Uplifting Journey

Chapter 105: White

In the simulated living room of Yingying Base, Cheng Bin said his requirements to the system——

Help with the work that is worthy of the word ‘system’, and act as a yes or no review system in the final decision execution process of the intelligent program.

"This system will not reject things that are good for the development of the host." The little black cat called by Cheng Bin squatted on the coffee table and said after listening to Cheng Bin, "But you won't forget the host, right? Ben The system cannot call mind to intervene physically when you travel to other worlds. "

Bian Chengbin blinked, suddenly remembering that if he went to the outer realm, all the solidified qi effects in this world would be integrated and cancelled, and when he went to other inner spheres, the system could not mobilize the qi to protect his sleeping body except the effect he had solidified.

This is something I heard from the system a long time ago. Although there is a list of key knowledge stored on the panel, he still forgot it.

Cheng Bin, who was a little embarrassed for a while, was touching his nose, and the system's words turned around and continued to say, "However, in the core world of the inner region, this system that has obtained the second relic fragment can be accurately observed to ensure that it will not appear If the situation is unfavorable to the host, even if it occurs, it is guaranteed that the host can return at the right time. "

"Uh, okay." Cheng Bin leaned on the sofa and sighed. "Maybe after watching the human training cabins in the last world, I'm a little bit worried ... In fact, as long as I set it properly, the intelligent program It should also make sense ... "

"After all, in the context of the script, after so many people were slaughtered by human beings, they still hope to live with the creators ..."

After His Majesty made up his mind, Cheng Bin threw the silver-white substance in his hand on the coffee table, opened the oversized panel that filled the room, and listed out a huge amount of knowledge about intelligent programs.

The silvery-white substance thrown on the coffee table wriggle and deformed into a standard cube and stood still.

斌 Cheng Bin glanced at the knowledge list on the panel and glanced at the silver cube—that is, the 2.0 version of the nano-mechanical unit that was transformed after the Zhurong No. 1 was built, based on the newly acquired knowledge.

The technology of the Matrix World has solved some problems of energy and control of the co-operation, and the application scope has been greatly expanded based on Cheng Bin's ability control.

However, on the nano-scale micro-scale, the detachment ability is intelligently embedded and the material is reorganized. There is still not much clue. In addition, using electromagnetic coupling and wireless energy transmission technology, its anti-interference ability is even weaker.

So this thing can't replace the status of mechanical octopus for the time being-if a nanometer machine is dropped, it will assimilate the entire planet or something. At present, it can only appear in dreams ...

Putting aside the problem of co-working, Cheng Bin, who has not yet implanted knowledge, looked at the astronomical knowledge list in front of him and felt a deep helplessness-the more he knows, the more he knows, this Really famous quote.

Abandoned Cheng Bin who fabricated intelligent programs out of thin air, and listed the source codes of intelligent programs that he has seen and explored in the last world, and looked at their data structures one by one.

This is much easier than setting up and debugging by yourself.

After checking and selecting for a while, Cheng Bin chose his own template, which is still a character that appeared in the Matrix script—

Saty, the human shell shape is a little girl.

The intelligent program in charge of human reproduction and the intelligent program derived from intelligent programs are based on programs that imitate human "love" and are interwoven with their own underlying logic algorithms. A blank intelligent program without a fixed function and mission. That's Saty.

According to the structure of the purposeless intelligent program that is said to have great potential and is also easy to expand, Cheng Bin put together the intelligent program framework used to host the confusing base on the panel, and slowly filled in its other data.

The structure can be referenced, but there is no need to copy the memory and personality data. After Cheng Bin set its basic information database, he started its core program, observed and debuged it all the way to interact with its own information database and gradually Improve your own processing logic.

It is like watching a seed quickly absorbing nutrients and growing in front of it, and growing towards a towering tree.

At the beginning, Chengbin had to pause the whole process from time to time, and even backspaced occasionally to readjust the information base.

But later, Cheng Bin gradually let go. The intelligent program, according to Cheng Bin's expectations, quickly grew and developed on the right path, and the complexity became higher and higher.

Looking at the intelligent program that is gradually taking shape, Cheng Bin, who adds fertilizer to the information database from time to time, thinks about it, finds out its original human shell program, and slightly throws it into the information database.

The calculation speed of the panel computer is super scary. As long as it is determined that the process is no longer adjusted and added information, the intelligent program growth is completed in just a blink of an eye.

After the signal of program formation came out, Cheng Bin came to the central control room of the Yinghuo base, imported the intelligent program in the panel into the core host, and set the permissions for it in the Yinghuo base system.

一次 After a system restart, a slender shadow wearing a white camisole dress, translucent white stockings, and white flat shoes appeared on the large screen in the central control room.

明 A bright-eyed, petite and exquisite glamorous shadow, a black straight hair on the shoulders against the white and delicate skin, a beautiful face looks like coy.

Looking at this somewhat familiar girl model that fully meets her aesthetic standards, Cheng Bin could not help but snorted--

He imported the image of the girl who had been shown to him when he was in the possession of the system.

Although it may be pleasing to the eye at first glance, unfortunately, he is no longer as excited as he was when he saw it for the first time ~ www.readwn.com ~ Since completing the expansion of primary perception a long time ago, In the eyes of Cheng Bin who has carefully observed, there is basically no so-called concept of beauty and ugliness.

Not to mention that his perceptual depth has now reached the atomic level. If he speaks badly, the beauty in the eyes of ordinary people is in front of him, and there is not much difference between Yi Xiang and his physical senses.

Even the perfect human shell covered by the intelligent program, although there are no pores, parasites, and the skin is enlarged to the extreme without wrinkles, the picture on the ultra-high-definition screen is in Cheng Bin ’s eyes, who is slightly focused, It's just a mosaic of all kinds of pixels.

Sure enough, should you turn off such things as panoramas? Just weaken it a little ...

After sighing with a sense of inexplicableness, Cheng Bin began to communicate with the intelligent program that he created by hand through high-speed electromagnetic waves.

After passing the creator ’s identity verification, Cheng Bin looked at the pure shape of the intelligent program, and gave her a name of "White", and then transmitted her the main work content to her and gave her She flexibly judges the authority of execution.

White on the screen bowed slightly to Cheng Bin with a faint smile, and then disappeared from the screen. A series of key data of the confusion base suddenly appeared on the screen.

Cheng Chengbin's gaze looked aside, and the panorama crossed countless obstacles, displaying the mechanical octopus that had just started in the distance and slowly floated in line to show him.

"If there is no need to worry about the reconstruction of the base," Cheng Bin looked back at the large screen displaying the key data of the base and whispered to himself, "It is time to continue to push forward the heart plan."

"The ability to learn and apply knowledge cannot be compared with your own creations."

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