Uplifting Journey

Chapter 119: Potential crisis and urgency

This console seems to only have the function of selecting files and playback. After Cheng Bin explored the form in which these data were saved, he copied all the data with thoughts, and then clicked on the operation desk to close it. region.

The interior of the building's cavity suddenly dimmed, and the lines that had radiated before were all in darkness, and various instruments stopped operating. Only a start button on the operating table in front of Cheng Bin's hand flashed a slight light.

Cheng Bin's twin pupils flickered with the light of the start button. He recalled the historical image he had seen before and pondered for a while, and then tried to crack and translate the previously copied document in the panel based on the meaning of some of the text he had mastered.

There are still a lot of defects in the overall content, but it can be seen that this document contains the most important information about a civilization, such as dictionaries, scientific and technological directories, humanities history, and so on.

Judging from the current performance and some documents of this building, the accumulation of civilization is probably not as good as the base of confusion in terms of the overall advanced technology.

However, science and technology are not too important. Cheng Bin, who can designate the world to pass through, does not lack the source of scientific and technological knowledge. He was concerned about the warning of the danger of the demise of civilization mentioned in the initial translation.

"The content of the previous historical image playback is a bit general, and I can only know that this civilization was instantly destroyed by terrorist enemies from the outside ..."

Cheng Chengbin pondered as he clicked the button on the console.

Looking at the restarted building and various instruments, Cheng Bin nodded, leaving Bai's split here to continue his exploration, and he got up and flew into the passage when he entered—after the cavity expanded several times, the passage The position remains unchanged.

"This civilization has time to have the opportunity to leave such detailed information on Mars. It should not be so easy to destroy something in an instant. I hope it is explained in detail in the document ... In addition, in terms of volume, there may be many in this building. The unknown is not exposed, I hope Bai can find out later ... "

Uh ...

Cheng Bin, who slipped to the other side of Mars, continued to carry out the material control experiments of white dwarfs that understand the true meaning of art, while studying the data he had obtained.

Although he is not a linguist, Cheng Bin soon translated the materials obtained in the tetrahedron after having a thread head and an exhaustive dictionary.

文明 This civilization calls Earth the Blue Star, and they claim to be the Blue Stars who have unified the entire planet.

After completing the unification, the Blue Stars at the top of the planet's food chain naturally began their exploration of life, thinking, and the cosmic sky. The predecessor of the regular tetrahedron was an experimental set up by the new nanomaterials they launched to Mars. base.

The question of life has been raised, memory has been found, and the colony of aliens is right in front of the eyes ... In the situation where the situation is good and civilization is about to leap to a stage, disaster suddenly comes.

The dark object, the size of a puppet, appears abruptly on the surface of the blue star and sticks quietly outside the atmosphere. Except for covering a large area of ​​the sky and sunlight, it does not bring a wave of waves, as if the massive mass does not exist.

Darkness, mystery ... The whole object showing a spherical outline in the chaotic and twisted waves is called the "black moon" by the Blue Stars.

蓝 All the Blue Stars learned the message conveyed by Black Moon inexplicably. The most important message is a choice-choose to integrate into the Black Moon, or choose to die.

In the presence of Black Moon, whose form of existence far surpassed the understanding of the Blue Stars, some of the Blue Stars who were overwhelmed with their hearts chose the former. Their figures disappeared from the Blue Stars instantly, and the remaining Blue Stars first tried to resist.

However, all the attacks launched by the weapons turned into nothingness immediately after touching the dark and deep outline of the black moon. Except for proving the black moon's unpredictable force majeure, it had no effect.

There are more and more Blue Stars who choose to integrate into the black moon because of despair. The last part of the Blue Stars would rather die than compromise, integrate the information of their civilization, and try to save the fire of civilization in various ways. Mars base transformation.

The chaotic scene of despair ended at the moment when the time limit given by the black moon came.

记录 In the modified Martian base record, you can see the surface of Blue Star and the nearby space. All the Blue Star people and Blue Star people's creations collapsed and dissipated in an instant.

Far away from Blue Star, except for the manned spacecraft being wiped out, the rest were not attacked, including the Blue Star unmanned buildings far away from Mars.

It seems that the dark moon only cares if the blue star is cleaned up, maybe because that planet is a hotbed of intelligent life?

After a momentary attack, the Black Moon disappeared out of thin air as it came, leaving only a planet back to the primitive era ...

斌 Heavy Cheng Bin moved his gaze to the last line of the document on the panel, where the last warning left by the Blue Star after contact with the Black Moon was left-

Don't try to make a sudden change of thinking at the civilized level, otherwise the dark moon will come again!

"There is such a sinister alien presence in World Zero ..."

Chengbin Bin toured this key material several times, then fell into meditation—

A civilization that occupies the entire earth and has a highly developed technology, but no trace of destruction can be found, but the earth has not been harmed. This so-called black moon has at least a planet-level large-scale precision strike capability. This ability It might even be atomic ...

And judging from the appearance and disappearance process of Heiyue, it is quite possible to master the technology of quality and space control ...

"But when it comes to the sudden change of civilization-level thinking, are individuals not counted ..." Holding a small ton of several tons in his hand, Cheng Bin took a look at what he obtained from the Matrix, which can control human senses, modify human memory, The technology that distort people's mind suddenly became puzzled, "... I just received a warning at this time, isn't it too coincidental?"

Cheng Bin, who intentionally called the system out for questioning, paused. He suddenly thought of the weird ~ www.readwn.com ~ in the Outer World No. 2 world in order to destroy some world lines.

"Always feel a little strange here ..." Cheng Bin, who was spinning with his fingertips against the white dwarf cube, thought for a while, remembering the warnings he had given to his parallel individuals in that world, so he gave up asking the system-if there was The system should prompt him if necessary, otherwise there is nothing to ask about the urine of the system.

不过 "But what does it mean to integrate into the black moon ... and what mechanism does the black moon use to monitor and judge the progress of civilization?"

的 The warnings left by the Earth ’s predecessor civilization are accompanied by a large number of mysteries. Cheng Bin could not help but sigh as he pondered--

Although he thought that humans on earth may not be the only intelligent life in the universe, he did not expect that alien life is so unfriendly and the intensity is so horrible.

Cheng Chengbin felt an imminent sense of danger. In this sense of urgency, he made up his mind that the depth of ability must be given priority and various development plans must be tightened.

"In this way, the development of civilization on the other side of the earth needs to be more cautious. It is best not to touch the red line in the warning before figuring out what the dark moon is ... unfortunately, it seems that later research Development can only be on its own for now. "

"Wait for the two astronauts to drive the spacecraft back, and bring this information to the humans on the earth, otherwise if they run into the red line, it really leads to the so-called black moon ..."

"I wonder if Bai helped them adjust the spaceship yet ..."

He tried to distract the limit of Cheng Bin all the way, and the small square thrown by his palm suddenly emitted a dazzling light ...


The exploding flare visible to the naked eye in space again flickered on the surface of Mars ...

Uh ...

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