Upgrading Every Second

Chapter 450: Cold confession

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This email was not sent by Leng Zhiwu, but someone else sent it from Leng Zhiwu's mailbox, and this person was called.


This cold mail is very long and divided into several parts.

The first part is a long video. The content of the video is the scene of coldly killing the Leng family No. 1,235, and these 1,235 people are descendants of the Leng family and some of the Leng family. The branch, and Ke Qing from the Leng family...

They all have one thing in common, that is, they directly or indirectly participated in dealing with Tang Junming, Qiuzhiyun, Tang Mingjun, etc.

Especially this time, Leng Shengqiao and Leng Wenpeng, who hunted down Qiuzhiyun and Tang Mingjun, almost all of their immediate family members were slaughtered as an explanation to Qiuzhiyun and Tang Mingjun.

There were also Chao Zong Leng, Leng Ning and others who had chased and killed Tang Junming. Their immediate family members were also cleanly killed.

As for the culprit of everything, Leng Zhiwu, he was coldly poisoned by the poison of the sky, and the Dantian, Lingmai and Spirit Sea of ​​Leng Zhiwu were sealed, and he could only become a useless person from now on.

Leng Leng Leng also apologized to Tang Junming for this incident. Originally, Leng Zhiwu's behavior was not exaggerated even if he died ten times a hundred times, but Leng Zhiwu is Leng Leng's father after all, Leng Leng Leng didn't even kill him in the end.

The main content of the first part is only four words in the final analysis... Revenge!

Revenge for Tang Junming, revenge for Tang Mingjun, revenge for the charm of autumn, revenge for the charm of Angel... With the lives of more than a thousand people in the Leng family, to wash away the anger in the hearts of Tang Junming and Qiuzhi.

Even Tang Junming watched this video, let alone Tang Mingjun and the rhyme of autumn.

The two girls obviously did not expect Leng Leng Leng to be so decisive. From here, we can see Leng Leng Leng’s intentions for Tang Junming. You must know that many of the people killed by Leng Leng are her relatives and friends, and many of them have excellent relationships. Relatives and friends.

Even Leng Zhiwu was coldly discarded. For a Hua Yujing Guozhu, such punishment might make them more uncomfortable than death.

Tang Junming never thought that Leng Leng could do this step just to make amends to them.

The second part of the email is a list of all the wealth of the Leng family, including credit points, spirit stones, natural materials, magic bullets, magic weapons, various industries and resources... In other words, the entire Leng family Home material resources.

The total value of these things combined is as high as...500 Jing!

Therefore, the main content of the second part of the email was to apologize. 500 Jing credits were quickly credited to Tang Junming's account, allowing Tang Junming to gain another 50 Jing general experience.

After losing these wealth, the huge Leng family did not fall apart, but it also fell into ruin.

Coupled with the death of Leng Ruoxian and many Lengjiahua Yujing Guozhu, the former one of the top families in Central Plains China, Lengjia, is dead.

apologize! apologize!

This is Leng Leng's explanation to Tang Junming, and Leng Leng's affection to Tang Junming. Tang Junming did not expect Leng Leng to do this step. He was speechless for a while, and all kinds of thoughts in his mind were intertwined. Good premonition.

Sure enough, in the third part of the email, what was left coldly was a letter.

The letter is very long. It has been written from the time I met Tang Junming to the present. It contains a deep and strong love for Tang Junming, as well as my apology for Tang Junming and others who were hunted down by the Leng family.

At the end, she said coldly that she would go out for a walk. She would not see Tang Junming and Qiu Zhiyun for a short time, and she would come back again when she figured it out.

Tang Junming knew what Leng Leng meant. On the one hand, she killed so many people from the Leng family to avenge Tang Junming, and she also turned her father into a useless person. Life would be worse than death, so she could not face the people of the Leng family.

On the other hand, Leng Zhiwu and others have killed Tang Junming, Tang Mingjun, Qiu Zhiyun, and the Tang family in Wu'an Town... many times, they almost killed Tang Junming and Qiu Zhiyun. Many people in the Tang family in Wu'an Town have already Was killed by Leng Zhiwu and others.

So Leng Leng didn't know how to face Tang Junming, Qiu Zhiyun, Tang Mingjun, etc., so he could only leave temporarily.

Leng Leng Leng was even more worried that Tang Junming would not want her after this incident, so she dared not face Tang Junming even more.

Tang Junming alone can see the cold contradiction and pain from the letter, so he did not contact Leng Leng and force her to come back.

After considering it for a long time, he just sent her a sentence.

I am waiting for you in Xuanyuan Dragon City!

A simple sentence is enough to show Tang Junming's intentions, and Tang Junming is not worried that Leng Leng will be lost, after all, he has an experience page.

Through the experience page, Tang Junming can easily figure out where Leng Leng is, but now let her go outside and relax for a while, and when she has figured it out, when will she be brought back.

Leng Leng's strength has been promoted to Chengyun Consummation by him, and his overall combat power is not inferior to that of the Guozhu in the early stage of Huayu, and it is even worse. Looking at the world, he is also a top powerhouse. It is not easy to want something wrong.

Tang Junming also often reads the experience page. Once he finds that Leng Leng is in danger, Tang Junming will save her as soon as possible, so Tang Junming is not worried about Leng Leng's safety.

And when he has enough general experience, Tang Junming can also upgrade Leng Leng's strength to the rain-transmitting state, and even a higher level, and Leng Leng's safety will be more guaranteed.

Consider it properly~www.readwn.com~ Tang Junming put away the email.

Tang Mingjun next to him was a little sad: "Brother, have you left coldly?"

"She will go outside to rest for a while, relax, don't worry." Tang Junming nodded.

Tang Mingjun said: "Leng Leng is really pitiful. People in the family use her as a tool. Even fathers and mothers don't treat her as human beings. They don't care about her feelings. Don't blame her, brother."

"Leng Leng is sandwiched between us and the family. It must be particularly painful. Even if there is an end this time, Leng Leng's heart must have been hit hard. Junming, you are a man and Leng Leng is your woman. Everything is given to you, you shouldn't care about her." Qiu Zhiyun also said beside her.

Tang Junming smiled bitterly: "In your opinion, I am such a stingy person. Since this matter has been settled coldly, let's go back to Xuanyuan Dragon City. Xuanyuan Dragon City has yet to deal with a major issue."

Seeing Tang Junming forgiving the coldness, Tang Mingjun smiled sweetly: "I know that my brother is generous and will not go to slaughter the Leng family again."

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