It is indeed very risky to swallow such a strong power into the body rashly.

But now that he has done it, Lin Yi has no chance to regret it, so he hastily gathers his mind and releases all the stars in Xuanfu.

Soon, the "knives" in Lin Yi's body flowed towards the Xuanfu, and a passage was brutally opened between the physical body and the Xuanfu, as if to tear Lin Yi's body apart.

Thousands of stones, following Lin Yi's guidance, finally entered the Xuanfu, forming a long stream of stones, spanning Lin Yi's entire body.

After half an hour, these countless stones finally all flowed into the Xuanfu, and Lin Yi's physical pain was relieved a bit. If it continued, he was afraid that he would really be unable to hold on and would be torn apart.

Those stone particles, after entering the Xuanfu, were impacted by the power of the stars, and they were divided again, forming smaller particles, which filled the entire Xuanfu with the surge of power.

Thousands of stars and thousands of grains of stone have actually formed some kind of special induction in the Profound Palace.

Afterwards, like a sudden cessation of a storm, everything in the Xuanfu came to a standstill, even the flow of time stopped.

Lin Yi slowly moved the stars, arousing a trace of strength.

These forces did not flow outward as Lin Yi imagined, but produced a huge suction force, wrapping around the nearby stone grains.

These stone grains themselves carry a very strong original stone power, once they collide with each other, they will be like two high mountains colliding, producing extremely strong destructive power.

A grain of stone and a star may be weak in strength.

However, with the addition of tens of thousands, Lin Yi's Xuanfu fell into chaos in an instant, like countless bombs exploding in it.

Even Lin Yi himself can't control these powers, so he can only control the leakage of power as much as possible, otherwise, his physical body will definitely be destroyed and there will be no leftovers.

Fortunately, under Lin Yi's control, nothing went too far, it's just that after the forces collided with each other, every star and every stone grain were actually tightly combined, like the sun and the moon melting together.

At this time, Lin Yi finally felt the hunger and thirst for spiritual energy. Obviously, the next fusion required a lot of spiritual energy.

Without hesitation, Lin Yi quickly started to practice, and swallowed all the Xuanfu pills stored in his body.

This practice lasted for three days and three nights. Lin Yi was like a thirsty person who suddenly saw water and frantically absorbed the spiritual energy.

And these auras are obviously the nourishment that the Xuanfu needs.

Three days later, the stars and stone grains slowly merged, and when they were completely merged together, a new substance was formed.

This substance is ten times larger than before, and it should be the size of a fist if it is taken out, but it is transparent crystals.

The combination of stars and stone grains actually formed a strange crystal.

Lin Yi still didn't understand what was going on, those combined thousands of crystals were slowly moving towards the middle position, getting closer and gathering!

The Gathering of Stars is finally here!

Obviously, this is the most critical step, success or failure depends on it.

Lin Yi held his breath and concentrated, not daring to mess with his power, but staring at the changes in Xuanfu.

A day later, those crystals finally gathered in the center of the Xuanfu, like blocks of stones, piled up by craftsmen to form a new stone tower.

However, what was formed in the end was obviously not a stone tower, but a mountain, a huge black mountain.

Every piece on the giant mountain is made of crystalline material, and every crystalline material hides extremely powerful power.

Such a huge mountain, how terrifying the power must be!

At this time, Lin Yi could finally breathe a sigh of relief. His luck was good, and the process of breaking through was safe and smooth.

The next step is to wait for the thousands of crystals and thousands of fusions.

Lin Yi can do nothing but sit cross-legged in the cave.

The speed of crystal fusion is still very fast. Half a day later, they are completely fused, and the giant mountain in the Xuanfu is completely formed. It looks like an incomparably huge black stone that has fallen from the sky and is suspended in the Xuanfu. It cannot be seen at all. Traces of crystals.

Obviously, all the crystals have merged into one and turned into this huge mountain.

The power of the giant mountain has skyrocketed several times compared to the original stars!

Lin Yi opened his eyes suddenly, and his body bounced up almost instantly. At this time, even if Lin Yi used only a little force, it would form an extremely powerful destructive force.

Lin Yi let out a breath, and the breath turned into a storm, rushing out, smashing a stone in the cave.

"Zhizhi..." Apparently, the little head also sensed Lin Yi's change, and roared excitedly.

"Little head, I succeeded!" Lin Yi laughed twice, and touched the top of the little head, and saw that there were many corpses of ferocious beasts at the entrance of the cave, which were obviously killed by the little head.

Outside the cave, there are still many ferocious beasts, staring at the entrance of the cave, ready to move.

Because of the deterrence of their small heads, these ferocious beasts did not dare to approach easily.

"Interesting!" Lin Yi smiled coldly, his body flashed suddenly, and he was in front of the group of fierce beasts, which directly shocked all the fierce beasts.

Lin Yi didn't use his sword, but used his fists to pump out the strength in his body, hitting the limit again and again.

Having just broken through the realm of Mahayana, Lin Yi's control of power is obviously not perfect, so he took advantage of it to practice.

With one punch, a two-meter-high beast next to it was smashed into a pulp by Lin Yi, and then he slapped it out again, and a huge beast flew a thousand meters away , disappeared without a trace.

Lin Yi's domineering power was vividly displayed with three punches and two kicks. Although those fierce beasts were fierce and posed a great threat to monks in the Xuanfu realm, they were too weak in front of Lin Yi!

The little head watched happily, with a strange smile in his mouth, as if cheering for Lin Yi.

The giant mountain in Lin Yi's body continuously released violent power, reaching Lin Yi's whole body.

At this time, even a single hair on Lin Yi's body could explode with terrifying power.

The Mahayana realm is so terrifying.

Soon, Lin Yi landed with one punch, and almost all the beasts were wiped out, leaving only the muddy meat and huge potholes all over the ground.

Lin Yi's punch hit the ground, and it could travel hundreds of meters away, almost piercing through the entire island.

Immediately, Lin Yi took out the Sword of Wind and poured power into the sword, but the sword sounded like howling ghosts and wolves burst out!

The improvement of Lin Yi's realm made the power of the top-grade profound weapon also increase.

With a slash of the blade, the ground has been shattered.

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