"What a big movement!" Lin Yi was stunned.

The entire ocean was trembling violently, and even the tens of thousands of meters deep chasm began to break, creating a large number of cracks.

Lin Yi had to use his strength to protect his whole body so as not to be swept away by the undercurrent in the sea.

Obviously, such a big movement is impossible, it is caused by the movement of the star point!

"Could it be just a coincidence?" Lin Yi frowned, staring at those stars.

Those tens of thousands of star points are still moving on the chessboard.

Moreover, as long as the star point moves, the vibration of the entire ocean will not stop, and it will become more and more violent.

"what happened?"

"What movement?"

The masters, who were looking for traces of the Immortal Mansion in the bottom of the sea at this time, obviously also felt this drastic change.

"It seems... It seems that the entire ocean is rioting!"

"Something must have caused it. Could it be that someone found the Immortal Mansion?"

The masters were immediately overjoyed, thinking that only the appearance of the Immortal Mansion would cause such a big commotion.

"Everyone, get out of the sea!" Master Sheng Luo and Master Li Huo ordered, "It must be the Immortal Mansion!"

After nearly a year of searching, they still found nothing. The masters were already desperate, and this huge movement obviously brought them great hope.

Everyone was extremely excited and rushed towards the sea.

After rushing out of the sea, the masters flew to an altitude of 10,000 meters, carefully searched the entire sea, trying to find traces of Xianfu.

On the surface of the sea, those monks in the Mahayana realm also rushed over, looking very panicked.

Clearly, something big was about to happen.

"Lord Sheng Luo, Lord Li Huo, look at those islands!"

Everyone looked from a distance, only to realize that the islands in this ocean were all moving.

Each island is the size of a mountain. What kind of power can make such a giant move on the sea!

Obviously, even a Juggernaut couldn't do it.

What's more, there are tens of thousands of islands in this sea area, and each island is moving.

Because of the movement of these islands, huge waves thousands of meters high were set off on the sea surface. They kept colliding, and even higher waves swelled up, covering the sky and the sun.

Tens of thousands of islands moving at the same time, this scene is so spectacular, even the major rulers have never seen such a scene after living for thousands of years.

As for those monks in the Mahayana realm, they were frightened out of their wits long ago.

Under the chasm, on the boulder chessboard, those star points are still moving slowly, moving closer to the middle.

It took a full two hours for these star points to finally gather together on the chessboard.

"Boom..." The huge shock echoed between the sky and the sea. This sea area was almost lifted up. The huge waves flew up to a distance of 10,000 meters and smashed towards the masters in midair.

On the chessboard, all the star points completely overlapped and turned into a colorless beam of light, suspended above the boulder.

Lin Yi observed vigilantly, and found that there were cracks on the boulder.

The crack was getting bigger and bigger, and with a click, the whole boulder and chessboard were completely shattered and turned into powder.

"What's going on?" Lin Yi asked in surprise.

After the boulder shattered, a black vortex appeared on the spot, spinning faster and faster, like a monster's huge mouth.

"Black hole?" Lin Yi frowned. Obviously, this is very likely to be a black hole in space, leading to an unknown place.

Generally speaking, a black hole is different from a teleportation array. A black hole is a door that allows anyone to travel through space.

But the teleportation array needs to set up a space channel.

"Could it be that this is the entrance to the Immortal Mansion?" Lin Yi wasn't sure, but Lin Yi had always been very courageous. After hesitating for a while, he flew directly over and rushed into the black hole.

Lin Yi's body disappeared in an instant, and at the same time, the black hole disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

On the surface of the sea, the tens of thousands of islands collided together, and all the seawater within thousands of miles was thrown out.

All the islands collided with each other and fell down, as if the sky and the earth were splitting, and finally formed a super giant mountain.

This mountain occupies half of the entire sea area, like a huge meteorite falling from the sky, smashing the ocean into a piece of land.

The giant mountain has a height of tens of thousands of meters and goes straight to the sky.

The masters were also dumbfounded by this spectacle, "This..."

"What a force against the sky!"


After the giant mountain was formed, a ray of golden light fell from the sky, hitting the top of the giant mountain, and there was a bang.

Then, the entire giant mountain trembled.

"Stop talking nonsense, the Immortal Mansion must be on the top of the giant mountain!" Master Sheng Luo and Master Lihuo flew out immediately, and rushed to the top of the giant mountain first.

The other masters and practitioners also hurriedly flew to the top of the giant mountain.

As soon as they arrived at Jushan, everyone felt a strong immortal energy. The entire Jushan was full of immortal energy, very strong.

Strangely, on the giant mountain, there was a layer of white mist, blocking most of the vision.

Even the master, in these fogs, can only see a distance of a thousand meters.

"Everyone be careful!" The masters didn't dare to take it lightly, gathered everyone together, and then proceeded cautiously.

On the surface of the sea, the three of Zi Ling finally emerged. Previously, all the masters were nearby, so they could only hide at the bottom of the sea.

"Strange! How could there be such a big commotion all of a sudden!" Master Jiufeng asked suspiciously.

Lord Tianyan shook his head, "It seems that everything is God's will, and the Immortal Mansion will appear in the end!"

Zi Ling bit her lip, "By the way, where is Lin Yi?"

Master Jiufeng and Master Tianyan were stunned at the same time, "Before, Lin Yi wanted to stay on the sea and continue to explore the island. Could it be that he..."

"No, although the commotion just now was big, it can't hurt Lin Yi!"

Zi Ling was obviously worried, and decisively shot out a force from the palm of his hand, and then crushed it violently, condensing a phantom.

After Lin Yi entered the black hole, he appeared in a closed space.

In this space, the sky and the earth are closed, and the surroundings are all sealed. It looks like a courtyard.

If you don't look carefully, this is just an ordinary yard, surrounded by high stone walls, under the stone walls are some wooden frames, beside the wooden frames, there are even some melons and fruits planted.

It seems that this is the yard of an ordinary farmer.

But obviously, it is impossible for the immortals to be bored and seal a farmer's yard here!

Lin Yi walked out step by step, because all his strength was completely sealed after entering this courtyard.

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