Seen from mid-air, the entire Luoshui Mountain is full of various palaces and attics, densely packed, there are not a thousand, there are eight hundred, spreading from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain.

Just building these palaces is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary forces, and the Luoshui Palace has been passed down for nearly a thousand years before it has become so huge.

"Young Master!" Luo Long fell into a luxurious palace on the top of the mountain. Nearly a hundred servants and maids all knelt down and respected Luo Long.

"Get out of here!" Luo Long shouted.

"Yes, young master!" These servants all quickly withdrew.

The strong wind grabbed Lin Yi and rushed into the palace, "Young master, this kid is a little dishonest, he wants to break my seal!"

Luo Long chuckled, and looked at Lin Yi with disdain, "Lin Yi, this is Luoshui Palace, there are so many masters, even if you break the seal, you will never escape, save your energy and be my master's obediently Puppet, haha..."

As he said that, Luo Long's expression changed, and he opened a stone door in the palace, and rushed in, "Bring this kid in, to meet the witch god!"

"Yes, young master!" The gust of wind sent out two more waves of force, sealing Lin Yi's profound mansion, and then rushed into the depths of the palace with Lin Yi's body.

Behind this palace is the stone wall of the mountain, and the passage of the palace also leads to the depths of the mountain, forming a long stone cave.

At the end of the cave, there is another huge stone chamber.

In the stone room, stood row after row of stone statues, which were no different in size from humans, and there were seventy or eighty of them.

But Lin Yi looked carefully and found that the eyes of these stone statues were tightly closed, looking exactly like humans.

Then, Lin Yi confirmed that these were not stone statues at all, but human monks wrapped in stone layers, and all of them were living people.

"Sorcerer God!" Luo Long quickly flew to the center of the stone chamber, where there was a strange pool, glowing with billowing heat, and beside the pool stood an old man in black robe, holding a long wooden staff in his hand.

"Young master!" The identity of the witch god is obviously unusual, and he doesn't need to salute at all when he sees Luo Long, he just nods slightly.

"How are my puppets doing?" Luo Long asked.

The witch god chuckled, "It's all done, if the young master wants to use it, I can wake them up at any time!"

"No need for now!" Luo Long waved his hand, and then pointed at Lin Yi, "Trouble the Sorcerer God, make this kid a puppet for me!"

"Oh?" The witch god's eyes instantly changed from black to strange white, as if he could see through everything about Lin Yi with a single glance, "Isn't it too wasteful to make a puppet in the late stage of Xuanfu realm?"

Luo Long laughed loudly, "This kid's strength is extraordinary, he is enough to tie with this young master, very powerful!"

The witch god gasped, "If that's the case, you'd be a genius!"

"Witch God, how many days will it be ready?" Luo Long asked.

The witch god nodded, "Seven days!"

"Then trouble the God of Witch!" Luo Long pushed Lin Yi over, "Guang Feng, you are here to guard these few days, don't make any mistakes!"

"Yes, young master!" Kuang Feng knelt down.

"Young master, I need a drop of your blood!" The witch god took out a small box, and when he opened it, there was a cocoon inside, the size of a little finger.

"Yes, I almost forgot!" Luo Long bit his finger, dripped his own blood on the cocoon, and it was swallowed up immediately.

Afterwards, Luo Long left the stone chamber.

The witch god walked around Lin Yi, with a strange smile on his old face, "What a good seedling!"

Then, the witch god forcibly squeezed Lin Yi's mouth open, and stuffed the cocoon into Lin Yi's mouth and lower abdomen.

Lin Yi felt a burning heat coming from his abdomen, and then there was a sharp pain.

It's a pity that Lin Yi has no power to fight back now that the Profound Mansion has been sealed off. What's more, this witch god must be a strong man in the Dahua period, and there is a strong wind guarding him beside him.

No matter how powerful Lin Yi is, it is impossible for him to escape.

The witch god was already performing thaumaturgy, and with a palm lift, the slurry in the pool flew out with the guidance of the witch god, forming a silver-white river of water in midair.

Afterwards, the slurry fell on Lin Yi's body, circling it round and round, tens of thousands of times, and finally wrapped it into a thick layer of stone skin, wrapping Lin Yi's body tightly. Tightly surrounded by it, only a pair of eyes were exposed.

Obviously, now Lin Yi has also turned into a stone statue.

"Guangfeng, put him aside, he will be fine in seven days!" said the witch god.

"Yes!" Kuang Feng lifted Lin Yi up and placed him among the stone statues as soon as his palm fell.

Lin Yi felt hot all over his body, as if he was in a big furnace, being roasted all the time. At the same time, the strange power in the stone layer also broke through Lin Yi's body and rushed in continuously.

The most frightening thing is that these powers are all supporting the cocoon. As the power increases, the cocoon actually expands.

Three days later, the cocoon had doubled in size within Lin Yi's body.

Immediately, cracks began to appear on the cocoon, and the cracks gradually expanded, forming several huge cracks, which made crackling noises in Lin Yi's body.

Apparently, the cocoon was about to burst.

Sure enough, another day later, the dense cracks on the cocoon finally burst open, revealing a dark worm.

The appearance of this bug is very scary, it is covered in pitch black, with only one red eye glowing with blood.

Just when Lin Yi was wondering, the worm jumped up and down, became active, and plunged into Lin Yi's body.

However, Lin Yi didn't feel any pain, the worm miraculously disappeared in Lin Yi's stomach.

Soon, Lin Yi discovered that the black bug was not an entity at all, but an incorporeal body, or in other words, a kind of power.

Sure enough, when Lin Yi saw the black bug again, it had already entered his soul and appeared in Lin Yi's spiritual sea.

Then, Lin Yi felt a numbness, his whole mind was dizzy, and he began to lose control, and the black bug actually rushed into Lin Yi's soul and merged with it.

Because this black bug was bred by Luo Long's blood, so when the black bug merged into Lin Yi's soul, Lin Yi would only be under Luo Long's control from now on.

Obviously, all the other puppets were controlled by Luo Long by using this thaumaturgy.

After understanding everything, Lin Yi's mind moved, and his mind was completely clear, and he was not under any control of Hei Chongzi.

For Lin Yi, there is no thing or method in the world that can control or even destroy Lin Yi's soul.

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