Uplifting Journey

Chapter 121: Choice and constraints

"On this issue, if you only say it is prohibited, you will not be satisfied with the host?"

The black cat's tail swayed like a dog, and it held up its pupil and said to Cheng Bin: "But this system can't say much at present. It can only give you a hint to the host. Do you remember the previous prohibition— — "

"Why did the terminal put into this system fail when trying to build a cross-space communication device for the first time?"

抛 After throwing back to Cheng Bin the problems that Cheng Bin had previously addressed with the prohibited matters, the system continued to say, "Host, you only need to have a bottom in your heart, don't be too entangled with these problems ..."

"... host you don't have the ability to correspond to the level, it is best not to search for things that should not be touched, just like this world with pseudo-high-dimensional life-super body."

After listening to the words of the system, Cheng Bin pondered for a while—is there a gap between the end of the original universe and the high-dimensional life of the universe?

Alas, with this thinking in mind, isn't the "cosmic traitor" to a certain extent me at the terminal and system side?

Throwing away the strange thoughts that came to his mind, Cheng Bin focused his attention on the most important thing at the moment: "In short, it is still a matter of knowledge and strength ... since the superbody can't go, then the next crossing Target world ... "

In the rapid flow of information, Cheng Bin screened out a movie and projected it in front of him.

"The never-ending theme is still the drug-NZT. The protagonist Eddie taking the drug has a qualitative change in intelligence. He can instantly recall anything he has read, seen or heard, using only Learn a language in a day ... "

"In terms of the effect described by the script, the process of the drug's effect on the human brain is consistent with the data needed to study in the middle stage of the heart plan," Cheng Bin once again read through the relevant information of the movie script, "but looking at the background information, The director of this movie is using this film to sneer at drugs, and all kinds of drugs and drugs can barely match ... "

"From this perspective, the male lead in this movie may also be due to the stimulation of drugs, exerting his potential and generating various hallucinations, but if the specified information is matched, this situation should not be encountered."

Just as Cheng Bin pondered, the black cat squatting quietly said: "Host, if you can meet two conditions, this system can help you select one in the endless related parallel world. The world related to banned matters, in addition to increasing your possible gains, is also a reminder for you. "

"You have no drugs for the system? Today it turned out. Since it is a prohibited matter, why do you need to give constant reminders?" Cheng Bin looked at the system with suspicion.

"First, the content of the prohibition is huge, secondly ..." The black cat looked at Cheng Bin. "The host has improved your ability, and it also involves the level of memory and thinking. The host guesses a little surface information based on the prompts, or No problem."

"Well, what are those two conditions?" Cheng Bin shrugged, and if he had the opportunity, he was still a little curious about what the hint was like.

"Condition one, don't use mindfulness in vitro, or try not to apply mindfulness to other external materials except the material when passing back and forth."

The Black Cat tone said solemnly: "Condition two, after that world has achieved its main purpose, return as soon as possible, and don't get too entangled in the things of that world itself."

Cheng Chengbin's expression also became serious. By describing these two conditions systematically, he could probably guess the situation in that world—

Condition one means that the world can detect the existence of high-dimensional interference, and condition two means that there is something big happening in that world, and there is a fatal danger hidden in it, or the two refer to the same thing.

However, this condition one ... Cheng Bin asked the system: "How to define the body and the body? I have exchanged with environmental substances in that world? Do you take a breath and act on that breath? After all, I mainly pass Matter nuclear reactions gain energy. "

"Based on the state of the crossing, as long as the host interferes with the mind, there is no problem in the existence of the substance within the recognition range."

"This way ..." Although the material identification during the crossing will be based on the idea of ​​covering the air, it is mainly determined by Cheng Bin's body.

Cheng Chengbin is in a contemplative, never-ending world, and can produce drugs that have an effect comparable to the middle stage of the mental plan. Whether by coincidence or not, the potential dangers themselves are not low.

For example, if the super-drugs that are said to have no side effects at the end of the movie spread out, how much human quality and science and technology in that world will explode is unthinkable ...

现在 Now the system actually has two additional constraints. It can be seen that the danger in this system will only be higher than expected.

To be dangerous, it means unknown, it means knowledge and power.

Cheng Chengbin noticed a change of excitement in his thinking.

Although the target world has been selected, there is no small potential danger in that world after all, Cheng Bin certainly won't set out to die at once ~ www.readwn.com ~ In terms of ability, he has a few more recent breakthroughs Progress development projects, of course, must be successfully completed before proceeding.

Uh ...

On the ground of Mars, which has been bombarded for a long time, Cheng Bin nodded with satisfaction at the white dwarf in his hand.

无 After countless experiments that shake the earth, Cheng Bin finally fully grasped the characteristics of the white dwarf material, and can safely and effectively control the power of this material.

After repeated inspections and adjustments, Cheng Bin started the next operation according to the plan——

A large amount of Martian material gathered together, and under the dismantling and disassembly of Nianqi, Cheng Bin's most familiar carbon elements were synthesized. The huge energy released by the nuclear reaction compressed these carbon elements until they formed white dwarf material.

At these moments, the swelling energy is extracted by the mind, and the white dwarf material constrained by the layers has infiltrated into Cheng Bin's body little by little, moving toward the bones throughout the body, and embedded in it.

The Martian ground under the feet was gradually sunken because of the absorption of a large amount of material. Cheng Bin carefully controlled the whole process and completely replaced his body's bones with white dwarf material.

Cheng Bin's density has turned over a million times, which makes Cheng Bin feel an unprecedented heaviness, just like ordinary people carry a lot of weight. If it is not for the indifference that indirectly transforms the power of the white dwarf material to support, Cheng Bin is afraid that She fell into the ground early in the morning.

"Hey, am I reaching the realm of bone refining ..."

After Xu smiled slightly, Cheng Bin tried to exercise while adjusting the strength system in his body, and soon recovered his flexible state.

"With the white dwarf material as the basis, you can go back to the base of the puzzle and go to the laboratory to complete the next project ..."

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