Chapter 101

On New Year’s Eve, Wu Hao was eating New Year’s Eve dinner at his hometown in Yongcheng, when he suddenly received a call from Gu Fan.


“Wu Hao, hurry up and read the headlines of a certain wave technology edition!”

On the other end of the phone, Gu Fan’s tone seemed very anxious, and Wu Hao had a bad feeling.

“Okay, I’ll call you back later.”

After hanging up the phone, Wu Hao hurriedly checked the news. On the homepage of a certain wave, he saw a column comment written by a big tech V, “Logan has entered the game industry, why did the former tech giants fall here?”

At the beginning of the article, I wrote about the background of the in-depth cooperation between Huawei and Logan, as well as the impact of the two cooperation on the technology industry. It also counted the past brilliant achievements of Huawei and its contribution to society. Then it mentioned that there have been rumors in recent days, Logan Flextronics will establish a joint venture company with Haotian Technology to formally enter the most gold-absorbing game industry.

At this point, the author turned his head and denounced the various chaos in the contemporary game industry. Minors have suffered a lot from this. As a socially responsible company, it should focus on technological breakthroughs instead of manufacturing. More virtual fantasy poisons ignorant teenagers.

The article also mentioned that, as the two major domestic giants, at this critical moment, they should concentrate resources to break through the key technical bottlenecks of 5G, and lay a good foundation for the intelligent era, instead of carrying out so-called diversified operations and wasting resources on their own weaknesses. In the field, the author presented many cases of failures in the diversification of large companies in the article, predicting that Logan Weichuang will suffer the same fiasco.

At the end of the article, the author appeals to the management of Long Guang and Hua Wei not to be tempted by money and two minds. They should return to their main business and dig deeper in the field of science and technology, so that China5G standard becomes the world’s 5G standard, and contributes to the national rejuvenation. .

After reading this soft article, Wu Hao took a breath of air. The article was written so sensational, certainly not on a whim. There is definitely a driving force behind this. Some people want to prevent the cooperation between Logan Weichuang and Haotian Technology, and they are hyping public opinion. , To carry out moral pressure.

He quickly opened the apps of major mainstream media and found that this article had been reprinted and topped. A large number of comments appeared in the comment area, most of which were negative. Some people even abused the two giants in the comment area.

Open the major video sites again, and in the obvious position of the technology sector, there are many comment videos of articles. This topic is very hot, and even rushed to the headlines of Xiaopozhan.

The opposing party’s timing of action was very accurate, and the news was released on the night of the New Year’s Eve. At this time, the public happened to be resting at home and had free time to pay attention to topics that they would not normally care about. As long as there were enough pushers, they could easily change the topic. When it comes to enthusiasm, it will be easy to cause huge social pressure if it is time to guide it. Wu Hao has to sigh with his opponent’s ability to control public opinion.

As the topic of Long Guang and Hua Wei, although there will be public relations team intervention, at this time, after all, it is during the Spring Festival holiday, it is impossible to respond quickly, and make up for it afterwards, I am afraid it will be too late.

For Haotian Technology, this news is obviously very negative. The situation was originally very good. Director Duan also promised himself that after the Chinese New Year, he would continue to increase the quota for the take-off plan. However, such a news came out at this time, which would definitely affect the bank. The evaluation of aspects has an impact.

For Wu Hao personally, negative social reviews will turn into various rumors, causing irreparable losses to his reputation.

“It seems that we have to clean up the ghosts in Haotian as soon as possible” Wu Hao made up his mind in his heart.

After receiving Yang Zhifeng’s business investigation report, Wu Hao already knew that there were several internal ghosts in the company. He originally wanted to deal with it slowly after the New Year, but this unexpected incident made him realize that the matter could not be delayed.

The mood of eating the New Year’s Eve dinner was gone. He rushed to deal with the elders at home, leaving Liu Xinyi to chat with them, then he returned to the room and called Gu Fan to discuss countermeasures.

After answering the phone, Wu Hao said in a heavy tone: “Gu Fan, I read the article, the matter is serious.”

“It is obvious that someone is speculating behind this matter. I asked a friend about it. Such a big deal cannot be done by ordinary people. It must be a very powerful company that can make such a big move.”

“Why do they engage in public opinion wars with great fanfare? Long Guang and Hua Wei are not vegetarians either!”

“It is estimated that we have made too fast progress in 3D virtual technology. They were caught off guard. I heard that Penguin and Wangyi will have to wait half a year before they can come up with similar products. If Logan Weichuang enters the game now, they will be taken Going further, the other party wants to delay our pace and buy time for our own layout. This is the information provided by the brothers in the game circle. I think it makes sense.” Gu Fan used his contacts to inquire into some insider analysis.

Wu Hao pondered for a moment and asked, “How do you think we should deal with it better?”

“Public opinion is still fermenting, and the public relations team of Longguang and Huawei has not yet taken action. According to my estimation, this topic is likely to be hyped. The cooperation between us and Longguang Chuangwei is very variable. You must do it early. Prepare to respond.”

“If cooperation is blocked, we temporarily abandon our plan to launch immersive 3D virtual games and concentrate on promoting 3D virtual interactive scenes. What do you think?”

Wu Hao knew that relying on his own funds alone could not support the simultaneous operation of two projects at the same time, and must be discarded. The 3D virtual interactive scene is making a profit, which is the most realistic choice.

“I agree that this is the safest way to ensure that there are enough funds to operate profitable projects, avoid two-line battles, and lose the other… However, in terms of immersive 3D virtual games, we will lose market opportunities until we have money. When doing it, I am afraid that it will face very strong competitive pressure.”

Gu Fan analyzed the pros and cons of Wu Hao’s ideas and provided a basis for decision-making.

“If you should give up, give up. If you have to choose, it will be easier to succeed if you see the reality in front of you!” Wu Hao made up his mind, and after a short pause, he continued, “After talking with you, I feel confident. I will call Xue Zhong later to see what his reaction is, and then we will continue to talk.”

When encountering major events, Wu Hao will ventilate with Gu Fan first, and after the two reach an agreement, they can form a unified external rhetoric.

After hanging up Gu Fan’s phone, Wu Hao immediately called Xue Zhong.

“Mr. Xue, give you an early greeting!”

“Mr. Wu, you are still in the mood to joke at this time.”

“Hehe, what are your plans here?”

“Everyone in the company is on holiday, no one in the public relations department handles this matter, my head is very big!”

“Ask a personal question, if this article gets very hot, will our cooperation be postponed to the second half of the year?… Or even cancel the cooperation?”

“Mr. Wu, this question is not personal at all!…I can only tell you that everything has to be notified by the head. I can’t do this.”

“Mr. Xue, I got an information. Now Penguin and Wangyi are half a year away from us in terms of immersive 3D virtual games. If you want to postpone the cooperation, this project may not succeed!”

Wu Hao tested Xue Zhong’s reaction to see if he was determined to do this project. After all, if you wait, immersive 3D virtual games may lose market opportunities, and you will lose a lot.

“I know about this. There is a detailed analysis report at the headquarters… Mr. Wu, don’t worry too much. You are still on the Spring Festival holiday. The result will not be known until the end of the year. Don’t worry, once you receive the above Notice, I will contact you as soon as possible!”


If we continue to talk, we can’t ask for a result. Wu Hao hung up, thinking about what to do.

“The core competitiveness of this project lies in cultural creativity, not games!” Wu Hao suddenly remembered his original idea. With cultural creativity as the core, games, animation, and film and television are profitable points…

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