homes all over the world, travel everywhere, and then gather some like-minded people to unite together. Some rely on hunting spirit beasts and collecting spirits. Medicine, looking for various ore spiritual veins for a living.

There are also some evil people who make a living by looting houses.

Lin Yi took a closer look. The middle-aged man had a vicissitudes of life, but his eyes were wise. Obviously, everyone at this table is headed by him, and his cultivation is also the highest, the seventh level of Nirvana.

Of the remaining four people, the one with the lowest level of cultivation is a young woman in her twenties, with delicate features, although she is not considered the best in the world, she is still considered beautiful.

Her cultivation level is the lowest among these people. Like Lin Yi, she only has the second level of Nirvana. But when you think about it carefully, this woman is not easy. As a casual martial artist, she is definitely an amazing genius who can cultivate to the second level of Nirvana at this age.

There were three other people, two men and one woman, both of whom were in their mid-thirties, one of whom was short, bald, and slightly shrewd. The other one has a strong body, dark skin, one arm, and looks relatively simple.

The cultivation base of both of them is the sixth level of Nirvana.

The woman was in her thirties, graceful and graceful, her skin was a little rough due to being outside all year round, but from the charm of her eyebrows and eyes, it could be seen that this woman must have been a great beauty when she was young. Her cultivation is also good, but it is the fifth level of Nirvana.

"Brother is right. In order to resist this beast tide, Sifang Pavilion has made complete preparations. I heard that it has invited elite disciples from other forces to fight this beast tide together. I don't know if Jintu City can do it this time." Can't escape the catastrophe?"

The one who spoke was a middle-aged woman, she glanced at the ten-year-old woman, frowned, and said: "Brother, coming to Jintu City this time is very risky, why don't Xiaoxian leave Jintu City temporarily. "

Before the vicissitudes of life could speak, the young woman shook her head: "Aunt Fang, I won't leave. I will go wherever you go. I will follow my father." She was very stubborn, and her tone was unquestionable.

The vicissitudes of life of the middle-aged man dotingly glanced at the young woman, sighed and said, "Fourth sister, Jintu City is certainly dangerous, but with our protection, Xiaoxian shouldn't have a big problem. Letting her leave alone would be a bit uncomfortable." Safety."

"Well! That's the only way to go." The middle-aged woman nodded, not saying anything more.

Everyone at this table stopped talking, drinking and eating in silence.

Lin Yi stood up, clasped his fists at the vicissitudes of the middle-aged man, and asked with a smile: "Dare to ask brother? The ancient road closure you said is true, how long will it be closed?"

The vicissitudes of life glanced at Lin Yi, and immediately smiled. He didn't look down on Lin Yi because of his low cultivation level, and said, "It can be five or six days sooner, or ten days and a half months slower. I can't say for sure. It mainly depends on the outbreak of the spirit beast tide." How long, once the spirit beast ebbs, it will be unsealed immediately."

The other four people at the table also took a look at Lin Yi, seeing that he was only at the second level of Nirvana, they didn't express much, just took a look, and then continued to chat.

"That's it!"

Lin Yi nodded, his dark and cold face was slightly heavy. For him, it was not safe at this time. There were people searching for his whereabouts everywhere. He had to return to Qiongshan as soon as possible. The longer the delay, the more dangerous it would be.

"When the ancient road is closed, is there no way to pass?" He asked again.

The middle-aged vicissitudes nodded and said: "Yes, it is impossible to pass. Now is a very good time. The ancient road has long been occupied by the spirit beasts of the Demon Dragon Abyss and Sangmu Ridge. Let alone us warriors in the nirvana state, it is the land gods who are here. At that time, I didn’t dare to set foot on the ancient road easily. This little brother, when the beast tide breaks out, this place will be very dangerous, I advise you to leave Jintu City, and come back after the spirit beast tide ebbs.”

"Thank you for the reminder, brother. It seems that we can only stay in Jintu City for a while." Lin Yi picked up his wine glass, touched the middle-aged man in the air, and then returned to his seat.

Lin Yi decided to stay, because he felt that even if there was an outbreak of beasts here, it would be much safer than going to Sifang City. The main force of Xianyin Valley who wanted him should be in Sifang City. The road is closed here, and he On the contrary, it is safer.

The vicissitudes of life drank the wine in the glass, walked over with a smile, sat down opposite Lin Yi, and said, "Little brother, are you going to Qiongshan?"

"Yes!" Lin Yi hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

The vicissitudes of the middle-aged glanced at Lin Yi appreciatively. The latter dared to go to Qiongshan alone. Not to mention the outbreak of the beast tide, even in ordinary times, it was quite dangerous for a junior Nirvana warrior. He has seen countless people, and from Lin Yi's speech and behavior, it can be roughly seen that this cruel warrior is not an ordinary person.

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