For this opponent, Lin Yi did not use the soul attack, mainly because the opponent was from the Golden Crow tribe, and the soul must be extremely powerful. If he used the soul skill, it might backfire on him.

In addition, Lin Yi has always been invincible physically, and he wants to suppress the opponent physically.

However, the more Lin Yi fought, the more frightened he became. Not only was the physical body of the opponent not weaker than him, but it was faintly stronger than him. The other party was of the complete Golden Crow bloodline.

"My God, who is he? What kind of arrogance is he, and his body is so domineering."

"What a powerful young man, it's too exaggerated to be able to compete with the adults of the Golden Crow tribe in the flesh."

"That young man's blood is extraordinary, he must belong to the top ten races, what kind of race is it, is it the witch race?"

"No, the blood of the witch clan is not like this. I think he should be a warrior with mutated blood."

"No! I don't believe it. No matter how mutated a bloodline fighter is, it can't compare to the flesh body of the Golden Crow."

"Could it be...he is an aborigine of the barren prison, a descendant of a certain murderer?"

The warriors below kept talking about Lin Yi's bloodline, which aroused heated discussions among people, and there were various versions of speculation about Lin Yi's identity.

"Brother Lanqing, what a terrifying bloodline!"

"He should hide his identity. In the Nine Thousand Worlds, there is absolutely no such extraordinary bloodline."

"Brother Lanqing, he..."

Yu Dong and the others stared at Lin Yi, and began to secretly doubt Lin Yi's identity.

After nearly a hundred moves in a row, Lin Yi began to gain the upper hand. The youngsters of the Golden Crow tribe were no worse than him physically, but in terms of actual combat ability, they were far behind Lin Yi.

Along the way, Lin Yi has encountered too many battles. Whether it is fighting awareness or fighting skills, they are far from what the flowers in the greenhouse of the Golden Crow Clan can match.

clap clap ~~~

Lin Yi's kicks were like lightning, and while dodging the opponent's punch, he violently hit the Jinwu boy's lower rib with three legs.

This position is a weak point, the Golden Crow boy flew out, and half of his body became numb.

Enduring the pain, he struck Lin Yi's throat with a quick punch.


Lin Yi made a wrong foot and dodged the blow. At the same time, the whip leg swept across, and a leg as heavy as a mountain hit the back of the Jinwu boy.

The young man of the Golden Crow clan staggered and rushed forward seven or eight steps before stopping.

"Damn it!" The corner of Ye Qing's mouth was bleeding, the opponent's attack was too fierce, one after another, he had no room to fight back.

This made him feel extremely aggrieved, his physical body was not bad at all, but he couldn't beat the opponent.


Lin Yi raised his fighting power to the extreme, whipped his leg to attack again, and swept the temple of the young man from the Golden Crow tribe.


This time, he swept away, and the other party turned into a golden light and disappeared on the spot. When he stopped again, he was already in the air. In this special place, he was originally unable to fly, but he was different, because he was a member of the Golden Crow clan. .

Lin Yi raised his eyes, and saw that the young man's body was blooming, and behind him, there was a pair of beautiful golden wings.

The Golden Crow was not human in the first place, but when he turned into a human, his combat effectiveness was greatly improved, which was far more conducive to combat than the original state, and with the addition of two pairs of wings, it was even more powerful.

The Golden Crow showing their wings is in the strongest fighting state.

"Untouchable, go to hell! Today I will show you how powerful the Golden Crow is!" Ye Qing's eyes shone with golden light, like a young god. When he finished speaking, his wings behind his back turned into golden light and disappeared in people's eyes.


Lin Yi shrank his pupils and dodged the opponent's fierce fist, but the next kick came, but he couldn't dodge it no matter what. The heavy kick landed on his shoulder, and the huge force almost cracked his shoulder blade Open, the whole person flew over ten feet horizontally, and his shoulders were completely paralyzed.

The speed of the Golden Crow is unparalleled in the world. Ye Qing, who has wings, completely crushes Lin Yi in terms of speed.


Just as he stabilized his figure, Ye Qing's punch was about to arrive, and the golden fist reached Lin Yi's forehead.

Before he had time to make extra movements, Lin Yi crossed his arms and stood in front of him.


A straight punch sent Lin Yi flying, causing his body to move more than twenty feet laterally.

Because Ye Qing showed his wings and completely flipped his position, Lin Yi couldn't have any advantage. Although he had proficient fighting skills, the opponent's speed was too fast.

Under Ye Qing's high-speed attack, many methods could not be used at all.

"Boy, go to hell!"


Ye Qing yelled, and with a movement of his wings, he turned into a golden streamer and struck. The sharp wings were like sharp knives, hitting Lin Yi's throat.

thump thump thump~~~

At the critical moment, Lin Yi hurriedly backed away, but still took a step. Although he escaped the fatal blow to the throat, a foot-long cut was cut on the front of the front flap by the wings, and blood gushed out, revealing the dense bones inside.


After missing one hit, Ye Qing attacked again, his wings were as cold as knives, this time, he also hit Lin Yi's throat.

"A test of speed!"

Lin Yi stood still, his blood poured into his back, and a pair of red wings of light suddenly spread out behind him.

clank clank~~~

The light wings flickered extremely fast, making a metallic sound as they rubbed against the air.


The golden wings flew across, and Lin Yi's body disappeared. Instead of hitting the body, a series of sonic booms sounded in the air.


Suddenly, a strong wind hit from behind, Ye Qing's face changed drastically, he felt as if his back was hit by a golden mountain.

His body flew out like a cannonball, flapping his wings quickly in the air, and only then did he control his figure.

"You... Yi Tian's Wings! A member of the Yi Tian Clan! It's you!"

Seeing the red wings on Lin Yi's back clearly, Ye Qing's expression changed several times, first he was stunned, then shocked, and finally ecstatic.

Yi Tian's Wings can only be displayed by fighters of the blood of the Yi Tian Clan, so the identity of the latter is self-evident. In his cognition, the Yi Tian Clan has long since ceased to exist, but there are rumors that the people wanted by the God Lord and the Demon Lord , may be the blood left by the Yi Tian clan.

Most people don't know such anecdotes, Ye Qing only learned about it by eavesdropping on the conversations of some elders in the clan.

"Hahaha! That's great, I know who you are now, you are Lin Yi, Lin Yi from the Yi Tian Clan! If you kill you, I will get a drop of Emperor's Blood."

Ye Qing flapped his wings lightly, stood calmly in the air, his eyes were full of greed, if he could get the emperor's blood, although he couldn't make his bloodline evolve, it could save him hundreds of years of penance.

For the young Jinwu tribe, this is also a supreme treasure.

"Lin Yi! What? He is the criminal Lin Yi!"

"He is Lin Yi, the wanted criminal, my god, no wonder he is so strong, it turned out to be him."

"Emperor's Blood, Emperor's Blood!"

"Kill Lin Yi, the emperor's blood!"

For a moment, the warriors below became crazy, looking at Lin Yi fieryly, someone took a deep breath, and climbed up with full motivation.

Looking at Lin Yi who was so close, more people were unwilling to kill Lin Yi at such a close distance, because the steps were like a natural moat to them.

"Sinner! Brother Lanqing is a sinner! He is Lin Yi... What should I do?"

Yu Dong, Lu Hai, and Ruan Yu were all stunned. They never expected that Lan Qing's identity was actually Lin Yi.

The three of them still had a conscience, and they didn't covet the emperor's blood immediately, but secretly worried for Lin Yi.

"I am Young Emperor Yi Tian, ​​sooner or later, I will take back everything!"

Lin Yi's sonorous and firm voice spread throughout the place, revealing an unquestionable tone in his voice.

At the same time, Lin Yi moved his body and recovered his original appearance.

Standing in the air, he exuded the power of blood, and the noble aura made everyone present feel the surrender from the depths of their blood.

Now that it has been exposed, there is no need to hide it.

"Young Emperor Yi Tian, ​​Young Emperor Yi Tian!"

"What's going on, isn't he a criminal?"

"I understand, the bloodline of the Yi Tian clan has not been cut off, and the criminal wanted by the God Lord and the Demon Lord is actually the Young Emperor."

"Yeah! I know, the Great War of Ten Thousand Clans ten thousand years ago did not cut off Yi Tian's bloodline."

"The great Yi Tian Clan, they still have people alive."

"My God! The young emperor is not dead, the young emperor is not dead. It turns out that the culprit is the young emperor."

"No wonder, no wonder the God Lord and Demon Lord wanted him, no wonder the barren prison will be opened in advance, it turns out that the young emperor has returned."

"It's not a good thing for the young emperor to return at this time. His strength is so low, how could he possibly fight against the Celestial Race?"

"Young emperor, it has nothing to do with us. I want the emperor's blood. Hurry up and spread the news, and I have found the culprit."

"Yes, yes! There is news that the criminal is here."


A small number of people spread the news about Lin Yi, but more people were unwilling to be enemies with Lin Yi, because for countless years, they have been the Yi Tian Clan's people for generations.

"Young Emperor is back, Yi Tian Clan is about to rise..."

"Young Emperor is back, Yi Tian Clan is about to rise..."

Among the warriors below, someone was talking to himself in a daze.

Now that the young emperor has returned, it is as if their king is about to return. The members of the Yi Tian Clan are absolutely intimidating to ordinary warriors in Sanhuang.

In the First World War that year, the Yi Tian Clan disappeared, and people had to surrender to the Celestial God Clan and the Sky Demon Clan, but in the depths of their souls, there was only one real master, and that was the Yi Tian Clan.

"Go to hell!"

Ye Qing, a young man from the Golden Crow Clan, flicked his wings and charged towards Lin Yi. At this moment, he realized the danger. He was facing the Young Emperor of the Yi Tian Clan in this battle.

He must be taken down, the emperor's blood is no longer important, Lin Yi must die.

Although he was young, he also knew that the Golden Crow Clan was an important member who besieged the Yi Tian Clan back then. If the members of the Yi Tian Clan really rose again, then their Golden Crow Clan and the entire clan would be wiped out.

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