Uplifting Journey

Chapter 116: Guest of the earth

"What is that?" Liu Jing swallowed a little nervously after noticing the four small black spots.

Zhang Ping did not speak. He opened the communication module and checked the condition of the electromagnetic wave signal transmitting device.

In the depressed silence, the black dots on the screen gradually become larger, and the regular outline can be seen gradually.

That's a spaceship, no, it's a battleship.

The shape is like a flat whale. The smooth arc shell has more than a dozen ring-shaped protrusions, and two gun barrels are protruding from the top and the belly, respectively. direction.

I waited until they were close, and some surprised Liu Jing noticed that the long spaceship they were riding on was not as large as the other's turret base.

The huge battleship lightly crossed four flexible arcs and disappeared from the display screen. Liu Jing quickly adjusted the surrounding lens to find that they had occupied the upper, lower, left, and right sides of his own spaceship and surrounded them.

I was like four heavily armed fighters, a wave of neat tactics rolling around and surrounded by a defenseless child.

晶 Liu Jing who saw the general process had some scalp numbness——

Judging from the current situation, the four warships on the opposite side are still a type in terms of engine trails, but the material technology is too far away. If their spacecraft is turned out at such a speed, The angle changes, it is estimated that it will disintegrate in an instant.

Looking at the armed spacecraft that gradually covered more than half of the screen, Zhang Ping, whose sweat was gradually seeping from his forehead, took a deep breath and couldn't help but glance at the state of the communicator that was sending signals from the beginning.

At this moment, the indicator on the communicator, which represents the communication access request, suddenly flashed.

人 Two people in the cockpit glanced at each other, Zhang Ping reached out and connected the communication request.

After a long beeping noise, clear words came out of the communicator, and the distorted display flickered to show the image of a girl in a white dress.

"Well, frequency and format are right ..."

In the unreal white background color, the beautiful, unreal girl looks curiously at the two in the cockpit through the camera, and the crisp and sweet voice echoes in the cockpit.

"Hello, I'm Bai, may I ask you anything to come to Yinghao Base?"

Uh ...

"Ha? A spaceship from the earth's China?"

Cheng Bin, who was racing all the way back to the core area of ​​Yingyue Base, received an electromagnetic signal from Baifa. After a brief tour, he couldn't help showing his expression of surprise.

"Still a manned spacecraft with the ability to go back and forth to Mars. How long haven't we contacted, Huaguo is going to heaven?"

After flying all the way to the intended landing point of the wide spaceship, Cheng Bin glanced at the landing platform composed of a large number of co-engineered nanomachines, and then set his sights on the sky above.

With the concentration of attention, the panorama passed a large amount of information and data to Cheng Bin's mind. He could clearly see a column-shaped strange spaceship, slowly moving towards the two cruisers. Landing below.

The surface of the cylindrical strange spacecraft was covered with several circles of metal hoop with apparently different painting styles, and some ring-shaped electromagnetic devices were distributed on the integrated metal ring, which interacted with the similar electromagnetic devices of the cruisers on both sides of the spacecraft. , The generation of invisible forces stabilizes the distance and speed of the three.

When approaching the ground, countless similar electromagnetic devices were also exposed in the take-off and landing fields. The three spacecraft slowly reduced the speed close to the ground under the action of these electromagnetic devices, and then a large number of co-engineered nano-machines surged on like tides. At the bottom of the spaceship, the three spaceships are firmly fixed.

The metal hoop and electromagnetic instrument on the surface of the stern column-shaped spacecraft also disintegrated at this time, and turned into a large number of co-working units and a small number of special components into the metal ground.

The entire takeoff and landing field fell into the ground, and the Martian sky overhead was closed and blocked by the closed multi-layer mechanical door.

程 Under Cheng Bin's gaze with interest, the spacecraft cabin door that was previously blocked by the metal hoop opened slowly, and the two figures walked out slowly, with the former figure holding a strange cube-like container in both hands.

Looking at that dress, compared with the space suit that Cheng Bin saw as a porter on the moon last time, it is much simpler and more advanced. The streamlined silhouette is a bit like a nano-armor in the island crisis.

Zhang Ping, whose heartbeat was accelerated by the shocking sight he saw all the way, saw Cheng Bin standing not far through the external light transferred by the face armor in front of his face. He naturally knew that he had read a lot of confidential information before departure. Who it is, probably knowing that the other party has abnormal abilities beyond imagination.

But when he saw the other side standing unobstructed in the Martian environment where he had to wear a new space suit, he was still a little surprised and envious.

Cheng Chengbin looked at the two men who were completely enclosed in the space suit, thought for a while, and conveyed the words to the two with aura, and then they turned and flew towards the base with the aura.

"It's a guest from afar. It's not convenient to speak here. Let's talk about it slowly."

Zhang Ping and the two had not had time to be surprised. The words that seemed to come directly to their minds were light on their bodies, and they could not help speeding up to follow Cheng Bin.

Uh ...

In the original confusing base ~ www.readwn.com ~ Cheng Bin has always kept a room, a room that simulates the living environment of the earth.

Although the original room was demolished when Bai was undergoing a major renovation, she was quite sensible and built a new one in another place. In addition to maintaining the same interior style, everything was better than the original.

The vast large room actually includes several areas with different painting styles, which are basically decorated according to the places where Cheng Bin lived on the earth, which is a kind of memorial.

However, since Cheng Bin is not interested in making this place into a strange building such as a centrifugal turntable, the only difference between this place and the global environment is gravity.

When he came to the isolation gate, Cheng Bin put down the two men who were lifted up and asked them about the pressure regulation of their space suit. Cheng Bin led them through the double-layer isolation gate. , Entered the zone that simulates the atmosphere of the earth's atmosphere.

进入 As they entered the quarantine area, they emerged from the back of the space suit as if molting, and made basic self-introduction during the cleaning of the surging co-working unit.

Through the isolation door, Cheng Bin, who was here for the first time after the renovation, looked at the simulated sun on the blue sky with some novelty, and then gestured to the two people in intimate clothes behind him, and then stepped on his head like The decent lawn walked towards the nearest familiar chateau.

Zhang Ping, holding the cube, followed without hesitation in a suitable warm wind. Liu Jing crouched and touched the grass simulated by the co-working unit, and then stood up and followed quickly.

I walked through the door that opened automatically. Cheng Bin led the two people who looked constantly and looked around to the familiar large living room.

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