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Chapter 417: Big sweep

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"Don't be idiots, pay attention to our identity. Anyway, we are also a member of the world's top legion Xuanyuan Heavenly Army... By the way, whoever of you has information about Lord Tang, hurry up and send me a copy. Look."

The first sentence of Li Xiaobai made several female soldiers a little worried, and the latter sentence made everyone unite the front, and soon a few people gathered together, while resting and chatting quietly about Tang Junming.

The previous fight just ended not long ago, so there is still a period of rest time for everyone, and there is no need to stand on guard at the head of the city.

"Isn't Tang Master the peak powerhouse of Chengyun Consummation? How can he become a patrol angel? It is said that even the lowest level patrol angel needs to be a state pillar of the rainy state."

"That can only mean that Master Tang's strength is already comparable to that of the National Pillar of the Rain Realm, so he can serve as a patrol angel. Otherwise, even if Master Tang has a hard background, he cannot become a patrol angel."

"Other patrol angels only appear when they encounter major events. I didn't expect Master Tang to sit on our wall of the city. It seems that we will no longer have to worry about casualties in the next period of time."

"Even so, we can't be careless. There are many monsters attacking the city that are stronger than Master Tang, and Master Tang may not be able to keep us."


The arrival of Tang Junming obviously improved the sense of security of Li Xiaobai's team, and everyone was a little excited.

It's just that in other places, there are still many people doubting Tang Junming's strength, and some wonder how Tang Junming got a sky survey order and became a survey angel.

After all, according to the information, Tang Junming was only a cultivator in the Chengyun realm, and he was still a big realm away from the rain-transmitting realm requested by the patrol angel.

Moreover, as a noble patrol angel, he went to the top of the city to mix with a small team, which also made many people complain.

Tang Junming didn't pay attention to this. Compared to this little fame, Tang Junming was more concerned about the tangible gains.

Sitting cross-legged, Tang Junming controlled five million shadowless sword auras, quietly left Xuanyuan Dragon City, and sneaked towards the depths of the Tibetan Echangsi Mountain Range.

As Tang Junming promoted the body-breaking shadowless sword energy to the ninth level of Consummation, and his spiritual power also broke through to the early stage of the river stage, Tang Junming's shadowless sword energy was able to roam freely within a thousand miles.

This is a real killing thousands of miles away, and there is no sound.

The most important thing is that with Tang Junming's current strength, coupled with the assistance of the sky-filling stone, five million prototypes of Shadowless Sword Qi can be bred every day, and then restored to perfection with general experience.

This means that Tang Junming can cultivate five million shadowless sword auras every day. So much of the shadowless sword aura is a waste. It is better to consume more general experience, bounty points and credit points.

Among these five million shadowless sword auras, there are hundreds of body-protecting sword auras mixed in. These body-protecting sword auras are not mainly used to slay demons and demons, but are used to hold loot.

Because in every body-protecting sword aura, there is a ring, and some drones are hidden, which can take clear pictures.

In Tang Junming's hands, there is also a distribution map of monsters and monsters with a radius of thousands of miles, which is far more detailed than the distribution maps of the major families in Xuanyuan Dragon City, because Tang Junming's distribution map was obtained from Bai Yujing.

With this distribution map, Tang Junming can remotely control five million shadowless sword qi, find the target and kill as much as he wants.

Soon, five million shadowless sword qi came to a beast lair hundreds of miles away. The strongest beasts in it were only level eight, and most of them were only level five or six. No less than a million.

Tang Junming attached his spiritual power to the shadowless sword qi, and silently entered the monster lair, and could easily detect the situation in the lair.


Tang Junming made a low voice, five million shadowless sword auras, like elite soldiers on standby, swarming towards this monster lair.


In the low and imperceptible sound, five million shadowless sword auras were like living creatures, and their fangs were flashing towards this monster lair.

Among them, dozens of body guard sword auras let go of the entrapment ring, and rushed to the strongest eighth-level monsters in the monster's lair, slaying them with a single blow.

In just a few dozen breaths, this monster lair has become a dead zone, and all the monsters are in danger.

Hundreds of body guard sword qi rushed to the corpse of a monster beast, and packed up the corpses of those monster beasts above level 5. These are all bounty points and credit points.

You killed the fifth-level advanced red tiger, and the general experience is +1 million...

You killed the sixth-level advanced red tiger, general experience + 1 billion...

You have killed the seventh-level advanced Red Tiger King, with general experience +30 billion...

You leapfrogged and killed the eighth-level Crimson Tiger King. General experience is 1600 billion...


This Red Tiger Lair has brought Tang Junming a total of 5000 trillion of general experience. If you add bounty points, credit points, and the subsequent purchase of the fifth-tier panacea, Tang Junming can get a capital from this Red Tiger lair. More general experience.

This is the real profiteering!

After wiping out the scarlet tiger monsters in this scarlet tiger's lair, Tang Junming controlled five million shadowless sword auras and sneaked towards the double-headed snake's lair not far from the scarlet tiger's lair.

The strength of the double-headed snake is similar to that of the red tiger, basically above level five, and occasionally high-level double-headed snake kings and double-headed snake kings of level 7 and 8 will appear.

The most important thing is that the two-headed snake is the same as the red tiger~www.readwn.com~, all covered in treasures, snake meat, snake skin, snake gall, snake teeth...everything is of great value.

The reason why Tang Junming gave priority to sweeping the red tiger den and the two-headed snake den was because the red tiger and the two-headed snake were of greater value. Since Tang Junming wanted to earn more general experience, he would naturally choose them.

Soon, the two-headed snake lair followed in the footsteps of the red tiger's lair and became yesterday's yellow flower. Tang Junming has made a lot of thousands of trillions of general-purpose experience, and there are also a few double-headed snake corpses full of rings.

Tang Junming controlled several body guard sword qis and brought back some rings filled with monster corpses first, so as not to be destroyed while sweeping the nests of other monsters and ghosts.

Just when Tang Junming was controlling five million shadowless sword qi tactics to earn general experience, bounty points, and credit points, a shrill alarm sounded on the north wall of Xuanyuan Dragon City.

In the solemn gazes of many female soldiers, over a million monsters rushed out of the Echangsi Mountains in Tibet, frantically rushing towards the northern city wall. Among these monsters are seven-level high-level monsters, and their strength is comparable to that of Chengyun. Peak powerhouse.

A worthy collection of m. reading network

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