Uplifting Journey

Chapter 113: Progress in all aspects

After his subconsciously unfolded the panorama, Cheng Bin froze again.

的 The field of perception with him as the center of the ball spread infinitely into the distance.

After crossing a large green forest, crossing the abyss-filled metal earth, after bypassing the distant horizon, Cheng Bin finally saw the familiar Martian red iron oxide surface.

Xu said that "seeing" is a bit wrong. To be precise, Cheng Bin "feels" it.

Invisible electromagnetic waves, diffuse ground vibration, flowing air, composition of matter, temperature, speed ...

Countless data are harmoniously presented in Cheng Bin's mind. The closer the data is to the more detailed the data, the clearer he feels.

"This is ..." Cheng Bin felt something in his mind, wondering a bit authentic, "... the full version of the original design?"

The current panorama is no longer a materialized picture in front of his eyes, but the written information is directly written into his shallow memory, which is perceptual memory.

"Interesting, is this also the result of the expansion of Inland 7th World."

Cheng Bin looked with interest at the black cat floating next to him. All the information of the black cat was assembled into a detailed and incomparable three-dimensional data image. This "sixth sense" written directly into the sensory memory passed human beings innately. For the limited sense, Cheng Bin is the first time to "see" three-dimensional objects with three-dimensional "vision".

At first, the panorama was in the mouth of the system. It was still a semi-finished product with a cross section of the cube that could not get rid of the low-dimensional biological sensory inertia ...

"This is the panorama, that panel ..." Cheng Bin turned his thoughts, and the panel of the mind computer was loaded into his feelings in the same form.

"It's not a one-dimensional manipulation feeling at all." After exploring the record files that he left for himself on the panel, Cheng Bin condensed for a while and took care of the experience of the distant Inner World No. 7 world.

斌 Cheng Bin, in the 7th world of the Inner Domain, has developed many and many functional uses for the almost completely controlled manipulation of sensory memory, and almost all the mind functions have been more or less optimized.

In addition to the more obvious panoramas and panels, at that time Cheng Bin also remembered the changes in memory and thinking, involving various types of mathematical calculations, directly connected with the calculation functions of the Nianqi panel, leaving aside the thinking process. In terms of computing power, Cheng Bin now surpasses the mechanical emperor he once encountered.

"Beyond the five senses, especially the limitation of vision, the problem of being unable to observe the sub-atomic scale through light or electromagnetic waves has been partially solved, is it really‘ I ’’s hard.”

After reading the records on capacity development, Cheng Bin frowned again after reading the part of the self-psychological review and the memory manipulation, and then he looked up and cast his gaze on a tree around him.

When I just woke up before, at first glance Cheng Bin thought he was in a forest, but after unfolding the new panorama, Cheng Bin realized the secret of this green "forest".

"Gonggong ..." Observing the nature of those "trees" metal nanomaterials, Cheng Bin thought about it, and probably knew what was going on.

"In terms of the time traversed by the inner region, Bai is developing too fast, and even co-working nanomachines can be put into practical use."

After muttering, Cheng Bin touched the armrest of the black throne he was sitting on, and then spread the white electromagnetic signal to the surroundings.

The green vines entwined on the back of the throne's throne suddenly restored to a silvery metallic color, and then quickly contracted, gathered together in the side of Cheng Bin's hand, and fixed into a slender girl body after blinking.

"Hello, creator." The dark-haired girl wearing Cheng Bai's white clothes, less than Cheng Bin's chest, showed a playful smile to Cheng Bin, and then bowed her knees slightly towards the dark throne.

Cheng Chengbin froze for a moment. At the time, he didn't set Baihua's communication pronunciation function in human language. This would not be the anthropomorphic interest of the intelligent programs of the Matrix.

Cheng Bin scratched his face a bit awkwardly. He originally wanted to directly read Bai ’s data changes during this time by electromagnetic signal intrusion, but Bai's humanity still communicated with him in human language. Should he respect? What about the life he created?

咳 "Ah," Cheng Bin thought for a while, or said in a human voice, "Bai, send me a copy of all the records of the base that I passed through this time."

"Yes." Bai leaned forward two steps, stretched out his hand and placed Cheng Bin's hand on the side of the seat.

Of course it is cold metal touch.

The rapidly changing electromagnetic signal was transmitted to Cheng Bin through the contact point. While transforming and saving the data transmitted by Bai on the panel, he observed the electromagnetic changes in the metallic body of the front white in the panorama.

Depending on the situation, Bai's body is just her huge program body, a special human-shaped interactive window created temporarily and remotely controlled.

Xu glanced and stepped back, blinking her eyes and looking at her white, Cheng Bin toured the high-speed confusing base of these days, which she passed over.

I have to say that intelligent programs have sufficient computing power to use current knowledge and resources efficiently.

Cheng Bin did not master ~ www.readwn.com ~ The huge knowledge base from different worlds, Bai understood in a very short time.

In terms of construction, Bai quickly came up with version 3.0 of the co-working that replaced some of the functions of the mechanical octopus. With a central control tower plus N multiple secondary control hubs, a large number of co-working nano units can be controlled, which can be reconstituted at any time. Machinery and instruments solve various problems.

Although the problems of independent intelligence, material reorganization, and self-replication of the nanocells remain unresolved, the transformation speed and control range of the confusing base have also exploded. Until Cheng Bin returned, they covered a large area of ​​Mars' surface, from space The abnormal shape on the surface of Mars can be seen with the naked eye, and its size can be seen.

"You can feel spectacular just by looking at the records ..." Cheng Bin glanced at the white figure standing quietly aside, and then according to the records she passed, the new version of the control base of the confusion base propagated her electromagnetic signals. Out.

Electromagnetic information is transmitted to the entire Yingdu base using the co-working and co-working control towers as the medium, and the feedback information is gathered at the throne where Cheng Bin sits—

Iron sulfide collection and processing plants close to the Martian Earth's core, ubiquitous co-production nano-unit production plants, computer core arrays deep underground, a large number of new-type fusion fusion reactors distributed near Mars poles, orbiting satellites and armed spacecraft floating in space. ..

Of course, the dense missile launchers, electromagnetic cannons, laser weapons, various drones ...

Cheng Chengbin felt that as long as he had his own thoughts, he could drive this force far beyond the magnitude of his electromagnetic warfare energy storage by countless orders of magnitude.

"It's awesome ..." Roughly scanned the profile of the current Confusion Base, Cheng Bin nodded in admiration for the dialogue, then asked strangely, "But where are my two snail shells?"

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