Two hundred miles outside Tianxuan City, a golden carriage was pulled by four giant horses, galloping across a wasteland!

In the carriage, sat a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties. His brows were bright and his eyes were sharp like a knife. His eyes were deep and unpredictable, and his restrained aura was like the night sky, giving people a strong sense of depression.

The man on the opposite side was much younger, about thirty years old, with short jet-black hair, eyes with a frightening evil, handsome appearance, heroic, less bold than the middle-aged man, but A little more vigor.

The middle-aged man seemed to frown, and took out a jade pendant in his hand, his expression changed again and again.

"Senior Nangong, what's the matter?" The man was surprised, he had never seen such a flustered expression on the face of the super strong man in front of him.

"It's Wan'er, I feel that her aura is getting weaker and weaker, something must have happened!" The middle-aged man said with an air of calm and prestige, "Gongsun Yu, the old man wants to go first, you Follow up later, just pick up outside the city!"

The man naturally did not dare to disobey, "Senior, be careful!"

As soon as the words fell, the body of the middle-aged man disappeared in place, and he appeared tens of meters away in the blink of an eye. He was dressed in a black robe, standing in the air, rushing forward like a shooting star.

Flying in the air is something only the strong in the holy realm can do!

Gongsun Yu had a cold smile on his face, "How dare you attack Nangongtuo's most beloved daughter? This group of people really want to die. If you make this Nangonggu family leader anxious, I'm afraid that the entire Tianxuan City will be killed." destruction!"

To destroy a city at will, the Nangong family has the strength and the courage!

If Nangong Wan was really killed in Tianxuan City, the furious Nangongtuo would undoubtedly massacre the city, and even Tianxuanzong would suffer!

Yang family.

"It hurts? Did you ever want that cripple to save you?" Chen Shan laughed like a maniac. Seeing Nangong Wan's pain, he felt so relieved as if revenge was on Lin Yi, "Say it!"

Chen Shan yelled loudly, and turned the sword in his hand lightly, twisting in Nangong Wan's shoulder bones. Nangong Wan was in pain, covered in cold sweat, her lips were as pale as paper, and her big tears flowed into threads.

But Nangong Wan still stubbornly did not make any screams, but just stared blankly at the devil in front of her, "Brother Lin Yi...will definitely...kill you!"

"Kill me? Haha!" Chen Shan laughed loudly, "I can't wait for him to kill me now!"

"Don't worry, I won't let you die. I want to catch that cripple and let him see with his own eyes how I ruined his woman!" Chen Shan's eyes fell into madness, and he pulled out his sword suddenly, blood gushing out like a fountain. On Nangong Wan's shoulder, a bright red flower of blood melted!

"Ah..." The weak Nangong Wan couldn't bear the pain of pulling out the sword at all. She passed out and fell into a pool of blood all over the ground. At this moment, she only had one thought: Brother Lin Yi, please don't come...

"Hmph, sad woman!" Chen Shan threw aside the blood-stained sword, grabbed Nangong Wan's blood-stained palm, and then slapped a piece of paper on the ground, holding Nangong Wan's blood-stained finger , Write down two bright red blood characters, "Nangong"!

Chen Shan folded the bloody paper, stuffed it in an envelope, and walked out of the secret room. Outside, the wretch was still waiting excitedly, waiting to get his hands on the girl.

"Come here!" Chen Shan beckoned, "Send this letter to the outer sect of Tianxuanzong, find a disciple named Lin Yi, and tell him that the person he is looking for is in the Yang family!"

The poor man nodded repeatedly. It turned out that it was such a simple thing to send a letter. He was only thinking about the beautiful girl. The moment he received the letter, he looked up into the secret room, "Well, can you let me first... Hehe!"

"Oh?" Chen Shan sneered, and stepped aside to open the door, "You can also do this?"

Seeing the beautiful girl covered in blood, the wretch was startled, but soon, his face showed joy again, his eyes were crazy like a wolf, and he rushed into the room, "Go down! Go down!" Even if she is dead, I can go down, hehe!"

"Get out!" Chen Shan kicked the bum on the ass, "Damn it, it's not done, don't get the fucker killed by you first, go and deliver the letter!"

The bum didn't dare to refute, and walked out of the room reluctantly, "Then I'll go to work first!"

Chen Shan nodded, his eyes were cold, "Go, when you come back, this woman will belong to you completely, you can play with it as you like!"

The poor man showed joy, as if he had picked up a great treasure, he trotted out of Yang's house all the way, and rushed towards Tianxuan Mountain desperately.

As dusk approached, the sky suddenly became cloudy and cloudy, and it was destined that there would be a storm tonight.

Lin Yi practiced for a whole day, and was a little tired and hungry. When he returned to the small courtyard, he didn't smell the familiar fragrance, so he couldn't help but feel a little unhappy, "This girl, she's being lazy again, and she promised to cook for me. !"

Lin Yi shook his head, so he just took two cold steamed buns and gnawed them.

"No! That girl is very annoying, why haven't I seen her all day?" Lin Yi frowned, didn't even eat the steamed buns, and quickly got up to go to Sanfeng.

Nangong Wan's room was also empty, and at the same time, she was also looking for Nangong Wan's and He Qiu.

"Lin Yi, have you seen Wan'er?" He Qiu was obviously also very anxious, "I haven't seen her all day, it's almost dark, and she hasn't come back yet!"

Lin Yi's face changed slightly, "It's okay, this girl has always been playful, I'll look for it!"

He Qiu could only nod his head, since Lin Yi said so, he also felt that Nangong Wan should be fine.

But as everyone knows, Lin Yi is just comforting.

Walking out of the three peaks, he bumped into Bai He head-on, and Bai He seemed to be in a hurry, sweating profusely as he ran, "Junior Brother Lin, I finally found you. Just now the gatekeeper caught a guy from Profound Sky City. I have a letter for you, go and have a look!"

There was a bang in Lin Yi's mind, and he had already predicted something bad!

On the mountain road outside the outer gate, a man with an obscene appearance sat anxiously on the stone platform, surrounded by two disciples guarding the gate, but he did not dare to act rashly.

"Here we come!" Seeing someone appear, the bum stood up excitedly, everything went smoothly as he expected, and he could go back to receive the reward soon.

That girl seems to be injured, I have to be careful, I can't really play her to death, or I won't have fun in the future! Thinking so, the black figure was in front of him in an instant.

"Are you Lin Yi?" The bum raised his voice and asked.

The man in black nodded, and gave Biao San a slight look.

"Your letter!" The bum handed over the letter, thinking that he was really lucky today.

Lin Yi took out the paper inside, and there were two huge blood-red "Nangong" characters in front of him, and even a faint smell of blood could be faintly smelled.

The corner of Lin Yi's mouth twitched fiercely, a murderous look flashed in his eyes, but he quickly returned to normal, and asked in a deep voice, "Where is it?"

The bum scratched his head, "The person you are looking for is at the Yang family!"

"Oh!" Lin Yi's face was calm, but there was a huge wave in his heart, "Take me there!"

The moment Lin Yi saw the letter, Lin Yi had already guessed the whole story, and felt a sharp pain in his heart. He should have thought of it a long time ago. Of course, he could hide in Tianxuanzong and not go out, but he forgot to remind Nangong Wan to use Chen Shan's despicability, it's not surprising that he grabbed Nangong Wan and threatened him!

I should have thought of that earlier! Lin Yi sighed, his eyes were as cold as ice: But this time, Chen Shan, you must die!

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