Two spatial fluctuations and golden light exploded in mid-air at the same time, the attack of Hunyuan Great Emperor and the phantom's attack were almost on par, and it was like destroying heaven and earth with one strike.

Emperor Huangji also rushed over, killing the phantom of Emperor Hunyuan, coupled with Lin Yi's attack, the three of them finally killed the last phantom within a hundred moves.

"Yinyue, are you alright!" Hunyuan Emperor put away his sword and asked.

Emperor Yinyue shook his head slightly, "It's all right!"

Emperor Yinyue possessed the body of a great emperor, so he recovered quickly from his injuries, but the fluctuation in his heart could not be calmed down for a long time.

"Let's go, enter the ground!" Hunyuan Emperor said, and then rushed out first.

Lin Yi and the others left the Tongtianzhu one after another and boarded a long floating road.

This extremely long suspension road is hundreds of miles long, spreading to endless depths.

After climbing onto the suspension path, Lin Yi felt a strong force of gravity, which suppressed his whole body.

In the entire space, there is no gravity, except on the suspension road.

Because, the test of the ground-breaking formation on the suspension road is super-gravity.

Moreover, the farther forward, this gravity will skyrocket exponentially.

At first, Lin Yi only felt ordinary gravity without pressure, but after traveling tens of thousands of meters, he felt ten times the gravity.

After stepping into the next area, the gravity increased even more, squeezing the suspension space.

The speed of the three great emperors and Lin Yi gradually slowed down.

Then, they moved forward another 10,000 meters. At this time, the gravity on the suspension road had reached a hundred times, like a huge boulder, pressing on everyone's shoulders.

If it was an ordinary warrior, it would be difficult to persist here, but Lin Yi and the others possessed the body of a great emperor, which was natural. Although the speed was slowed down, they could still move forward quickly and cross this area.

Finally, the four of Lin Yi, two in front and two behind, traveled a hundred miles forward and entered the center of the suspension road. The gravity here had reached a thousand times, like a mountain descending, and they were severely suppressed.

Every time Lin Yi took a step forward, he could feel that every bone in his body was crackling, and the blood had stopped flowing. All his strength could only be supported by his dantian.

After a further distance, Lin Yi and the others could only walk on the suspension road, and could not fly at all.

At this time, drops of sweat gradually oozed from the foreheads of the four of them.

"So strong!" Lin Yi released the power in his dantian and condensed it around his body to offset part of the gravity, but it still felt very difficult, as if his whole body was about to collapse.

At this time, the four of them stepped into the second half of the suspension road, but they could only walk like ordinary people, at a slow speed.

The gravity has reached five thousand times.

The slower and slower the speed, the longer the time spent on this suspension road, and the more dangerous it is naturally.

And every step forward, the gravity is still increasing, like entering a quagmire.

In this state, Lin Yi and the others advanced for two full hours before walking a short distance.

Even the body of the great emperor is a little too much. Everyone's body has cracking sounds, and even some bones have been broken due to the pressure. Only the recovery ability of the body of the great emperor can heal.

Without the Emperor's Body, it would be hard to imagine what would happen if he entered this area. I'm afraid he would be crushed into a pulp in an instant.

"Hurry up!" Great Emperor Hunyuan walked in the front, already sweating profusely, his eyes staring ahead, gradually revealing the light of hope.

Lin Yi raised his head and probed with his mental strength. On the hanging road, there was only the last 10,000 meters left.

But this distance is also the most difficult, and it has almost reached ten thousand times the gravity.

Walking under this freaking gravity feels like carrying a mountain on your back.

Moreover, the mountain will become heavier and heavier until it becomes unbearable.

Emperor Yinyue walked behind Lin Yi, his steps were trembling, and his body was dripping with sweat, as if he had been drenched in a torrential rain.

In the end, Emperor Yinyue had to use all his strength and spread layers of light defense around his body to offset part of the gravity before he could move on.

However, under the suppression of supergravity, these forces are also consumed extremely quickly.

Therefore, in the ground-breaking formation, whether it is physical fitness or strength, it is a huge test.

Lin Yi cut out the sword of light, and using the released space fluctuations, he can temporarily reverse the space, thereby achieving the purpose of counteracting gravity.

However, to achieve the effect, Lin Yi had to swing his sword hundreds of times per second to form a strong enough wave.

An hour later, Lin Yi and the others moved very slowly, only walking half the distance.

At this moment, one can already see with a clear eye that the end of the hanging road is in sight.

Lin Yi and the three great emperors did not dare to relax in the slightest, and each used their own means to move forward steadily step by step.

"Crack..." The terrifying sounds of bone breaking came one after another, and even the flesh and blood on his body were being torn apart.

So, soon, Lin Yi and the others were covered in blood.

The last three thousand meters, two thousand meters, one thousand meters...

At this point, the gravity has soared to the limit of more than 10,000 times, and the mountain was suppressed with the most terrifying force, and the person who was crushed was completely out of breath.

Lin Yi and the others could only bend over and struggle to move forward, every bone and joint in their bodies trembled violently.

"Huh..." Finally, Hunyuan Great Emperor heaved a sigh of relief, and he was the first to rush out of the ground-breaking formation, before collapsing to the ground.

Huang Dadi was the second one, and he was obviously overdrawn to the limit.

Lin Yi was not in a hurry, and took the last few steps steadily.

Emperor Yinyue frowned and followed Lin Yi.

But at this time, Emperor Yinyue's strength finally couldn't hold back, the thousands of layers of light on his body were all crushed by gravity, and then, the terrifying gravity of ten thousand times directly suppressed all of Emperor Yinyue's body.

The explosive power of this moment is very terrifying, even the body of the Great Emperor cannot bear it.

In an instant, Emperor Yinyue's body was pressed down hard, almost completely sticking to the ground.

Fortunately, Lin Yi sensed something was wrong, and with quick eyes and quick hands, he shot out a force in an instant, covering Emperor Yinyue's body, helping her block part of the gravity, which gave Emperor Yinyue time to relax.

Emperor Yinyue gathered his strength again, protected his whole body, and then walked forward.

Finally, Lin Yi and Emperor Yinyue also stepped out of the ground-breaking formation, and they all collapsed on the ground.

"Thank you!" Emperor Yinyue cast a grateful look at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi smiled faintly, didn't say anything, but panted heavily, and silently adjusted his breath.

The three great emperors also quickly sat up cross-legged, quickly adjusted their breath, and recovered their strength.

In their current state, rushing into the Tianjue Formation rashly would be death.

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