It can be seen that the Dan River in Lin Yi's dantian has increased tenfold, expanding from a small river to a large river, entrenched in the entire dantian, twisting and turning, forming a sea of ​​spiritual power.

At this time, the Dragon Clan has basically stabilized. Because of Asang's existence, there is no fight between the North and South Dragon Palaces. In the past century, it has been a rare unity.

When Danhe grew to the limit, Lin Yi felt that the entire dantian was saturated, and the spiritual power in the meridians was constantly being squeezed outward, making it difficult to pour into the dantian.

At this time, it is obvious that a new bottleneck period has arrived.

Lin Yi didn't want to waste time. After reaching the limit, he quickly left Nanlong Palace and prepared to enter the sea of ​​Outland.

However, Lin Yi was lucky this time. Just after flying a thousand miles away, he saw dark clouds in the midair. The black clouds that had condensed for a long time suddenly burst out at this moment and rolled down.

Thick dark clouds covered a thousand meters in height and quickly spread outward.

Then, there were streaks of lightning, falling from the midair in large swaths, and striking the surface of the sea, forming thunderstorms one after another.

In an instant, some unlucky virtual beasts were struck by these lightnings, and all of them turned into fly ash.

"Thunder of Void Tribulation!" Lin Yi was overjoyed and rushed over.

This thunder cloud has been condensed for half a month, and there are many warriors waiting beside it, and when Lin Yi arrived, it happened to catch up with the explosion of Jie Lei.

Lin Yi's mental power was swept away, and he searched quickly, and finally found a piece of black lightning in the center of the thunderstorm.

A series of lightning bolts, like long black rivers, fell from mid-air and smashed hard on the surface of the sea.

Among them, the huge lightning field formed, its momentum and power are much stronger than other thunder calamities. Obviously, this is exactly the six-fold tribulation thunder Lin Yi wanted to find.

"Ah..." A scream came from not far away. During the time when Lin Yi was looking for the thunder robbery, many warriors were already crossing the robbery. Most of them were very miserable. After ten lightning strikes, he was seriously injured or even died tragically.

These warriors, there are human beings and demon cultivators, their strength can only be regarded as mediocre, surviving in the cracks of all kinds of powerful people in the sea of ​​calamity.

"I succeeded in crossing the tribulation, haha... I am already a martial artist at the third level of the void..." Finally, a middle-aged man walked out of the robbery covered in blood. He successfully survived the thunder tribulation, and almost passed out from excitement.

Lin Yi had a calm expression on his face, and when he jumped, he rushed into the thunder calamity and endured the bombardment of those black lightnings. For him, this was really not a tribulation crossing, but just a bath.

While taking a bath, I felt comfortable, and the power from the thunder and lightning penetrated into the dantian, shattering the thousands of stars formed by spiritual power, and then recombined and condensed.

Each star is divided into two or more, so it seems to be smaller, but the power in it has become more pure and stronger.

In midair, black thunder and lightning poured down like a torrential rain.

Every moment, at least hundreds of lightning bolts fell on Lin Yi's body, most of the power was borne by the body, and the purest part entered the meridians and merged into the dantian, resulting in a qualitative change.

This is a step that virtual realm warriors must undergo.

Therefore, every time a Void Realm Warrior makes a breakthrough, he is close to death, walking a circle at the gate of hell.

There are very few warriors who can reach the fifth level of the Void Realm and above, and only the Dragon Clan who are born with extremely strong physical bodies will have a great advantage when crossing the tribulation.

Therefore, it is not surprising that most of the Void Realm powerhouses in Jiehai are concentrated in the Dragon Clan.

Half an hour later, Lin Yi had already withstood the baptism of countless black thunder and lightning, leaving faint traces on his body, and in his dantian, the earth was turned upside down.

Now, the Dan River has also expanded to the limit, occupying the entire Dantian, and the stars in it are countless and vast.

These stars are the crystallization of the purest spiritual power, which can bring infinite power.

Of course, this also proves that Lin Yi finally broke through successfully and reached the sixth level of the Void Realm.

In mid-air, black lightning had been tirelessly striking down, frantically obliterating everything on the sea surface, but it had negligible effect on Lin Yi.

Lin Yi opened his eyes abruptly, like an idler who just finished taking a bath, walked out of the lightning field, exuding an aura that was even stronger than Jielei.

At this time, Lin Yi swung his sword at will, and he could easily condense black substances, and these substances could also evolve at will, turning into a sword, a boulder, or even a person!

Lin Yi kept slashing the black jade sword, and when the realm of the earth is used to the extreme, the black matter will become more and more, and finally gather into a huge black stone.

Each grain of matter has a weight of a hundred catties, so the strength of this boulder can be imagined.

When Lin Yi was at the fifth level of the Void Realm, he could rely on this huge black boulder to crush the warriors at the peak of the Void Realm.

Now, with a thought, Lin Yi can freely control the power in it, but when he saw that huge boulder flying into the sky, it changed in mid-air, forming a black giant.

With a head, a body and four limbs, the appearance of this giant can be changed at will under Lin Yi's control.

Inspired by Lin Yi's strength, the giant's fists were thrown out at the same time.

Then, Lin Yi's power moved again, and the giant's body gradually scattered and fell downwards, forming a huge black sword, as if the black jade sword had been magnified thousands of times.

The giant sword suddenly fell downwards and plunged straight into the sea.

In an instant, the entire surface of the sea was lifted up, and a huge wave spread outward.

This huge wave, with a height of hundreds of meters, fled in all directions like a monster.

And where the black giant sword fell, the seabed below 10,000 meters was directly exposed.

Immediately, because of the terrifying weight of the giant sword, a long rift was split open on the seabed, spreading for a distance of nearly 10,000 meters. There were also many large and small mountain ranges in the seabed, but they were all destroyed at this moment. flat.

After a while, Lin Yi withdrew his strength, and the huge sword formed in the realm of the earthly realm disappeared instantly.

The sea water poured back and frantically poured into the rift valley, forming a huge vortex. Some unlucky huge void beasts around, even if they were thousands of meters away, were all sucked in by the vortex, and their bodies were crushed.

Lin Yi smiled with satisfaction, and put away the black jade sword.

Now, Lin Yi has reached the sixth level of the Void Realm, and the power of the Earth Realm can be raised to another level.

Therefore, even if he is a strong man with perfect virtual realm, Lin Yi still has the power to fight.

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