In front of him, there were streaks of white light and fist-sized spars.

There are a full twenty yuan, obviously these are thunder crystals.

"Wow!" Hong Yan was startled, she had never found so many thunder crystals at once.

Lin Yi carefully took out all the thunder crystals and put them into the space ring.

After leaving this crack, the little head sniffed around, and got into another crack, but this time, luck was obviously not as good as before, only three thunder crystals were found.

In this way, Lin Yi and Hongyan, under the guidance of their small heads, searched for the cracks in the robbery pit, and finally obtained 40 yuan of thunder crystals, enough for Lin Yi and Hongyan to practice for a few days.

A month later, the people of the Liugong tribe stopped searching after several conflicts with the Benlei tribe.

Of course, Liugong has never given up, and is still secretly sending people to investigate, around Hengshan and the Benlei tribe, secretly looking for Lin Yi's whereabouts.

Lin Yi and Hong Yan only left the cave at night, entered the robbery pit, and looked for Lei Jing.

With a small head, basically every time I get forty or fifty thunder crystals.

As a result, both Lin Yi and Hongyan practiced very fast. In a month, they each refined more than one hundred pieces of thunder crystals, which was equivalent to a lifetime of ordinary monks.

There is obviously still a long way to go for Hongyan to break through the Great Transformation Stage, but on the giant mountain in Lin Yi's body, the clouds and mists are thick, and the lightning is like a big net, weaving layer after layer, and the power is accumulated to the extreme.

Finally, Lin Yi refined another piece of thunder crystal today, and the power merged to the giant mountain, but it formed waves, like a stone thrown into the water.

These waves rolled up in the clouds and mist, and those layers of lightning also made crackling sounds.

Lin Yi could clearly feel that the power on the giant mountain was changing and skyrocketing.

The giant mountain was originally a virtual object formed by the condensation of spiritual power. At this time, it actually began to tremble, and black shadows appeared one after another.

Lin Yi was slightly startled, and then quickly gathered his mind to guide the power on the giant mountain.

The clouds and mist were swirling, and the speed was getting faster and faster, and a terrifying storm was formed around the giant mountain. All the clouds and mist were swept up and moved closer to the center.

Immediately, those lightning bolts were also intertwined with each other. On the entire giant mountain, there were lightning flashes, thunder, and dense clouds and fog, as if a terrifying rainstorm was about to fall!

Two hours passed, and the storm gradually stopped, turning into a vortex, hovering over the giant mountain.

The spiritual power merged at this moment, and all flowed to the giant mountain, covering one layer after another.

Those lightning bolts also struck on the giant mountain and penetrated into it.

Suddenly, there was a storm.

Lin Yi's body became extremely chaotic, and the power rushed out and in at the same time, making Lin Yi's physical body almost unbearable.

Around Lin Yi, the aura was also affected by the power emitted, and gradually formed a swirl, spinning.

Fortunately, the cave was very deep, and the fluctuations in Lin Yi's body did not spread out, otherwise it would definitely alarm the nearby monks.

Half a day later, the giant mountain in Lin Yi's body was covered with lightning.

The lightning flowed continuously from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, and under the neutralization of spiritual power, it became stronger and softer, because it had already turned into Lin Yi's own power.

A large amount of spiritual power in the clouds gradually accumulated on the giant mountain, causing the entire giant mountain to grow ten times in size, from a giant mountain to a super giant mountain.

The power of Lei Jing is indeed terrifying.

When those clouds and lightning completely merged with the giant mountain, it was already three days later.

At this time, the breakthrough was finally successful. The giant mountain had grown ten times its size, and the spiritual power in it became more scattered, but its power and explosive power became stronger.

"Late stage of the Mahayana realm!" Lin Yi opened his eyes, and the fluctuations around his body had spread for an extremely long distance.

Lin Yi hurriedly put away these forces.

After reaching the later stage, Lin Yi can already see everything around him. Facing the flow of aura in the space, he can also discern the details, and even skillfully manipulate the aura with a wave of his hand to form an attack method.

In the later stage of the Mahayana realm, although it is not considered the most powerful state in the middle space, it is a watershed. From then on, Lin Yi will become a top powerhouse in the middle space.

After all, with the kendo and sword skills that Lin Yi has comprehended, coupled with the Heavenly Artifact, he can definitely compete with the strong in the Xiaohua stage.

Even if he meets a super strong man like Liu Gong again, he won't be as vain as before.

Lin Yichang breathed a sigh of relief, and was ready to go out to try his sword skills so as not to disturb Hongyan's cultivation.

"Little head, what are you doing?" Lin Yi just got up when he saw the little head standing on the lotus in the pool, making strange noises.

Lin Yi walked over and found that the little head was tearing the lotus with its mouth open.


Lin Yi was shocked, he knew that the teeth of the little head are very powerful, no matter how hard it is, it can be easily bitten open, but this time, a small lotus flower actually took the little head to bite for a long time .

The little head was biting hard with its teeth, still refusing to give up, and finally bit off the lotus flower after hundreds of attempts.

Immediately, there was a flash of light on the lotus flower, and then, the whole lotus flower disappeared.

There used to be three lotus flowers in the pool, but now there are only two left.

"It's so strange!" Since Lin Yi entered the cave, he found that the three lotus flowers were not simple, but he didn't think too much about them, they just regarded them as spiritual creatures born from heaven and earth.

But now, Lin Yi can be sure that these three lotus flowers are formed by some kind of power, so it is difficult for even a small head to bite them off.

Lin Yi pulled out the Sun Swallowing Sword, gathered all his strength, and slashed down.

However, with Lin Yi's strength in the late stage of Mahayana, combined with the Sun Tun Sword, he cut on the lotus without leaving any traces, but only made the lotus shake.

"It's amazing!" Lin Yi was surprised, and then cut out the Sun Swallowing Sword again, releasing the Nine Heavens Profound Fire.

The black flames fell like raindrops, and when they hit the lotus, they were immediately extinguished.

In the end, Lin Yi had to give up the attack and concentrate on watching the little head perform.

After another hour of biting the little head, the second lotus flower was finally bitten off!

After this refining flower was bitten off, it also disappeared immediately.

This further confirmed Lin Yi's conjecture.

Finally, Lin Yi waited patiently, and did not give up after beating his little head to death, and bit off the third lotus flower as well.

At this moment, the three lotus flowers all disappeared into the pool.

Lin Yi immediately stood up and looked over.

In the pool, there was actually a tiny wave.

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