Uplifting Journey

Chapter 102: Return and reflection

Before leaving the Great Machinery Emperor, in accordance with his commitment and affection towards the Creator, he left enough equipment and a lot of ready-made resources to maintain the existence of the virtual world and build a real human city like Zion.

But these facilities also need the control of a powerful intelligent program to operate normally. Without the assistance of intelligent programs, humans will eventually die in ignorance, let alone gradually wake up and return to reality.

The Great Mechanical Emperor has left with all the intelligent programs under his control, but humans do not have to worry about extinction--

Ño stayed.

I knew the identity of my intelligent program, knew that everything I experienced was arranged, and Nio did not have a rebellious mood.

His love for humanity drove him to make a decision-to be the manager of the maintenance of the virtual world, the guide of human awakening, and to explore the path of human survival and development on this metal-filled planet.

This is not a simple road. How can humans immersed in virtual happiness look directly at the cruel reality? As a smart program, how should Nio position himself and coordinate with humans on the right path?

With these doubts and faint embarrassment, Cheng Bin visited the new Zion under construction in stealth.

A large number of mechanical octopuses as workers are busy working with a small number of former Zion personnel.

Looking at the human beings who have been difficult to adapt to the real environment under the protection of various equipment after watching the body adjustment, watching their changing expressions between confusion and firmness, Cheng Bin sighed and started the return process. His invisible figure instantly changed This world is gone.

Uh ...

Inland Zero World, confusing base.

"Big harvest ..." Cheng Bin collapsed on the sofa, staring blankly at the ceiling, gesturing subconsciously with the fingers hanging down, "Human perception and control simulation technology, human memory control technology, advanced intelligent programs Technology, gravity detection technology, virtual reality construction technology, electromagnetic coupling and wireless energy transmission technology ... "

Counting the major gains in the Matrix world one by one, Cheng Bin looked at the dense technical catalog in the panel and felt a headache for a while.

"There are so many good things, I don't know where to start ..." Cheng Bin shook his head and sighed, "This is really a happy trouble ..."

It is foreseeable that Cheng Bin ’s Mars base will usher in a huge overhaul and reconstruction, so after Cheng Bin ’s return, he did not go to the base area for inspection and debugging immediately.

"Think carefully, the main purpose of my going to that world is to analyze and control perception and memory," Cheng Bin rubbed his chin for a while, and finally made up his mind. "It is better to complete this project first, and to complete the knowledge directly after completion. Keep in mind that it is much more convenient than indirect viewing from the panel, and the progress of other projects will be accelerated. "

Sensor input and control signal output, these two Cheng Bin have basically mastered, but memory control ...

Cheng Chengbin frowned as he looked at the screened out technical knowledge related to memory manipulation.

The intelligent programs in the Matrix world rely on hundreds of millions of humans immersed in the virtual world as research and experimental objects, in order to compare and analyze the laws of human brain memory operation, find out all the basic information elements, and make memories. Manipulating this technology comes.

Even so, there are certain restrictions on the manipulation of memory in the Matrix:

The basic information elements that have been proven by intelligent programs are basically common units developed by humans according to genes. The basic information elements of different people are almost identical, but on the basis of basic information elements, the advanced concepts formed by each human are It does not necessarily have the same physical structure, so intelligent programs rarely perform too complex memory implants, and it is rare to directly affect human thinking.

If you want to perform complex memory manipulation, you must first conduct a probe test on the target and build a target metadata database.

But in his own mind, using his knife to carry out exploration and test manipulations on his own memory, the danger of Cheng Bin is completely conceivable-I am afraid that if there is a little problem, he will become a completely different person unexpectedly. Even the direct mental collapse broke into an idiot.

This problem is not impossible to solve, only after thinking about Cheng Bin thought about three measures-

Re-memorize the state of the brain's material into the panel, set the specific conditions, and then return to the memory; go to other inner worlds with guaranteed safety for experimental testing; follow all of the material information you have discovered on the atomic level Pinch a clone out and use it as an experimental prop.

There are risks to these measures.

First, the current progress of Cheng Bin ’s analysis of matter is still at the atomic level. In the case of backtracking, it is impossible to make the brain matter exactly the same as the record.

Second, the principle of consciousness traversal in the inner region is unknown, and it may also bring back the effects of failed memory manipulation.

The third kind, if you want to achieve experimental results, the cloned person is exactly a copy of Cheng Bin, right? With complete memory, Cheng Bin will willingly let another one use himself as an experimental prop? And throw it away?

Emmm ... as if this possibility is also possible ...

After careful consideration, Cheng Bin decided to use the first two in combination. As for the third one ... Cheng Bin felt that he was not as good as the clones in World No. 6 World Crook in terms of discipline and lower limit. Just pinch a wise life out and do dangerous experiments or whatever.

Besides, when Ke Guo was doing the experiment, the subjects all rushed up with self-sacrificing spirit. Cheng Bin was not interested in transforming himself into this state.

"System," Cheng Bin, who made up his mind, called the system. He stared at the black cat squatting on the coffee table in front of him, "You said that crossing the inner area will not cause any damage to the body of World Zero, then I am in the other inner world, and I am moving the knife on my memory? Have I been attacked by the mind? Can the negative effects be shielded? "

"As long as the host needs it, there will be no impact." The black cat replied without hesitation, "but if the situation is too serious, the host's memory in that world may be lost due to the protective back file."

"Do you also rely on the memory state to back up as a security mechanism ..." Cheng Bin pondered for a while, this is not a big problem, after all, he is driving the 24H camera dog eyes all the time ... er, the new version is all-weather full perception Channel panoramas are recorded automatically, referred to as Sanquan records.

After the memory manipulation study is completed, a regular memory comparison function can be cured on the panel ~ www.readwn.com ~ Any abnormal changes or loss can be detected and retrieved.

After clarifying this matter, Cheng Bin continued to ask the system: "Now I have touched the memory manipulation technology. When traveling through the inner area, what will you do with the parallel individual memory problem of my possession? It will never be the same as before Do n’t you know anything like that? ”

"Host, you don't fully master the technology now, but the current level is basically enough," the black cat tilted his head, his eyes turned back and forth, "When the host crosses the inner area, the system can use that inner area. Part of the memory of the world host's parallel individuals is converted into data and stored on the panel, so that the host can easily access it. "

"In addition, this system must remind you," the black cat once again reiterated the question that has been said several times before, "whether it is knowledge or the memory of other parallel individuals, it is not a good thing to directly implant it in your brain. "

"I know, will that distort my soul algorithm ..." Cheng Bin pouted his lips and asked the system about this issue, "but sooner or later I want to perform memory implantation. The system says that using external force to twist the soul algorithm is not advisable. , But to what extent is it the self-renewal of the soul? "

"Take knowledge as an example," the black cat gestured, holding a paw. "If you now host all the knowledge on the panel into your head in one breath, you must not be able to control the drastic changes in your own memory and thinking structure. Therefore, the inner domain may generate a large number of branches of the world line, thereby splitting the host's high-dimensional information body. "

"But if you host a small amount of knowledge into your memory, and you can control every detail change in your own memory, so that you know what it is and why it is, this is even a self-determination update of the soul, so that it wo n’t Too much negative impact on the host high-dimensional information body. "

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